Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Economics 247 Assignment 2 Version A Essay
Economics 247 Assignment 2 Version A This assignment has a maximum total of 100 marks and is worth 10% of your total grade for this course. You should complete it after completing your course work for Units 6 through 10. Answer each question clearly and concisely. 1. In perfect competition, one result of the model was that there were no economic profits in the long run. In a monopoly, the firm typically earns a positive economic profit. Why is there this difference? The lack of barriers to entry will allow competitors to enter the market unil economic profit is zero. These firms are price takers, and they cannot affect prices because their demand curve is horizontal.(4 marks) 2. Assume that a single firm in a pure competitive industry has a fixed cost of $6500 and variable costs as indicated in the table below. a. Calculate the TC, AFC, AVC, ATC, and MC columns for this firm. (5 marks) Total Output TVC TC AFC AVC ATC MC 00 0 600 70,000 1000 76000 1400 81000 1800 87000 2200 90000 2600 93000 2800 96000 3000 100000 3100 110000 b. Explain the concepts of economies and diseconomies of scale, and describe the underlying reasons why both occur. (4 marks) 3. At its current level of production, a profit-maximizing firm in a competitive market receives $12.50 for each unit it produces, and it faces an average total cost of $10. At the market price of $12.50 per unit, the firm’s marginal cost curve crosses the marginal revenue curve at an output level of 1000 units. What is the firm’s current profit? What is likely to occur in this market and why?(4 marks) P=12.5 TR=P*Q = 12.5 * 1’000 = 12’500 TC=ATC*Q = 10 * 1’000 = 10’000 Profit=TR-TC = 12’500 – 10’000 = +2’500 Profit is positive, but for perfectly competitive markets there will be no profits at all in the long-run, so in this markets new firms will enter market attracted by profits thus increasing market supply and reducing equilibrium price till it reaches close to P=$10, consequently leading to zero economic profits in long-run. For lower price this firm will be pressed to reduce output a bit for new P=MR=MC equilibrium. 4. a.Why would a firm in a perfectly competitive market always choose to set its price equal to the current market price? If a firm set its price below the current market price, what effect would this have on the market? (4 marks) The assumptions of perfect competition that matter here are that in perfect competition 1 every firm is so small compared to the market so as to have no effect on market price 2 everyone is aware of everybody’s price. Now if you set a price lower than the market, you are only cutting your nose to spite your face since you would sell as much as a higher price. (Remember, how much you produce is determined by your MC and the output level you produce at is the minimum MC). Cutting the price to sell more also costs more to produce; you are worse off. If you set a price higher than market, noone will buy from you. Explain how a firm in a competitive market identifies the profit-maximizing level of production. When should the firm raise production, and when should the firm lower production? In a perfectly competitive market, all firms are assumed to be very small compared to the market. Now the price is set at the market level, and as a small firm you take it as given; you couldn’t sell at a higher price since nobody would buy from you. Now in the long run, you should be at the minimum point of your cost curve, ensuring you make just normal profits. The price is your MR and at the minimum point of your AC curve your MC cuts it: MC=MR and AC=AR. If the market price is higher than this, new entrants will sniff the opportunity created by super normal profits and the market supply curve shifts right/up, reducing price until there are no more super ormal profits to be earned. If market price is lower, then firms are making losses, some exit and supply curve shifts left driving price up. In equilibrium, each firm is producing at the minmum point of the AC, where MC=MR=P. Hence the firm temporarily raises production when P>min AC and makes supernormal profits until new entrants drive price back down; or lowers production temporarily when P
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Redemption in the Kite Runner Essay
Throughout â€Å"The Kite Runner†Amir is portrayed as a boy who is always trying to make up or redeem himself for the mistakes he couldn’t control, or made. By Amir winning the tournament he tries to redeem himself since he believes he caused his mother’s death, but by redeeming himself for that he witnessed the mistake for not standing up for Hassan. After winning the tournament with the help of Hassan he redeems himself for his father. Amir is weak in Baba’s eyes, and thinks everything his son does is incorrect. Amir wants to be Baba’s favourite and for Baba to give him all of his attention, due to their expectations in one another. Baba is redeemed to his son after he wins and beats the record in the kite tournament. Amir risked his life by going back to Afghanistan. After leaving Afghanistan at the age of eighteen. Escaping inside the tank of a gas trunk, after the attack of Russians on Afghanistan. Amir had no reason to go back, until one day when Rahim Khan tells him about Hassan’s death. However the most shocking part of the letter concerns Hassan’s real father, which is Baba. Amir stands up for Sohrab by fighting Assef for him. When Amir returns to Afghanistan to find Sohrab proves to be the solution to his quilt towards Hassan, it also is the source of the redemption he so desperately wants to seek. He chose to find Sohrab and tries his hardest to give him a better life even if that does mean sacrificing his own safety. Therefor throughout â€Å"The Kite Runner†Amir is portrayed as a boy who is always trying to make up or redeem himself for the mistakes he made, but does redeem himself towards his father, Sohrab and especially Hassan. As Hassan’s and Amir’s father would say â€Å"a boy who can’t stand up for himself becomes a man who can’t stand up to anything†but Amir indicates he can stand up for himself.
Romeo and Juliet – Juliet, Film-Play Comparison
Explore the ways in which Romeo and Juliet are presented in this scene and elsewhere in Shakespeare’s play, and the performed versions. Shakespeare’s play ‘Romeo and Juliet’ is set in Verona. The feud between the Montague family and the Capulet family reaches a climax when Juliet’s cousin Tybalt, a Capulet, is killed by Romeo, a Montague. Romeo and Juliet are first seen as very different characters, but later in the play, we realise that these two characters are not as different as we thought. In Act 3 scene 5 of Shakespeare’s play ‘Romeo and Juliet’ the scene first starts with Romeo and Juliet in Juliet’s bed.They have just spent their first, and last night together. Romeo wakes and realises that he must leave, as he has been banished for killing Juliet’s cousin Tybalt. At the beginning of Shakespeare’s play, Juliet is presented as being intelligent, calm and obedient. â€Å"But no more deep will I endart mi ne eye- than you gives strength to make it fly†This shows that Juliet is obedient and that she is saying that she will not do anything without her mothers or fathers consent. This also shows that Juliet is very intelligent and also that she is an intelligent girl.Juliet, later on in the play shows her true self and becomes more exposed so that we can see her true personality. We see that she is very sharp and witty. She can take a joke from Romeo and return with a witty reply. This shows Juliet is more, relaxed and less timid and shy than the reader originally thought. Luhrmann’s version of the play ‘Romeo and Juliet’ is set in the 1990s, as a modern day version and instead of using swords, which they probably would have used in Shakespeare’s play, they used guns. Luhrmann’s version of the play is set in L.A and so he uses places such as Verona Beach in L. A to show the resemblance between Shakespeare’s play and his own version of the play. Act 1 scene 5 in Luhrmann’s film opens with Romeo and Juliet lying together in Juliet’s bed. In Luhrmann’s version of the play, Juliet, who was once portrayed as young, foolish child, is now seen as a mature, sensible young woman. Although this could be portrayed in correctly, because in Luhrmann’s version of the play in the background of Juliet’s room, are a shelf of dolls and toys.This shows, although Juliet has matured because she is with Romeo she is still a young child of a tender age of 13. The scene is a very intense scene which shows the love and passion that Romeo and Juliet have for each other. By using the sheets of Juliet’s bed they throw over the top of them, this creates the effect of the couple being in a fantasy world all of their own, unfazed by the fact that Romeo must leave. Everything bad seems to be forgotten. It is just Romeo and Juliet making the most of their time together. Reality finally hits them both, when t he nurse knocks on Juliet’s door.Juliet’s mother is on her way to Juliet’s room and at this point, Juliet begins to dress Romeo herself, she dresses him in a brightly coloured shirt and some dark trousers, and dresses herself in a plain white night dress, nearly reaching the floor. Juliet kisses Romeo good bye and sighs but knows that if her mother found out she has just spent the night with him she would surely kill them both. Romeo climbs down her balcony, and Juliet’s distraught, but she must let him go, she knows that if he does not leave the consequences would be worse, than banishment.Lady Capulet comes bursting in just as Romeo leaves. Juliet’s mother then tells her that she will marry Paris and she cannot believe what she is hearing. She is dedicated to Romeo and Refuses to marry Paris. Her mother gives her no choice and tells Juliet that she will disown her and she will be a disgrace to her and her family. Lady Capulet will not stand for i t, and tells Juliet that if she does not want to marry Paris she must discuss with her father. Lord Capulet enters the room, and Juliet tells him that she cannot marry Paris.Her father loses his temper and threatens Juliet. Zeffirelli’s version of the play Romeo and Juliet is very similar to Luhrmann’s but is filmed and set at an earlier time to when Luhrmann’s was set. This version of Romeo and Juliet is much older and sticks more what Shakespeare wrote instead of being a bit more adventurous like Luhrmann. In Zeffirelli’s version Juliet seems to be a little more immature than in Luhrmann’s play. She seems younger and not as sensible, but also seems just as obedient as she is in Luhrmann’s version.In this scene, it begins with Juliet persuading and convincing Romeo that it is not yet time for him to leave. ‘It was the nightingale and not the lark’ Juliet persuades Romeo that it is not yet morning by telling him that what he hea rd was the nightingale, which does not sing in the morning. Romeo insists that he it was the lark, and that he must leave. Juliet shows a passion and love for Romeo in this scene, showing that she doesn’t want him to leave. Juliet wanders how she will live without Romeo. She mourns over him once he is gone. She acts as though she cannot live without him.
Monday, July 29, 2019
Human Rights and Same-Sex Marriage Research Paper
Human Rights and Same-Sex Marriage - Research Paper Example In following this line of reasoning though, one may say that since it is a violation of the constitution to deny anyone of their civil rights, it is therefore unconstitutional to deny people should they want to enter into same-sex marriages. However, for one to claim violation, one must prove first that same-sex marriage is part of the protected rights of the Constitution. This paper aims to correct the presumption that same-sex marriages should be legalized because every individual should be allowed to marry. The truth is, marriage is set as heterosexual by nature, thus, marriage policy limiting the union to only between one man and one woman does not violate the Equal Protection Clause or any other legal or moral principle (Stacey 27). Law protects such union to ensure the continuation of species. The law was not placed there to protect the emotional wants of individuals. Simply put, there is no right to same-sex marriages, thus, homosexuals are not being denied of their right. In fact, if one looks at the natural needs of a child to be raised by both biological parents, the natural need of a man to be ensured of paternity, and the natural need of a woman to be with her child (Stacey 27-8), not legalizing same-sex marriages protects these natural rights. It is Not Included in One’s Civil Rights Civil law is one of the greatest contentions about marriage. Literally speaking, laws governing marriages has always been a concern of the state and not the federal government. In any case, however, it has been long ignored that marriage is actually an institutional union between one man and one woman (McVeigh and Maria-Elena 891-2). Those who argue that same-sex marriages should be considered a civil right and should be treated just like any heterosexual monogamous marriage are doing so based on the principle of the Equal Protection Clause. This is, however, a flawed argument. It is absolutely wrong to consider that one’s constitutional rights ensure equ al treatment that includes the aspect of marriage. One must understand that equal treatment, as according to the Constitution, does not give reference to social relationships such as families, marriages, friendships, and the likes (McVeigh and Maria-Elena 899). A good example of this is a relationship between two friends who decide to consider their relationship as marriage. Such consideration of the friends involved in the friendship cannot go to the courts and demand equal protection rights just because they finally decided to consider their friendship as marriage. To do so is tantamount to saying that just because some people in a certain sports event pray together before the start of the event, courts are required to work under the equal protection law and allow these particular sports event goers to redefine the event as a religious ceremony. Social Reality Cannot be Declared by the Constitution Social reality cannot be defined merely by civil rights. The equal protection under the civil rights is there only to guarantee that every citizen will be treated equally. This means that the law should start by acknowledging and segregating characteristics and inconsistencies in reality so as to bestow upon each party what is rightfully theirs (Bily 27-8). For example, the government recognizes a relationship between two contracting parties who agree to fulfill a transaction of mowing the lawn. However, the law governing the contracts does not define beforehand what kinds of contracts can be done or can be accepted. This law, instead, merely makes clear how binding a consensual contract is, and what legal obligations both agreeing parties have in fulfilling the contract. This law also clarifies the consequences should one or both parties breach stipulations in the contract
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Tax & Ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Tax & Ethics - Essay Example This paper will evaluate the role of companies, their professionals, and HM Revenue and Customs and will discuss whether ethical principles should be applied to the payment of tax. The four major sources used for drafting this paper are BBC, The Guardian, KPMG, and HMRC, because these sources were found potential for providing analytical information about the topic under consideration. However, only facts and figures have been mainly taken from such sources, for news reports tend to be biased depending on the reporters’ personal outlook. A BBC report dated on 21st November 2012 reflects that UK lost billions in lost revenues as a result of corporate tax avoidance by multinational corporations. The report points out that new tax avoidance schemes are emerging each year and the situation makes it difficult for HM Revenues and Customs (HMRC) to curb this issue. According to National Audit Office, taxation authorities identified nearly 2,300 avoidance schemes between 2004 and 2011 (ibid). Since the actual figures of tax avoidance are not available, the UK government cannot estimate the accurate amount of loss. It has been identified that specialist tax advisers suggest best tax avoidance schemes for their clients; and this practice significantly contributes to the issue. Recently, Margaret Hodge walloped the big four accounting firm for helping companies avoid corporate taxes (as cited in Toynbee 2011). According to another BBC report dated on 3rd December 2012, some leading multinational companies including Starbucks, Amazon, and Google were severely criticised by UK government authorities for paying little or no tax. The UK government officials point that it is unfair for these companies to practice different schemes to avoid corporate taxes despite the fact that their UK operations account for hundreds of millions of pounds (BBC 2012). UK Prime Minister David Cameron states that international co-operation is necessary to tackle this issue because some for ms of tax avoidance are very difficult to address (David Cameron). In order to publicly express UK’ stance on tax avoidance, the HM Revenue & Customs publicly named top tax dodgers for the first time (as cited in King). Reportedly, Starbucks, Google, and Amazon are the three major multinational corporations that have practiced schemes to avoid corporate taxes. In addition, small businesses including Cheshire wine merchant, Menemis, and Brian Clifford Tattersall were also criticised for tax avoidance. Yet another BBC report says that Starbucks sold goods worth ?400m in UK in 2001 but paid nothing in corporate taxes (BBC news Business 2012). Starbucks managed to avoid corporate taxes by transferring some of its funds to a sister company in the form of royalty payments, buying coffee beans from Switzerland, and paying high interests rates other parts of the business in the account of borrowing (ibid). Similarly, on the strength of some well structured schemes, Google also notabl y reduced the amount paid in corporate taxes. As per reports, Google could trim down its tax bill by approximately $1bn a year by transferring profits to subsidiaries having low tax rates (O’Carroll 2011). A subsidiary located in Bermuda assisted Google to save nearly $3.1bn over a period of three years because corporate tax rate is zero in Bermuda (ibid). In response to this criticism, a Google spokesperson said: â€Å"we have an obligation to our shareholders to set up a tax-efficient
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Film theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Film theory - Essay Example According to the research findings one of seminal theorist Andre Bazin’s arguments was that the film strategies of montage versus mise-en-scene were more than mere formal strategies, but choices that were connected to the viewer’s agency to interpret the images presented. In understanding Bazin’s argument one must understand his perspective on the meaning of art. In these regards, Bazin notes that with the advent of advanced representational painting societies no longer felt the need to preserve aspects of their existence in a way similar to the Egyptian tombs. This insight leads him to consider that art functions primarily as a representation of reality. He even notes that, â€Å"the cinema is objectivity in time†. This means that the cinema itself not an artificial form, but the objective capture of reality in real-time. For Bazin, film is further divided between montage and more static mise-en-scene tendencies. Bazin recognizes that with the development of film, increasing formal language elements have emerged in the form of montage. One filmmaker that Bazin celebrates is Sondheim. Bazin states that Sondheim, â€Å"rejects photographic expressionism and the tricks of montage†and that, â€Å"In his films reality lays itself bare†. Essentially Bazin recognizes that while montage constitutes a more formal film language, such an evolution is ill-suited to the true meaning of film. For Bazin, deep-focus then becomes the highest form of filmic explication as it eschews formalist interference for what he believes is the unencumbered expression of reality. While exploring many of the same foundational elements regarding the objective of filmmaking as Bazin, Kracauer discussed realistic versus formative filmic tendencies and theorized their most effective uses. Kracauer traces the roots of the realist and formalist divide in the very earliest silent film productions. He argues that the Lumiere films, with their direct depict ions of daily life, represent the realistic tendency in film. While Kracauer doesn’t openly deride the Lumiere films, he attributes their eminence not to artistic legitimacy, but instead to the newness of the medium. Conversely, for Kracauer Melies represents the formative tendency of the film medium. While Bazin and Kracauer agree regarding the division between realist and formalist tendencies, they disagree as to their aesthetic merit. While Bazin idealizes realism, Kracauer embraces formalism as the next step in the evolution of film. Kracauer notes, â€Å"Imagine a film which†¦records interesting aspects of physical reality but does so in a technically imperfect manner†¦such a film is more specifically a film than one which utilizes brilliantly all the cinematic devices†¦to produce a statement disregarding camera reality†(Kracauer, p. 145). In these regards, Kracauer agrees with Bazin that film should remain true to camera reality, but indicates tha t the formal elements of film editing can contribute to this reality when unnoticed. This is contrasted with Bazin who foregrounded deep focus as the highest form of film technique. A notable insight regarding Kracauer is that he is not simply in favor of technical wizardry, but believes film technique must conform to camera reality.
Friday, July 26, 2019
Strategy Required to Improve Project Management Outcomes - Approved Case Study
Strategy Required to Improve Project Management Outcomes - Approved projects align with corporate strategy - Case Study Example It is very clear from the internal memorandum sent by the chairman to the senior project manager wherein he has shared his concern over declining number of such projects delivered in right time and budget although the project managers are capable of technical knowhow and follow principles based management practices. Let’s hope that ideas offered by all of us on how to implement latest project management principles and processes to better manage time and cost factors could help the our organization. Our objective is to provide inputs on effectively managing new projects through our individual ideas on why project success rate is falling down while keeping the principles of project management in view. The past experience in project management has not been remarkable. That’s why opinions of the team members have been sought by the chairman. Actually, the company is lagging behind the goals earmarked. It was expected by the top management that with the given expertise and technical hold, we will enter the global market very soon but overseas projects taken so far have not helped us in capturing foreign market; the gap between the goals and outcomes is widening. Our aim is to rework on current management theory to see that approved projects align with our organization’s strategy. Accountability needs to be determined so that in case a project fails, responsibility is fixed. A number of factors determine the success of a project. Sometimes, it is seen that dedicated support for the project is not provided by the senior members of the board. Without overall and individual level support by top brass of the organization, project starts staggering. When the project reaches certain stage, another urgent project comes by for getting attention of the project team as it has to be completed before the ongoing project. The role of the senior management becomes very crucial in the organization
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Public Relations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 3
Public Relations - Essay Example Next, the media channels have to be meaningful. 3rd, the media channels have to be memorable. 4th, the media channels have to be understandable. 5th, the media channels have to be believable (164). The components of how audiences receive the messages and process them are very recognizable. First, the audiences receive the messages in various forms. Next, the basic data is transmitted to the audiences in its original state or form. 3rd, the message is often filtered by journalists, editors, bloggers, and other persons; the message remains intact when received by the intended person. 4th, the audience retains the incoming messages and validates them to be either valid. 5th, the audience believes, accepts, and implements the message received. 5th, majority of the audiences change their behavior in response to the incoming messages (165). Based on Figure 7.1 on page 166, there are five public relations perspective variables in Chapter 7 that refers to communication or transmittal of the plan in paragraph form; the same variables are essential to the professionals in communication. First, the communicator must focus on community relations. Next, the communicator should focus on media relationship. 3rd, the communicator should focus on consultant relations. 4th the communicator should focus on investor communications tor communication. Lastly, all persons must equally give enough time on employee and management communication. The topic is very important because complying with the tenets of the media story gatherers (166). Based on the above discussion, each person has his or her own interpretations when an incoming message is received. Media display can make or break a person. The components are necessary parts that will increase clarity of the media message. The characteristics are important in terms of ensuring the original message is received in its unadulterated period. The public relations perspective variables
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Summarize Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Summarize - Essay Example m 1960 to 1990 fuelled by donors’ emphasis on basic education, there has been little or no response of economic growth to this educational explosion. This in part, is due to the lack of association between growth in schooling and GDP growth as has been noted in several studies. There is a negative and insignificant relationship evident in the comparison drawn between Asia and Africa. Also, a similar study found that there is no relationship between growth in years of schooling and per capital GDP growth. Another study found that disparity in growth across nations have little to do with variations in human capital growth. To mention but three. Although physical capital and human capital growth may have failed to explain variations in growth, some economists assert that physical capital and human capital can explain the large international variations in income. Such was the endeavor of Gregory Mankiw who points out that â€Å"income in the long run in the Solow model is determined by saving in the form of physical capital and by saving in the form of human capital.†To reconcile his position with the nonrelation of growth in output to growth in human capital, Mankiw ties up some loose ends: in the Solow framework (as applied to poor countries) by adding human capital; of the slow growth of poor countries by holding that once capital accumulation and education are controlled for, poor countries did tend to grow fast; and of the lack of capital flow to poor countries by supposing that physical capital as opposed to human capital could move across countries. Easterly identifies three problems with Mankiw’s relationship between secondary enrollement (which he uses as his measure of human capital saving) and income. Firstly, secondary education is not a sufficient measure of educational accumulation so that Mankiw overstated the variation of education in general by a narrowed concentration on it alone. Secondly, to â€Å"assume that capital flow would equalize rates of
Writing a paper regarding the movie Miss Representation Essay
Writing a paper regarding the movie Miss Representation - Essay Example The media is evolving in the way it portrays women for the past few years however it is quite intriguing that it is not completely evolved. Women still play the roles of being sexual objects; little emphasis is made on their educational achievements and careers. However there are few films in the media which try to show women with strong personalities, depicting them as intellectual, self-reliable, unswerving and sincere. However still many images in the media today emphasizes on the traditional woman representation of being emotional, inactive and reliant. Research studies have revealed that may children especially in the adolescent stage heavily rely on the social media to supplement information needs. This really underscores the effectiveness of media in instilling appropriate moral conducts to the children. They follow whatever the media deems good or bad (Lauzen, 1999). It is quite disappointing that women in reality as shown through the media don’t usually support their fellow women who aspire to take up leadership positions. Even though we know that women hold the largest numbers of the electorate. This revelation raises a troubling question; why women still transmit this misconception? This is a shortcoming in the campaign against feminism as revealed in the documentary. There is wide campaign to educate people about the problems that women are experiencing. The irony is that women themselves tend to aggravate the situation instead of improving it. Little is done to help them derive mechanisms of reducing these stereotypic images. Possessing the knowledge alone is not adequate. As Katie Couric reveals that maybe she has been a source of perpetuating the misrepresentation of women in the media through her wearing of short skirts and a revealing blouse during her presentation of various television news programs.
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
NO TOPIC Discussion Questions Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
NO TOPIC Discussion Questions - Research Paper Example He also lost the salary that he could have earned ($120,000) had he chose to stayed in his previous work. Since he was in Africa for two years, he lost $240,000 ($120,000 x 2 years) plus $150,000 savings. In addition he also lost the opportunity to receive additional salary through annual increase and the interest earned by his $150,000 had he invested it somewhere else. Assuming that his annual increase is 5% and the interest income of his $150,000 savings is 10%, his total opportunity cost for his failed venture in Africa are the following Marginal Cost is the additional cost that will be incurred in adding one more unit of an item which in this case is one more ECO/561 class. In the same vein, Marginal Revenue is the additional revenue that will be generated by adding one more ECO/561 class. The increase or decrease in the total cost of a production run for making one additional unit of an item. It is computed in situations where the breakeven point has been reached: the fixed costs have already been absorbed by the already produced items and only the direct (variable) costs have to be accounted for. Q#3- Scenario - Assume you are a new analyst hired by UOP. The Admissions Director (AD) wants to determine the optimum number of students for each ECO561 class. You are provided with the following data Opportunity costs are those values foregone by choosing another course of action. In my case, my opportunity cost is the salary foregone when I decided to take the course. Along the way, I have to make time to attend class and do my homework which I could have spent working and make money. Opportunity costs are always considered in evaluating strategic opportunities. By quantifying the opportunity cost, or the costs that will be given up by choosing specific alternative, we are able to quantify the costs associated in choosing a specific strategy. This way, we can determine which course of
Monday, July 22, 2019
Reinhard Heydrich Essay Example for Free
Reinhard Heydrich Essay When we remember or hear of the holocaust, the common names that follow , Anne Frank, Oscar Shinler, Hitler and so on, but has anyone hare Hitlereard of Reinhard Heitritch? Reinhard Heitritch is a man who played a very large role in the developement of the holocaust, he was the achitect who implemented the solution to the Jewish Question. He started out by joining the SS in 1931, and formed an organization for gathering information, the SD (Sicherheitsdienst), or SS Security Service. This organization was created to organize and gather information on those who were any threat to Hitler and all members of the Nazi Party as well. It started out small, with a single typewriter but it was not long before many others joined and expanded onto the organization. Because of the SD or SS security Service and its success, ReinHard Heydrich was sent the direction of his own personal success, power, and role in the hollocaust. From joining the SS as an ordinary SS member, to being promoted as SS Major by Dec. 1931 (the same year he joined), SS Colonel in 1932, and SS Brigadier General in 1933. In this highest position, Heydrich was now arresting, instead of gathering information on those who were any threat to Hitler. The number of people Reinhard Heydrich arrested was massive and lead to many being put into Dachau for there was no room left in the prisons. In between the arrests, Heydrich began using greater punishment to anyone against Nazism. Such as murdering and torturing suspect who he selected without careful judgement. As his power increased, along with the power of the Nazis, so did the darkness inside of him as a Nazi. Reinhard Heydrich had slowly become more and more involved in the developement of the first steps of the hollocaust, and also the seconf world war. As the Nazis took over Austria in March 1938, Heydrich opened an office there for Jewish Emigration. Its purpose was to give permits to Jews who wanted to leave Austria, and an estimate of 100, 000 emigrated. Reinhard Heydrich had also been part of Kristallnacht, what some say was the very start of the hollocaust. After the attack of the jews, 25, 000 Jewish men were ordered by Heydrich to be sent to concentration camps In 1941, Reinhard Heydrich had made the calls that killed a massive number of people. The half a million jews who died from starvation and murder in Ghettos such as Warsaw and Krakow were ordered by Heydrich to be sent there. By 1939, he was given complete control over the Reich Main Security Office (RSHA). This final group hed gained power over, involving the SD, Criminal Police and Gestapo was the group responsible for the unthinkable amount of deaths in Europe. While leader of this organization, hed now been attending important Nazi conferences. While at a conference on January, 20, 1942, Reinhard Heydrich declared the final solution to the Jewish question The usage of Zyklon-B had then been decided for the extermination of Jews at death camps after being deported to the east. The first camp that this methode began at was Auschwitz, where three million had been killed, most from gas chambers. That was Reinhard Heydrichs rise to power, his role and impact on the developement on the holocaust. Froming joining the SS to announcing the final solution at a Conference, its absolutely scary how simple it was for a man to reach the positions he did, and leave such an inconceivable mark in the history of the world. What is also just as terrifying and inconceivable is that Reinhard Heydrich also had a family that he loved very much and he played a very peaceful instrument. When learning that Heydrich had a gentle, innocent and loving side to him outside of his work, its very difficult to think he had it, while knowing what this man did. This is why i created this model, to demonstrate the two opposite sides to him, and my wonder (Like Mr. Jarvis talked about before) how he could switch his mind and heart when coming home to a normal life with his family, after designing a plan to kill an unthinkable amount of people. People who could have been almost identical to the people he loved at home. At the back, this is a picture of the car hed been assassinated in. The constant power hed been gaining along the way to the position where he declared the final solution, made him over confident, arrogant and stubborn. He one day decided to leave his house in his car without any security, and was assassinated by Czech underground agents who threw a bomb at his car. The bomb injured him badly and he died days later in the hospital from blood poisoning, he died on June 4 1942.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Relationship between Organizational Learning and HRM
Relationship between Organizational Learning and HRM Both organizational learning and human resource management (HRM) have been studied more recently because of their important role in improving organizational performance and as a source of competitive advantage which is probably the most significant for organizations to achieve sustainable development in the changing economic environment. With the frequent application of the concepts and theories of organizational learning and HRM in the organizational operation management and practice, a wide range of literatures have focused on these two disciplines and find that a proper combination of the two has a positive influence on organizational performance. Thus this essay is to explore and analyse the relationship between organizational learning and HRM and their impact on organizational performance. It will explain the key concepts and theories used in these two disciplines including definitions and discuss how learning and HR practice affect each other further to organizational performan ce. Firstly, this essay will introduce organizational learning concepts, learning organization, levels and types of learning. Then, it will demonstrate and discuss the reasons and the ways of a combination of organizational learning and HR practice including recruitment and selection, human resource development (HRD), reward and employee relations in the improvement of organizational performance. Organizational Learning Organisational learning has become a field with rapid growth and receives more and more attention of researchers now. It has been defined from many perspectives by scholars. According to the definition given by Garvin (1993), organizational learning is like an organization which does well in generating, getting and shifting knowledge and in action correction of staff in order to have reaction on new information and views. However, learning has been recognized as both the knowledge itself and the process of getting it by Argyris and Schon (1996) who defined organizational learning as the action of organizations obtaining various information including knowledge, methods, ideas and news through any ways with a more macro perspective. Many researchers propose that resultful organizational learning plays a significant role in improving organization commitment and realizing and keeping competition advantage (Shipton et al, 2002). Organisational learning is the courses in which an organization deals with information to improve its latent capacity while obtaining beneficial knowledge (Huber, 1991). In the similar way, organizational learning is defined as a process that the employees learn to change and enhance their behaviour through the cycle of absorption of new knowledge and technique and critical knowledge accumulation and development in order to achieve organization value creation and increase (Patricia, 2002). This essay will define organizational learning as a process in which organisational performance can be improved by managers through the advancement of learning ability of staff step by step on the basis of focusing on its significant role in organisational performance (Jones, 2000). Learning Organization In the study of organizational learning, the concept of learning organization has been defined in different ways. In Senges (1990) eye, learning organization is an organization which has the ability to carry out adaptive learning and generative learning for a flexible development. According to Senge, detectable features of learning organization are unclear in definition instead of identifying the necessary rules of how to create a learning organization (Yang, et al, 2004). From a strategic view, a learning organization has been defined as an organization skilled at creating, acquiring, and transferring knowledge, and at modifying its behaviour to reflect new knowledge and insights (Garvin, 1993, pp.80). In these different definitions of learning organization, we could find some features in common. First, organizations have the ability to learn like people and it is known that this capability is the most significant advantage for organization in competition in long term (Yang, et al, 2004). The second feature of a learning organization might be different levels of organizations such as individual, group or team and organization have their own characteristics (Yang, et al, 2004). Organizational learning and learning organization are related but different. The concept of the learning organization usually means organizations with the features of ever-lasting ability to learn and strong ability of adaptation. In comparison, organizational learning refers to a collection of experiences of learning for studying new knowledge and enhancing ability (Yang, et al, 2004). Three-Learning Loop Theory Three-learning loop theory (Argyris and Schon, 1978) is the most important theory in the study of individual learning. As an important part of a successful organization, individual learning has been widely discussed in the area of organizational learning. As stated by Chang and Lee (2007), the dynamic of development is learning and the power of organizational development is individual level learning. First is the single-loop learning that refers to instrumental learning that changes strategies of action or assumptions underlying strategies in ways that leave the values of a theory of action unchanged (Argyris and Schon, 1996, pp.20). In this situation of learning, a single feed-back loop caused by an investigation followed by error detection is a result of unusual phenomenon according to the definite strategies of organization in order to control the operation in the norms of organization (Argyris and Schon, 1996). When this situation happens, the employees who have learnt the theory-in-use of the organization will carry out this kind of approach to solve problems due to their previous learning and feedback confirmed by managers that it is proper according to the organisational norms (Yeow, 2009). Next is the double-loop learning refers to a learning that cause the value of theory-in-use, strategies and thoughts of organizations changed (Argyris and Schon, 1996). Double-loop lear ning happens when the employees evaluate the previous strategies on the products, services, customers and norms (Yeow, 2009). Deutero-learning is the third learning approach focusing on previous study process includes failure (Yeow, 2009). Human Resource Management Human resource management is a discipline comprises a broad range of theories and concepts. In other words, it is a subject of all human things focusing on recruitment of, management of, and providing direction for the people who work in the organization. From the perspective of organization, human resource emphasizes on the abilities, skills and knowledge that are benefit for the organizations of their employees (Price, 2007). The relationship of organizational learning, human resource management and organizational performance Facing the fierce competition in the society, organizations have been aware of the importance of capability of learning and creativity of employees and the whole organization in maintaining the sustainable success (Ulrich et al., 1993). Types of learning and Human Resource Management As for organizations, especially for learning organizations, improving adaptive learning and single-loop learning is only the first level and generative learning and double-loop learning are the key (Senge, 1990). Generative learning could improve the ability of creativity of employees and organizations for the development (Kaynak et al, 1998). When identifying and dealing with problems, generative learning put a focus on ever lasting practice and feedback in the consideration of the situation of organizations (Rouse and Boff, 2005). Focusing on creativity is the nature of generative learning, so systemic thinking, shared vision, personal mastery, team learning and creative tension are involved between the vision and reality (Rouse and Boff, 2005). Take a brief look at the responsibilities of human resource management, comprehensive employee recruitment and selection procedures are one of the most important parts in human resource management (Davenport, 2000). In addition, a determin ing factor of the effectiveness of organizational learning is the quality of their employee (Davenport, 2000). Therefore, one aspect of link of human resource management and organizational learning is the practice of employee selection and recruitment. The implication of this link is best fit employees could be benefit for generating valuable knowledge and assumptions and improving the whole organizational performance further (Kaynak et al, 1998). In other words, organizational learning will improve the value of the most important asset of people. This is one of the reasons that why people apply organizational learning into human resource management. In addition, as discussed above, generative learning help employees improve their ability to solve problems in working process with a creative perspective which is very important in either lower level of staff or higher decision making level such as line managers and top managers and the future of organizations (Kaynak et al, 1998). Thirdly, the outcome of application the theories of double-loop learning and generative learning is to set up a cor porate culture which holds the features of knowledge shared and creative atmosphere gradually. In return, the strategy of human resource management such as employees selection, employment relationship and commitment will be improved as well (Ulrich et al., 1993). The key step of achieve the improvement of organizational performance is to apply the organizational learning theory into the human resource management practice. According to the five features of generative learning, systemic thinking, shared vision, personal mastery, team learning and creative tension. In preparation, the recruitment strategy should be designed with the aim of selecting the fit employees who have the nature or personality of easy to be trained as the members of accepting the corporate culture with creativity and flexibility (Davenport, 2000). It is known that training is also one of the most important human resource practices in the process of organizational learning (Ulrich et al., 1993). In the study of this area, some changes happened to the role of individuals (Perez et al, 2006). As a result, training could be one effective and efficient tool for the application of organizational learning framework. In the process of training, individuals become more important and active in order to achieve the objects of organizations (Perez et al, 2006). The ability of dealing with internal and external information and useful organizational knowledge has become the importance of training (Perez et al, 2006). On the basis of this kind of training, information and knowledge should be treated as a shared vision in order to make sure that everyone who is eager to learn has the newest knowledge in the organization. Just as Kamoche and Mueller (1998) noted that the corporate culture of commitment and trust to learning colleagues and organization should be trained and developed in the process of training. The employees and managers should be taught and learn to be familiar with what the whole working procedures like and how the knowledge and information management system is linked to the values of organization during the process of training (Perez et al, 2006). Moreover, this kind of training would help the new employees get a clear understanding of the companys mission and values and the old employees to get a deeper realization of the organizations developing direction so as to make sure a better direction and result for the learning processes involving acquisition, distribution, interpretation and organizational memory (Perez et al, 2006). At the same time, through using a common style of language and a shared vision, communication and trust among employees might be easy to set up through the strategic training as a basic way (Perez et al, 2006). For one thing, in order to avoid the static of the knowledge belonging to the organizational rules and corporate culture and to help to develop a common understanding, the designs of these training procedures help to share all the knowledge and information (Ulrich et al., 1993). For another thing, they are benefit for the acquisition of information and continuous update of new knowledge and skills, enhancing the extent of openness to new knowledge (Garvin, 1993). What training achieves is to improve flexibility, to make a contribution to promote critical knowledge and to react to competitive advantages (Ulrich et al., 1993). Learning levels and human resource management In order to achieve the goal of improving organizational performance and keeping competitive advantage, managers should get a clear understanding of the function of a combination of the implement of organizational learning and human resource management in organizations. Adapting organizational learning to the operations of organizations is the only way to keep organizations in the state of high efficiency, competitive strength and win (Senge, 1990; Deevy, 1995). Many of the best human resource management practices have a positive effect on enhancing organizational performance for organizations (Marchinton and Wilkinson, 2006). Some researches have shown that a variety of human resource management practices could enhance motivation and commitment of organization (Theriou and Chatzoglou, 2007). In general, three important natures can be identified from the literature which are enhancement of individual learning, where organizational learning begins from the employee working in the organisation, engaging team learning, where knowledge is gathered through employee interactions and learning from each other, and organisational learning practices, where tacit knowledge is procedurally and systematically acquired and transformed into explicit forms and become organisational knowledge which are assessable by employees or approved parties. For the purpose of this study, the three attributes of organizational learning have been identified as contributing factors toward performance. Conclusions In conclusion, this essay shows that organizational learning and human resource management are interdependent and interactive in the practice of performance management. Through the discussion on the reasons and the ways of that organizational learning could be applied to human resource management. This essay finds that there is a positive relationship in the two disciplines in achieving the improvement of organizational performance. In order to keep the sustainable development of organizations, managers should carry out the strategy of a combination of organizational learning theories and framework and best human resource management practice. This essay might contribute some ideas of the specific pattern of the combination of the theories and frameworks of these two disciplines to the study of the application of organizational learning to human resource management. With the further development of organizational learning, the application could be used widely and deeply. This essay will suggest that although organizational learning develops on the basis of human resource management, however, organizational learning and human resource management could not be treated separately because of the interdependence and interaction of these two disciplines. Considering the importance of learning, organizational learning theories were expected to further development. Accounting, Management and Information Technologies Volume 5, Issue 1, January-March 1995, Pages 61-77
United States Economic Interest in South Asia
United States Economic Interest in South Asia After the Cold War, US emerged as the sole super power in the world. It started establishing military bases in all regions around the world. Central Asia, South Asia, Middle East and East Asia are the regions which have their own peculiarities. South Asia due to its presence along Indian Ocean, proximity to oil rich Central Asian States, nuclear rivalry between India and Pakistan and its neighbourhood with Afghanistan; has peculiarities and strategic importance which US could not ignore. Resultantly, especially after 9/11, US entered this region in the garb of war on terrorism and engaged both Pakistan and India in strong strategic relationship. Emergence of China and India in the region as economic powers has attracted the world powers. This paper will endeavour to highlight US economic interest in this region to gain hegemony in the Indian Ocean, maintain presence in oil rich central Asia, check Chinese influence in South and Central Asia and Indian Ocean, continue its war on terrorism in Afghanistan and bring political stability, control flow of oil from Persian Gulf, and gain control of Sea Line of Communications in the Indian Ocean. After identifying and analysing US economic interests in particular, certain recommendations would be proffered for South Asian countries so that we should not fall prey to the great game of the super power. Problem Statement Economic affairs have assumed a greater importance under the prevalent environments of uni-polar world, where major powers are looking for new markets. South Asia is one of the biggest and most lucrative consumer markets. Emerging economies of India and China has given special status to this region. Resultantly, US economic interests in the region have increased its manifold. Foregoing in view, carry out an in depth study of US economic interest in South Asia, its implications for the region and suggest recommendations for regional nations to safe guard their economic interests. Background Economic globalization involves arguably the most fundamental redesign and centralization of the planetà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s political and economic arrangements since the Industrial Revolution. Despite the scale of the global reordering, neither our educational institutions nor the mass media have made credible effort to describe what is being formulated, to explain its root philosophies or to explore the multidimensionality of its effect on out society and economy. The occasional descriptions or predictions about the global economy and scarcely the US interests highlighted have found place in the media. Hissing sound is heard from corporate leaders, their allies in high levels of government and newly powerful centralized global trade bureaucracy. The vision they offer us area unfailingly positive, even utopian. Globalization i.e by increasing US ingress in our economy will remain to be a panacea for all our ills. Sri Lanka like the other third world countries confronts a major dilemma today regarding its deplorable economic conditions internally and trying to keep her relevance in the charging economic climate of South Asia. Growing US interest in the region is in fact the food for thought for Sri Lankan think tanks. Purpose of Study The growing US interest in India is to be viewed deliberately and at the same time its effect. Thus clear shift from Geo political/ strategic to Geo economic is visible on the map of South Asia. Study thus seeks to analyze the affect of growing US interests in the region and Sri Lankan stance being relevant to the changing US economic interests in South Asia. chapter two Significance of the Study In todayà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s world, power is not only depending on a countryà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s might in her Military. The economic stability and sustainability also plays a magnificent role. Ità ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s vitally important not only for the countriesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ who are big in population or in geographical area, but in those countries who are small in size of land in terms of population. The geographic location where the country lies does play no lesser degree. The research topic revolves around the poorest regions in the world and has millions of middle-class citizens. Plagued by low levels of literacy, ità ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s nonetheless produces distinguished scientists, artists and professionals. Contains an awesome and bewildering diversity of languages, religions and ethnicities, but is remarkably cohesive in terms of physical environment and natural resources. The countries share rivers, mountains systems, oceans and ecological cycles such as the life-sustaining monsoon rains. The states of the region have their share of disputes, along with deeply shared cultures and history. The prospect of a new departure in South Asia à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" US relations must be set against a past often burdened by mistrust and sharply different objectives. During most of the post à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" World War II period, US ties with India and Pakistan, the regionà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s two powers, vacillated between close embrace and uneasy distance. The US interest in the region has risen and fallen; same has been viewed with a new dimension i.e the economic dimension of the US in the South Asian region. Before taking any further into the methodology and the problem statement it is worth mentioning the US economic interest in South Asian Countries specific. Afghanistan Present Aims Of US. In Afghanistan effort to transform what had become one of the worldà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s principal sources of instability into a secure and prosperous country. Steps which full fill the Geo Political aims of US are:- à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“Rebuilding of the country and the society. Loya Jirga has been institutionalized. Rebuilding the countryà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s infrastructure, education, health systems and security forces. Forward-looking economic policies. US has already provided over $2 billion in assistance to Afghanistan and will be providing an additional $2.2 billion more during this year. Training Afghan army, police forces; US and other allies are also building a network of Provincial Reconstruction Teams to help provide local security and coordinate development and reconstruction while easing the transition to civilian rule. Efforts to disarm and demobilize militias [1] . Bangladesh Back Ground. US and Bangladesh have been close friends and partners since 1971. Today the stakes are great; experts estimate that by the year 2025, there will be over 200 million people in Bangladesh and over 25 million people in Dhaka alone. Thus demographic challenges are of a great concern to a developing nation. US Investment and Concerns. At $1.3 billion, the US is Bangladeshà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s biggest foreign investor. The concerns of US while investing are:- Privatization, export diversification, deregulation, financial sector reform, and major infrastructure investments are essential to reverse the declining foreign investment trends and achieve steady economic growth. Corruption and poor governance. US has increased its assistance to Bangladesh for promoting democracy and good governance and combating corruption to over $8 million in Fiscal Year 2006. The hub of Population remains an attraction with availability of cheap and technical labor. As per Vishal, USA à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“Bangladesh can seek a lot tech help from bigger partner USA and in turn send technical man power to the Statesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬? [2] . à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“Bangladesh is sitting virtually on oilà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬? [3] . Bangladesh Interests. Few of the analysts believe the US Presidents one day visit to the country is extremely important with the oil and gas reserves likely to be tapped. Bangladesh interests remain with US as:- à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“Aid oriented with investment in basic infrastructure. Human resource developmentà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬?. China [4] . Chinas entry into the WTO, makes the deal sound like a sure-fire winner for US workers. In particular, the deals supporters argue that expanded trade relations with China will lead solely to more exports to China. A closer look at the US governments own data reveals following:- China trade agreement under WTO and with US will be of greater capital mobility into China. US multinationals eager to deliver goods and services to the Chinese market as 1.1 Billion population market. Produce goods cheaply that can then be exported to the US and other markets. Results Growing US trade deficit with China. Growth of US multinationals and direct foreign investment i.e 10% increase in US direct investment in China. 7.3% increase in the volume of imports from China and a 2.1% decline of US exports to China. Surge of investment by US firms in China and the US trade deficit with China. Import competition from China involves different industries than in the past. Job losses seen by analysts in US markets; thus a technological shift to the populous pole of the world. India Indo-US Relations Since 1991. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“India and the US have multi faceted relations ranging from political, strategic to economic and commercial. India-US economic relations in the form of bilateral investments and trade constitute important elements in India-US bilateral relations particularly because India is now the second fastest growing economy in the world and USA is the worldà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s largest economy. Economic Reforms introduced since 1991 have radically changed the course of the Indian economy and led to its gradual integration with the global economy. Benefits of the reform process are:- Better growth rates, higher investment and trade flows and accelerated decline in income poverty. USA is the largest investing country in India in terms of FDI approvals, actual inflows and portfolio investment. US investments cover almost every sector in India, which is open for private participants. Indiaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s investments in USA are picking up. USA is also Indiaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s largest trading partner. By 2003, India became the 24th largest export destination for the US. Since 2000, the two countries have been making efforts to strengthen institutional structure of bilateral economic relations by means of the à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“India-US Economic Dialogueà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬? that aims at deepening the Indo-American partnership through regular dialogue and engagementà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬? [5] . The Strategic Economic Dimension of the US-India Relationship. India-US relations have seen a remarkable transformation over the last decade. The recent bilateral visit of Prime Minister to Washington from November 22-26, 2009 as the first State Guest of President Barack Obama has reaffirmed the global strategic partnership between India and the United States. The two leaders have reaffirmed that the common ideals and complementary strengths of India and the United States provide a foundation for addressing the global challenges of the 21st century and resolved to build on these to expand the U.S.-India global partnership for mutual benefit. It emanates from reformed and global Indian economy. Key contributors so as the US takes full advantage are [6] :- Economy. US and India are expanding cooperation to enhance job creation and economic growth; support economic reforms and liberalization; develop a bilateral business climate supportive of trade and investment; and improve market access for goods and services. Trade. Over the last five years, US exports to India have more than doubled, helping to create better-paying jobs in the US. The US and India agree that trade is essential to promoting global economic growth, development, freedom, and prosperity. Both countries are committed to completing the WTO Doha Development Agenda before the end of 2006. Investment. The US and India have agreed to hold a high-level public-private investment summit in 2006 and are continuing the dialogue on further liberalization of investment restrictions, regulatory transparency, dispute settlement, reducing tariff and non-tariff barriers to trade. Agriculture. The US and India have launched the Knowledge Initiative on agriculture to link universities, technical institutions, businesses to support high-priority joint agriculture education, research, capacity-building projects and biotechnology. The joint declaration made in New Delhi during President Clintonà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s visit i.e. India-US Relations: A Vision for the 21st century incorporates two important statements- à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"Natural partnership of shared endeavoursà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ and more importantly that In many ways the character of the 21st century will depend on the success of our cooperation for peace, prosperity and democracy and freedom. Peace, prosperity, democracy and freedom cannot be secured by rhetoric, as has been the Indian experience. These can only be secured by rhetoric, as has been the Indian experience. These can only be achieved through politico-strategic initiatives with the strategic predominating. The Vision of India-US relations, jointl y seen, should therefore, logically incorporate the development of a strategic partnership, prompted by the imperatives discussed about. President Clintonà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s visit to India, it is hoped heralds the advent of the inevitable. [7] . Importance of Indian American Joint Venture. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“Today, Indian-American and Indian investors enjoy a very influential presence in Washington, key areas being:- Wall Street/Media. Some 2 million people of Indian origin are in the US wall street/media business. Indian Students In US. There are over 85,000 Indian students in the US more than from China. Benefits To Indian Populous. US trade and investment with India is only 10 percent of what it is with China, this is changing à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" to the benefit of Americans and Indians through increased opportunities in India for American trade and investment. Polls in India show a notable 75 percent favorable view of the US. Out Sourcing. While outsourcing has become a controversial issue, the US actually enjoys a healthy surplus in trade in services with India. In 2004, US exported $4.6 billion worth of services to India, a surplus of $1.8 billion. Trade Growth. $16 billion in two-way trade in 1998, US-India trade has grown to $26 billion in 2005 US exports, now at approximately $8 billion, grew almost 30 percent last year and is expected to continue further. Strategic Sale Agreements. Boeing has sold almost $15 billion in new aircraft to India and two US airlines have opened non-stop routes to India. Airport privatization is underway and the air transport market has grown by close to 40 percent in the past year. Indiaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s Energy Needs. India is a nation of 1.1 billion people. With its rapid economic expansion, it has a massive and rapidly growing appetite for energy and is already the worlds sixth largest consumer of energy. US-India Energy Dialogue, aimed at strengthening energy security and promoting the development of stable and efficient markets in India. US India Civil Nuclear Cooperation Initiative. Civil nuclear cooperation with India will elevate the US-India relationship to new heights [8] . The IT Sector Of India. This sector has its following linkage with the growing US interests:- Compounded Growth. 50 percent since 1991. Soft Ware Requirements. Today, nearly two in five of the fortune 500 companies outsource their IT requirements to India. IT Sector Collaboration. Especially, in areas like:- à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“Communication infrastructure. Optic fiber cable and gateways. Satellite-based communication wireless. IT-enabled services and IT enable education. Data centers, server farms and software developmentà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬? [9] . Future Prospects in Economic Investment. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“There are several areas where economic cooperation between India and the US can progress further. These include :- Infrastructure. Telecom sector. Energy, knowledge based industries such as pharmaceuticals and biotechnology. Investor friendly environment in sectors such as roads, ports and airports. Private sector participation in management, Build operate and Transfer (BOT) projects, green-field airports, terminals, shipping berths and capacity augmentation have been initiated. Security Science Related Economic Interests. The US and India are building the foundation of a durable defence relationship to support their common strategic and security interests which include:- Maritime Security Cooperation. The US and India are committed to a comprehensive cooperative effort to ensure a secure maritime domain. Counterterrorism. The US and India are jointly expanding the scope of counterterrorism cooperation, including work on bioterrorism and cyber security. Military Logistics Support. The US and India will soon sign an agreement to facilitate mutual logistic support during combined training, exercises, and disaster relief operations. Defence Trade. The US reaffirmed its goal to help meet Indias defence needs and to provide the important technologies and capabilities that India seeks. Non-Proliferation. Both countries support efforts to limit the spread of enrichment and reprocessing technologies. Intellectual Property Rights (IPR). The US is funding IPR training programs to strengthen enforcement and patent examination, as a vibrant IPR regime is critical to the promotion of a creative, technologically advanced economy. Science. The US and India established and co-fund the $30 million Bi-National Science and Technology Commission to generate collaborative partnerships in science and technology. Space. The US and India have agreed to continue exploring further cooperation in civil space, including areas such as space exploration, satellite navigation, and earth scienceà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬? [10] . US Presidents George W. Bush Visit To India We have an ambitious agenda with India. Our agenda is practical. It builds on a relationship that has never been better. India is a global leader, as well as a good friend. My trip will remind everybody about the strengthening of an important strategic partnership. Well work together in practical ways to promote a hopeful future for citizens in both our nationsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬? [11] . President George W. Bush, February 22, 2006 à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“The Evolution of U.S.-Indian Ties: Missile Defense in an Emerging Strategic Relationship, [12] Maldives and Bhutan 21. Maldives is an Islamic Island nation where US have a close eye on its location being on the mouth of the Indian Ocean. East of Nepal between India and China is a small country Bhutan. US interest being to democratize the state. US is also involved in settling the problems of refugees between the two states i.e Nepal and Bhutan. Over all the US involvement remains more of humanitarian assistance [13] . Nepal 22. Back Gr. US enjoys warm relationship with Nepal for over 50 years. During this period, Nepal has evolved from a closed, monarchy-dominated society into an emerging democracy with growing economic opportunity. US has contributed $1 billion to improve the lives of the Nepalese people. Nepal also happens to have a key place in the eyes of the west with the likely interests emerging as under:- Peace and stability in South Asia. Nepals independence and territorial integrity. US also has significant strategic interest in the country because of her location. Washington supports economic and technical assistance to Nepalà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬?. 23. US Investment Areas in Nepal. Mainly being:- Assistance programs for democracy, governance and conflict mitigation. US assistance to strengthen the Election Commission, Peace Secretariat, National Human Rights Commission and corruption ombudsman. Broaden participation in political parties and make them internally more democratic. Technical assistance and equipment to the Parliament / aid to a constitutional reform process. Assisting reintegration of internally displaced persons and funding election monitors. Promote economic recovery; especially in rural areas. Pakistan Pakistan and India Concernà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s US. Indeed the most common concern for an investment friendly climate stems out of the security concerns of the region as stated:- US ex Secretary Powell calls a triangle of conflict resolution. He says à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“We do not seek to impose ourselves as a mediator. Instead, we try to use the trust we have established with both sides to urge them toward reconciliation by peaceful means the leaders of both countries deserve enormous credit for the statesmanship they are demonstrating and for their determination to turn their historic confrontation into opportunities for all of their people. Although the road ahead is certainly challenging, we are optimistic that both sides want to keep up the momentum generated by their recent more open interaction and sound climate for over all peace in the region [14] . The Latest Perception Of US. Recent visit of US President defines US interests as under:- Five years ago, Pakistan was one of only three nations that recognized the Taliban regime in Afghanistan. That all changed after September the 11th, 2001. President Parvez Musharraf understood that he had to make a fundamental choice for his people. He could turn a blind eye and leave his people hostage to terrorists, or he could join the free world in fighting the terrorists. President Musharraf made the right choice, and the United States of America is grateful for his leadership. Pakistan now has the opportunity to write a new chapter in its history, and the United States want to build a broad and lasting strategic partnership with the people of Pakistan [15] . President George W. Bush, February 22, 2006 Pakistan US Collaboration. The areas of collaboration are:- War On Terror Fight Terrorism. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“The US and Pakistan have cooperated closely in the common fight against terrorism, including along the Afghanistan-Pakistan border. Al Qaeda Hunt. Pakistan has captured more than 700 al-Qaeda operatives, facilitators and associates since September 11, 2001. Pakistans Military Role. Playing an important role by providing intelligence and support to Coalition forces operating along Afghanistan. Security /Military Hard Ware Largest Security Assistance. Pakistan is one of the largest recipients of US security assistance. Foreign Investment. The United States has pledged $1.5 billion of Foreign Military financing to Pakistan from 2005-2009. Sale Of Advanced Systems. The United States supports Pakistans defence needs through sales of advanced systems. Sale Of F-16 Air Craft. Move forward with the possible sale of F-16 fighter aircraft to Pakistan. Non Nato Ally. In June 2004, President Bush designated Pakistan as a Major Non-NATO Ally, making Pakistan one of a select group of nations outside of NATO that have the benefit of a variety of military and financial advantages. Trade And Investment US Encourages Economic Prosperity. By supporting increased trade and investment linkages with the US, the region and the global economy. Bilateral Investment Treaty. Has sent a strong signal about Pakistans improving investment climate. Institute Reconstruction Opportunity Zones (IROZs). That would assist desperately poor border regions of Pakistan and Afghanistan to grow and diversify economically. Private Sector Involvement. Enhancing our capacity-building assistance to strengthen private sector competitiveness . Education Educational Assistance. US has provided more than $130 million to strengthen education programs for young people and adults over the last four years. Bilateral Educational Dialogue. US and Pakistan will establish a bilateral education dialogue to enhance US-Pakistan educational cooperationà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬? [16] . Influence Of Regional Countries On Pakistan US Ties. Pakistans ties to other nations in the region are steadily growing with likely US investment, with rail, bus, and energy pipeline connections to several nations. Same will act as an antidote towards extremismà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬? [17] . Chinaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s Influence. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“If China gets stronger than it already is, it will be a problem for the US,à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬? said Bordonaro, adding that the Chinese could use Gwadar, the port city in the Pakistani province of Baluchistan which is being developed with Chinas help, to counter Indiaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s efforts to dominate the Indian Ocean and the Arabian Seaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬? [18] . US commitment since 2003. At the June 2003 meeting at Camp David, President Bush made a commitment to develop with Pakistan with a long-term, broad-based partnership worth 3 billion dollar .The areas of interest include:- Shared interests in promoting prosperity, peace, security, mutual understanding and tolerance in the region / across the globe. Strengthen cooperation on counter-terrorism and security including striking at the conditions that give rise to extremism and terrorism. Address poverty and hopelessness root cause for terrorism Cooperation aimed at fostering expanded commerce within the region including with Afghanistan and Central Asia. Booming Market. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“Most of the American companies in Pakistan currently have plans to expand their operations in the near future;a booming market of 160 million people and also as a potential hub for regional trade and transportationà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬? . Sri Lanka 29. Present Environment. Since 2009, May 19 Sri Lanka has rid off from the war, which was waging for 3 decades with Sri Lankan armed forces and Tamil minority. The present President has been elected for the second term of 6 years. Countryà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s development and re-settlement of internally displaced people is the key issues and challenges the government facing. At present the world looking at Sri Lanka with lots of allegations on humanitarian grounds and violation of humanitarian law. Some pointing the finger at the government while others are pointing it to the armed forces of the country. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“Rajapaksa must give aid organizations access to hundreds of thousands of uprooted Tamils in the islands northeast. Overwhelmed doctors in overcrowded camps are amputating limbs without sufficient drugs and medical supplies. The people in those camps desperately need medical care, food, and water. And they should be allowed to return to their homes as soon as possible. 30. Ultimately, the only way for Sri Lanka to avoid another Tamil rebellion is to grant the Tamils some form of local autonomy in their region. Now that the Tigers have been crushed, the Sinhalese majority of Sri Lanka has no excuse for not addressing the legitimate grievances of the Tamil minorityà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬? [19] . a. Internal Problems And Tsunami Relief. Sri Lanka with a broader range of governments to focus on the Tigerà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s financing and arms procurement. US Government is providing assistance totaling $134.6 million for tsunami-related relief and reconstruction in Sri Lanka. Methodology 31. The study will be carried out in reviewing the data sources which are available in the internet and the few resources available in the libraries. Chapter three Literature Review 32. Since this topic is very hypothetical, its data and material review is mainly based on internet. The author, in the course of research, has made an endeavour to find relevant data through various sources including books, periodicals, lectures by professors of Different Universities of Management and Sciences. The detailed guideline provided through sponsors Directing Staff of the Defence Services Command and Staff College. The author is extremely grateful for all those who spared their valuable time to contribute on this work. As mentioned earlier the new found aid is of immense help in formulating the paper i.e à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“The Internetà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬?. Chapter four IMPLICATIONS OF US INTERESTS IN THE REGION Following areas of interest emerge quite pronounced:- Diversify Energy Supplies. Persian Gulf oil resources have remained a major source of energy supplies. US consider it of vital interest to secure access to the Central Asian regionà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s energy corridors in order to reduce dependence on Persian Gulf [20] . Oil/Gas Reserves in Caspian Basin. The Caspian Basin has an estimated US$5 trillion of oil and gas resources. Transporting it through Russia or Azerbaijan would greatly enhance Russias political and economic control over the central Asian republics, which is precisely what the west has spent 10 years trying to prevent. Piping it through Iran would enrich a regime, which the US has been seeking to isolate. Thus, Afghanistans significance stems from its geographic position as a potential transit route, from Central Asia, through Pakistan (Gwadar port), into the Indian Ocean and further to the Arabian Sea [21] . Penetrate Worldà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s Most Lucrative Markets. Pipelines through Afghanistan would allow the US both to pursue its aim of diversifying energy supply and to penetrate the worlds most lucrative markets. In south Asia, by contrast, demand is booming with immense population graph and competitors are scarce. Therefore, pumping oil south and selling it in Pakistan and India, is far more profitable than pumping it west and selling it in Europe [22] . Domination over the Transit Routes/Crucial Sea-Lanes. With the increased importance of Central Asian oil reserves, moving through the Indian Ocean, importance of securing the SLOCs in the Indian Ocean have increased manifold. US intend to maintain a strong security presence in the South Asian region in cooperation with India as bigger role is expected by her in the region [23] . India à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" A Strategic Partner. As the second most powerful military nation in Asia, US perceive India as an ideal strategic partner. During official visit to Washington, Prime Minister Vajpayee described India and the US as natural allies and significantly stressed that an Indo-US partnership was important for Asia both economically and militarilyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬? [24] . China A Competitor, Not A Strategic Partnerà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬?. President Bush has described China as a competitor, not a strategic partnerà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬?. Therefore, his administration is sympathetic to Indiaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s ambition to play a big power role in Asia. He also said that we must deal with China without ill-will but without illusions [25] . Regional Power Through US Collaboration. Recent developments suggest that India is actually inviting the superpower to its doorstep. India is among the few countries to endorse unconditionally the controversial US national missile defense (NMD) program [26] . Indian Ocean or Indiaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s Ocean. Sixty-seven percent of Chinas trade with the European Union is carried by sea across the Malacc
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Comparing Forgiveness and Marriage in Much Ado, Alls Well, and Measure
Forgiveness and Marriage in Much Ado about Nothing, All's Well That Ends Well, and Measure for Measure    Shakespeare never does manage to make the journey to the end of his comic plays an easy one for his characters or his audience, and as his comedies evolve, the journey becomes even more difficult. Tragic elements and more psychologically complex characters increase the intensity of the ending and often make a reader or viewer question if there will be a happy ending at all. Specific male characters in three plays act as impediments to this comic ending, often prompted by a villainous character and sometimes by their own doing. These men: Claudio in Much Ado about Nothing, Bertram in All's Well That Ends Well, and Angelo in Measure for Measure for various reasons are not ready for marriage or love. Living in a patriarchal society, they are often more concerned with fighting in a war or preserving male bonds than they are with being in love or being married. The problems that occur between the couples about to be married or just recently married are essential because these men need to grow up and become responsible. The only way to change them is to let them commit these harmful acts and realize the consequence. The women: Hero, Helena, and Mariana must be strong enough to forgive them for the hurtful acts these men have committed against them in order for some semblance of a happy ending to take place.  The "crimes" committed by Claudio in Much definitely requires a great act of forgiveness but Hunter feels that forgiveness is the essential element in this play. He point out that "the love of man for woman (but not of woman for man) is seen too frail an emotion to sustain the pressures that are frequently put... ...nter, "Forgiving Claudio"  Works Cited Dash, Irene G. "When Women Choose: All's Well That Ends Well." Women's Worlds in Shakespeare. Newark: University of Delaware Press, 1997. Friedman, Michael. "Male Bonds and Marriage in All's Well and Much Ado." Studies in English Literature 35 (1995): 231-248. ---. "'O, let him marry her!': Matrimony and Recompense in Measure for Measure." Shakespeare Quarterly. 46 (1995): 454-464. Hays, Janice. "Those 'soft and delicate desires' Much Ado and the Distrust of Women." The Woman's Part: Feminist Criticism of Shakespeare. Ed. Carolyn Ruth Swift Lenz, Gayle Greene, and Carol Thomas Neely. Chicago, Urbana, London: University of Illinois Press, 1980. Hunter, Robert Grams. "Forgiving Claudio." Twentieth Century Interpretations of Much Ado about Nothing. Ed. Walter Davis. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: 1969 Â
Friday, July 19, 2019
Lord Of The Flies, Human Nature :: essays research papers
Human Nature      William Golding wrote two famous works, Lord of the Flies, and â€Å"Why Boys Become Vicious†. He was awarded the Pullet Surprise for Lord of the flies. They also made this book into two different movies. William Golding’s view of human nature is mankind is naturally evil, everyone is born that way. The book Lord of the Flies is a story about a group of young boys stranded on a disserted island. They have power struggles, and eventually break up into two different groups, the savages, and the normal kids. In William Golding’s other writing, â€Å"Why Boys Become Vicious†, he describes an event that took place in England. Two ten-year-old boys kidnapped two-year-old James Bulger, and beat him to death for no apparent reason. There are many people who agree with his ontological view but I am not one of them. William Golding believed that human nature is evil; however, I believe only some people are evil.      In the essay â€Å"Why Boys Become Vicious†, Golding proves what he wrote 40 years earlier about human nature. He tells about a real life example of humans at their worst. Two ten-year-old Liverpool boys have been charged with the death of two-year-old James Bulger. They kidnapped him from a shopping center with his mother not faraway. The two boys led him outside for a long walk until they came to a large group of boys, most around the age of 10. Then for no apparent reason they all started to beat little James. When they were through he was dead. Realizing what they had done, the boys moved his body to a rail road track, hoping a train would come so that no one could tell what they had done. The train didn’t come and the two boys were caught. In this essay Golding says â€Å"we are born with evil in us and cruelty is part of this†(â€Å"Why Boys Become Vicious†2). He thinks a likely cause of evil in boys is because of their parents. â€Å"If parents are absent, if fathers do not provide strength, and mothers do not provide love, then children will plumb the depths of their nature†(â€Å"Why Boys Become Vicious†3). William Golding proves his view by giving examples of horrible people like Hitler, Stalin, and Idi Amin.      In the book Lord of the Flies, William Golding tells a story about human nature at its worst.
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Phonics vs, the Look Say Method
Over the past decades, the decline in the rate of literacy in America has baffled many. At least 20% of high school graduates are functionally illiterate, despite the education they receive in the public school system. As these graduates enter the world reading at an elementary level, they are unable to live a normal life, which leads to poverty and can lead to delinquency and imprisonment. This decline is not only a decline of literacy, but also a decline of independence, ingenuity, and responsibility.The beginning of this decline can be traced back to a certain event in the history of the public school system: the introduction of the look say method in the 1930s. Ever since the look say method, or Whole Word instruction, took the place of phonics, the number of illiterate graduates has grown higher and higher. Evidence proves that the look say method is not sufficient to properly teach students how to read. Phonics is far superior to the look say method of learning to read. First o f all, phonics is better than the look say method of learning to read because phonics has a firmer foundation than the look say method.Phonics is based on rules that the child memorizes; therefore, when he has memorized these rules, he can read almost any word he sees. A small article by the Abeka reading programs shows many rules that are taught in phonics, such as the following: â€Å"When there is one vowel in a word, that vowel usually says its short sound†and â€Å"when there are two vowels in a word, the first vowel says its long sound, and second vowel is silent†(â€Å"Six Easy Steps to Reading,†1). When the child learns definite rules such as these, he is more likely to apply them because he knows that they will not change.Sebastian Wren writes in his article â€Å"Developing Research-based Resources for the Balanced Reading Teacher,†he tells that â€Å"children are explicitly taught the ‘rules’ about the way words are written an d spelled, and they are taught spelling-sound relationships. After the teacher provides an explicit lesson in a particular Phonics rule, the child is presented with a passage text that contains many words consistent with that rule. This provides the child with an opportunity to apply each Phonics rule on a variety of words in context of the passage.The goal of the Phonics teacher, then, is to instill the children with the Phonics rules and the common spelling-sound relationships, and to teach children to apply this knowledge in sounding-out each word they encounter, making that assumption that comprehension and appreciation will be a natural consequence of accuracy†(Wren, 1). Basically, when the child is taught these rules and then given the opportunity try the rules, he will find that these rules can help him to read with ease. In contrast, the look say method has no definite rules that he can put into practice as he reads.Phonics is better than the look say method because i t has a definite set of rules that the child can apply when he reads. The look say method requires much guessing if the child does not know the word that he is trying to read. Because he has not been taught definite rules like those of the phonics method, he is unsure of how to accomplish the task of reading. In her book The Good School, Peg Tyre tells: â€Å"‘Instead of children being expected to learn individual letters by rote memory, then syllables, and finally words, they were given books with pictures of common objects.Underneath each picture was its simple name. ’ Kids were taught to derive meaning from words by memorizing the look of the words, or looking at the picture and guessing, or reviewing the context and extrapolating, instead of sounding them out†(96). Rather than being taught how to read using rules and hints, the children are taught to read by guessing what the word is based on the context. Samuel L. Blumenfeld explains in his book The New Ill iterates some of what the students are taught: â€Å"He is taught the names of seventeen consonant letters and their sound values only as appear at the beginnings of words.What phonetic value they have in the middle of words is neither considered nor discussed. The letter is taught merely as a phonetic clue to the wordâ€â€one clue among several taught as word-attack skills. In fact, the child is not encouraged to use a phonetic clue until he has first exhausted context and word-form clues. If these fail him, then he is to try the phonetic clue of the initial-consonant sound†(74). Phonetic rules are not demonstrated clearly, and looking at the context to determine the word and its meaning is encouraged. However, simply guessing what the word is only makes the child unsure of himself.Phonics and its rules are far better to teach than the look say method and its guessing. Secondly, phonics is better than the look say method because it is far easier for the child to comprehe nd, conquer, and enjoy. In an article entitle â€Å"Whole Language vs. Phonics,†Sebastien Wren, Ph. D. says that the look say method is â€Å"nothing more than the rote memorization of every word in the English language†(â€Å"Whole Language vs. Phonics,†1). The look say method basically requires the student to basically memorize every single English word in existence, an extremely difficult feat for a young person.The article â€Å"Whole Word Versus Phonics†tells that â€Å"only the smartest Chinese can memorize 20,000 of their ideograms, but Whole Word promoters expect you to memorize 50,000 to 10,000 English words. In short, Whole Word expects ordinary people to accomplish a feat that’s only possible with a photographic memory†(â€Å"Whole Word Versus Phonics,†1). A young student can hardly expect to conquer reading this way. Memorizing that many words is absolutely ludicrous when one could read them if they knew the simple r ules of phonics. Phonics is especially needed with someone who may be slow at learning.Blumenfeld writes it in his book NEA: Trojan Horse in American Education: â€Å"Slow learners in particular found look-say ‘overwhelmingly difficult. ’ That would explain why before look-say was adopted slow learners learned to read without great difficulty via the alphabetic phonics method†(118). The phonics method is far easier than the look say method to understand for any person. Progress with the phonics method is far more rapid than that of the look say method. The article â€Å"Whole Word Versus Phonics says :â€Å"Phonics, it is claimed, can teach almost all children to read by the end of first grade.The reading may be slow and halting at first, but in a few years the child is able to read ordinary books for amusement or education†(â€Å"Whole Word Versus Phonics,†1). This is vastly more rapid than the look say method. The article continues: â€Å"In fact, few students can memorize even 300 words per year. This difficulty is confirmed all over the Internet by lists of sight words that have third grade students learning simple one-syllable words such as: bring, clean, cut, done, draw, drink, eight, fall, far, full, got, grow, hold, hot, hurt, if, and keep†(â€Å"Whole Word Versus Phonics,†1).Students learning phonics would have conquered these words in the first grade, if not sooner. The progress of the look say method is significantly slower than that of the phonics method. Phonics is more entertaining for the child, whereas the look say method becomes dull and monotonous. Learning phonics is more interesting for the child because they are able to use the rules themselves and apply it to the words themselves. However, the look say method is very repetitious. Blumenfeld writes the following about his research in his book The New Illiterates: â€Å"Oh is repeated 138 times and see 176.Repetitions of these two words alone must equal the entire wordage of the first Pre-Primer. What a slow, tedious, monotonous way to learn two words! †(43). The look say method is dull and monotonous to the point of being just unnecessary. The children who are taught this method become extremely averse to reading because the way that they were taught is so tedious and uninteresting. Phonics is better than the look say method because it easier for the child to comprehend, conquer, and enjoy.Finally, the phonics method produces a larger number of competent, literate students than that of the look say method. Phonics gives the students a sense of definite understanding and accomplishment that can encourage them to make something of themselves. Because they feel confident, they will want to show the world what they can do. However, the reading students that the look say method produces do not feel as confident. The disappointment that this child will feel because he cannot read is acute.In his book NEA: Trojan Horse in American Education, Samuel L. Blumenfeld cites an article by Dr. Samuel T. Orton: â€Å"Faulty teaching methods may not only prevent the acquisition of academic education by children of average capacity but may also give rise to far reaching damage to their emotional life†(111). The look say method could not only cause the child to be a poor reader but also harm the child’s confidence. However, the phonics method gives the child a desire to use this ability to make a name for himself.Students who cannot read well are less likely to be productive in productive in their living. In her book The Good School: How Smart Parents Get Their Kids the Education They Deserve, Peg Tyre tells of some research on the outcome of learning the look say method: â€Å"Seventy-four percent of struggling third-grade readers still struggle in ninth grade, which in turn makes it hard to graduate from high school. Those who do manage to press onâ€â€and who manage to graduate fr om high schoolâ€â€often find that their dreams of succeeding in higher education are frustratingly elusive.It won’t surprise you to know that kids who struggle in reading grow up to be adults who struggle to hold on to steady workâ€â€they are more likely to experience periods of prolonged unemployment, require welfare services, and are more likely to end up in jail†(94). Learning the look say method has wrought horrible effects on the lives of many students in terms of their future. Because these students were taught how to read using the look say method and therefore do not read well, they are most likely not going to live productively. Phonics is far better than the look say method of learning to read.Evidence proves that the look say method is not teaching students how to read properly. The public school claims that they teach children how to read exceptionally well; however, if that is the case, these students who graduate should be reading at high levels. But as more and more functionally illiterate students graduate, they find it extremely difficult to live the lives they had always dreamed for themselves because they cannot read well. This inability to read leads to many of the problems that are in society today, such as unemployment, negligence, and dependence on the government.
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