Saturday, August 31, 2019
Online Shopping and Amazon Essay
Abstract: This paper is about the customer service that is offered at Amazon. com. Amazon is a re-tailer that offers products at a responsible price. Amazon has evolved from being an online bookstore and they have become one of the largest e-commerce platforms in the world where customers could find and discover anything they wanted to buy online in a more convenient way. With customer service, loyalty, and customer retention were the three important aspects of Amazon’s that it offers. Amazon has increased their sales significantly due to its high levels of customer service that they provide. In addition to consumer customers, Amazon offered marketing and promotional services for third-party retailers and web services for developers. It allowed third party vendors to sell their products on its website. Amazon is a well-known company that was founded in 1995. It is best known for selling the Kindle, offering low competitive prices, offering fast and responsible cost with shipping that is reliable. Everything could be sold online all at the click of a button. â€Å"In 2009, US-based online retailer Amazon. com, Inc. (Amazon) topped BusinessWeek’s 2009 annual list of customer service champs†(Qumer 2010). Amazon is completely a customer service company that concentrates, on making sure that the customer is happy and taking care of. Which is reflected in their company values and what they believe in. Amazon was considered to be one of the most customer-centric companies in the world where customers could find and buy anything they wanted online at the lowest possible prices. Delivering excellent customer service and offering compelling value to its customers had been the core strategy of Amazon since its inception. Amazon focuses on being loyal to their customers, when they are loyal to them they figure that in return their customers would recommend others and continue to shop with them and make future purchases. Amazon makes sure that the infrastructure is taken care of so that the retention is there. When the retention is there they will continue to grow and expand their product lines so their customers will not have to take their business elsewhere. To make sure that the customer satisfaction is taken care of they live by Sic Core Values to make things happen to make sure that everything stay in order. The first on they have is Customer Obsession: With customer Obsession they start off with the customers and work backwards to make sure that things are taken care of. Secondly, Amazon includes innovation. Amazon says that if you do not listen to your customers, you will fail and if you only listen to your customers you will fail. You have to be able to find the balance. Third, you have a Bias for Action which is living in time of unheralded revolution and insurmountable opportunity and provided that they make every opportunity count. With the Fourth thing you will find that Amazon will take ownership when it comes to building a great company. Fifth they will have a High Hiring Bar that they often ask themselves†Will I admire this person? Will I learn from this person? Is this person a superstar? All of those important questions Amazon will ask themselves when they are looking to hire you. Lastly, they have frugality, where they spend money on things that really matter and believe that frugality breeds resourcefulness, self-sufficiency and invention. In the future I do believe that Amazon should continue to find unique ways to reach consumers to continue to win them over. Right now Amazon should continue to grow their customer base and continue to grow social media awareness and continue to post the review of the consumers who have purchased products and how they were impressed with the arrival and how they love using what they purchased. With the role of Jeff Bezos in creating a customer-centric culture at Amazon he has done an awesome job working on Amazon and making sure that they continue to grow. Jeffrey Preston known as â€Å"Jeff†Bezos was born on January 12, 1964 and is an American Internet entrepreneur and investor. He is a technology entrepreneur who has played a key role in the growth of e-commerce[5] as the founder and CEO of Amazon. com, an online merchant of books and later of a wide variety of products. Under his guidance, Amazon. com became the largest retailer on the World Wide Web and a top model for Internet sales. †Bezos, J. (2013). Retrieved â€Å"Bezos believes that if you fix the customers problems then customer loyalty will be built from that. Jeff Bezos said his main goals are to provide his own perspective to the paper’s managing staff and to ensure the financial stability of the â€Å"Post†while it experiments with ways to be profitable. Though he’ll be active in leading the plans for the â€Å"Post,†he plans to continue living in Seattle and will remain the chairman and chief executive of Amazon. com. While the â€Å"Post†purchase took many by surprise, especially given the state of print journalism, it makes sense within Jeff Bezos’ unconventional business philosophy. He has said that Amazon. com management is â€Å"willing to be misunderstood for long periods of time. †He prefers to be patient and accept losing money for several years if he believes the long-term investment is worth it. He’s also known for an approach that puts customers’ needs and desires over everything else. Lots of retailers give lip service to that approach, but Amazon. com truly incorporates that philosophy into everything it does. Jeff Bezos might not do things the traditional way, but many would point to his unconventional approach as the foundation for the incredible growth of Amazon. com. His principles of growth over profit, long-term investment, and prioritizing the customer have made Amazon. com the worldwide online retailing leader. If anyone can find a way to pump new blood into traditional journalism, it might well be him. †(Beyond. com) Amazon did understand the integration scenarios and their impact on retailers, â€Å"let’s look beyond the financials and think about Amazon’s probable thought process in the transaction: Shoes are a $40b category (online and offline) and comscore reports that online apparel in 08 was $23b. While Amazon doesn’t disclose their apparel/shoe sales, they are definitely much smaller than Zappos. Thus this creates a clear leader in the category and gives Amazon mass in a third category (media, electronics, apparel). Amazon’s CFO said on the conference call last night: â€Å"†¦ this (the Zappos acquisition) is not about synergies. This is about growing in categories that we think are interesting. †Amazon did $4m in 08 revenues in EGM (non-media categories) – Zappos’ approximately $1b in GMV grows this 20% overnight. Also, Zappos was a large competitor to Amazon’s apparel business and forced them to come out with www. endless. com to counter the threat. According to compete. com, Zappos has about 6m visitors/m and endless is stuck in the 1m range. While amazon says they won’t close this, they can definitely stop spending marketing dollars on it so there’s going to be some savings there. There are also some shipping synergies. By injecting the Zappos’ approx 10m shoe shipments into the Amazon fulfillment engine, Zappos could save as much as $1/shipment which would effectively grow their profits by 50%. I also wonder if Amazon has any interest in the Zappos robotic fulfillment system and would consider moving that into their fulfillment centers to increase efficiency. Some have suggested that one driver could be Amazon wanting to sell prime to the Zappos audience. That doesn’t make sense to me as with the Zappos free shipping model, why do you need Prime at all? I don’t think Amazon would mess around with the Zappos model and move to something like normal S+H, free with Prime. The bottom line is Amazon gets a potentially 4-win scenario here: (1) good valuation, (2) eliminate a growing competitor, (3) grow EGM 20%, and (4) cement a leadership position on a big category (shoes+apparel). With putting this move into play I would say was the might move for both companies. Zappos focused on delivering WOW through service, they embraced and drove change, Created fun and a little weirdness, they were adventurous, creative and open minded, pursue growth and learning, built open and honest relationships with communication, built a positive team and family spirit, do more with less, be passionate and determined and they were humble. All of those core values made Zappos. â€Å"(â€Å"Analysis and retailer,†2009)
Friday, August 30, 2019
Philosophy Statement
I believe that each child learns at their own pace, and it’s important to accommodate each individual. To reference Pestalozzi, I also believe children have more meaningful learning experiences with hands-on activities and it allows them to draw their own conclusions because they are experiencing what they’re learning first hand. I believe it’s my job as a teacher to create an environment that encourages children to think critically and allow them to experience things first hand.I also understand that each child learns differently, and not every child is the same, and it’s my job as a teacher to accommodate them to the best of my ability and create an environment where children feel comfortable to ask questions or voice their opinions. My goal as a teacher is to be a good role model to my students. I want to be able to develop a relationship with each of my students. I to be able help children with their self esteem by promoting individuality and diversity .I also understand the importance of assessment and believe it’s my job to assess each student thoroughly to better understand them and help them through whatever they are struggling with. I also believe it’s important to create an environment that promotes a child’s autonomy, to help them draw their own conclusions and think critically to help them build skills early on that they will need throughout adulthood. Over all I want to be the one teacher in a child’s life who made a difference.I believe that one of my strengths is that I’m accepting of others. I come from a half Hispanic and half Irish family and I was immersed in both cultures. I accept people no matter their religion, culture, or ethnicity and I promote diversity because I come from a diverse family. I believe this will be a very positive attribute when dealing with families and students because not every student is the same and it’s important to make each family feel welcome i n the classroom regardless of their cultural background.I also believe that I am a very observant person which would be a very important skill in assessing my students which is a very significant part of being a teacher. I’ve always been observant, even as a child, I wanted to understand how things worked and why certain things affected others. Properly assessing students can put help put a stop to bullying, it can allow the teacher to better understand their students and find a method of teaching that works for each individual, and also can help keep parents updated on their child’s learning development.An area of future growth would be my communication skills. I’m not very articulate when I talk to crowds; I get nervous and falter my words. I’m more of a quiet person, I like to keep thoughts to myself and when I’m forced to express them I feel out of my element. This is something that is a work in progress and it is, slowly but surely, getting mu ch easier for me. This is very important as a teacher to be able to effectively speak to the students and teach the material well. It’s also very important to keep in contact with parents to update them on activities and their child’s progress.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
An Analysis of The Story Of Tom Brennan Essay
In â€Å"The Story Of Tom Brennan†written by J. C Burke in a story about destruction, guilt and shame through the story there are allot of up and downs after the crash the family is not the same and tom knows that it will never be the same the story uses destructive power to add some problems to the story to keep it going the crash causes a couple of problems to everyone not just the family the whole community is effected guilt tom and kylie both feel guilty like they were the cause for the crash shame the family lie in shame they feel like there family is bad and the community don’t help that is why they mover because the whole family is looked down upon by the town of Mumbili. The family is affected by destruction in every way the family has changed after the event it has cause the whole community to change fin who was in the crash and her family are affected As well after fin became paraplegic her mum has to change the way she raises her son and fins dreams are crushed after one night so much has happened to the families and friends of the victims in the crash. Tom’s life has changed him and his mum grows further away slowly not talking to each other. Kylies life has changed to she has lost all her friends because they had to move schools. And fin has nothing left and her mother has trouble looking after her it is hard on every one. When the crash happens tom feels like he is the one who has cause the crash he feels guilty in every way he feels like he could have stopped what happened and kylie feels the same way she has the same feeling as tom and they are in the same place both feeling guilty of what happened that night both hiding it and keeping it bottled up inside them that is why they always fight it is because they both feel like they could have done something about it stopped the whole incident from happening fin sought of has the same feeling that if she didn’t get in the car that night nothing would have happened and it would all be the same again but she knows she can’t do anything about it. Daniel is also guilty and knows what he did was wrong he feels guilty because he was the one that was driving the car. Daniel couldn’t even look at Nicole and Luke’s parents because he knew he took something away from them and he feels guilty about it. The whole family will live in shame for the rest of their life seeing that it was their son that cause the crash they will be in shame because they didn’t stop him they didn’t stop him from drinking Daniel especially affected he will never get over the fact they he killed two people and will always know that there is a family missing something that they love and they will never get that back just cause one person did something they shouldn’t have but was it really Daniels fault he was not the one that made them get in that car and maybe they should have stopped him from driving that night. The whole story is made up by one of these points and they play a big part in the story is none of these3 things happened the story would not have much in it.
Impact of In Home Counseling on at Risk Youth Essay
Impact of In Home Counseling on at Risk Youth - Essay Example By this occurring, children become very withdrawn in the classroom even though they do attempt express their emotional pain to their teacher. From there, it has been concluded from research in home counseling for at risk youths help them not to have more emotional and social issues than those who come from a two-parent home. When children do not have the attention that they need at home, they show aggression in the classroom, which indicates in home counseling works. Human subjects will be utilized for data collection. Data will be collected by observing two controlled groups, one group will be of at risk youth that are receiving in home counseling and the other group has not received home counseling. Both groups attend the same school and classes. Their reaction to the counseling will be measured by questionnaires regarding perception of school and life while attending counseling. At the end of the period, they will fill out another questionnaire to measure any improvements or declines in their behavior and perception. The sample size for the current study will be 100 students; procedures will include but are not limited to distribution of fliers to obtain participants. The population has been selected due to the varying races and the percentage of males and females that are at risk. The questionnaire will include gender, race and questions that determine the perception of life, school and academic achievement by those individuals. Furthermore, the counseling session will obtain details of both groups that the questionnaire missed about their in-depth perception on life and academics. Review of the Findings In these findings, despite more home are not familiar with in home counseling, over ninety percent would want to use it to help better their children. If children have socially supportive arrangements as the attributes of socially legitimate roles which provide for the meeting dependency needs without loss of esteem, they are less likely to show aggression while suppressing destructive behavior. From there, socially supportive environments were presented as pattern interpersonal relationships mediated through shared values and sentiments as well as facilitate the performance of social roles through which needs are met. In summation, social support has been defined as an intervening factor tied directly to the coping process (Pearson, 1986). Social support can also serve as a salve to pains encountered along the way. It gives people the confidence to making a positive change and testing their limits when they know they have a community of support they can call upon. Social support refers to social interactions that are perceived by the recipient to facilitate coping and assist in responding to stress. Social support is thought to reduce the total amount of stress a person experience as well as to help one cope better when stressed (House, & Landis, 2003). It is apparent that for children, the lack of positive adult support and communication from parents, teachers, pastors, or coaches leads to increased behavior issues in the classroom, which can consist of them being destructive. Additionally, if the outlook of adults were more positive, adolescents will be more comfortable seeking support without fear of ridicule or rejection. Furthermore, the result of more positive adult su
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
INTERNATIONAL OPERATIONS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
INTERNATIONAL OPERATIONS - Essay Example Finally, the report will handle supply chain design and management, that is, how coffee from the country of choice will be transported and stored and how it will be processed. Coffee is the most popular hot drink around the world. It’s eminent if at the counters of most restaurant, commutes and kitchen. Also people who do jobs that involve the brain a lot preferred to take coffee as it acts as a â€Å"coolant†of the brain. Statistics show that most consumers of coffee are the modernised nations even though the third world countries are the major producer of it. This industry accounts for approximately $20 billion dollars of exports and is worth $100 billion worldwide (Bacon, 2008). Moreover, it has been shown that over 500 billion cups of coffee cups are drunk annually and this comes from 25 million people who work in coffee farms. Furthermore, over 50 countries all over the world grow coffee. Out of the five countries, Asia, South America, Caribbean, Africa and Central America, that grow coffee to the world, America contributes up to 67% of the global coffee output. Though coffee is manufactured in different flavours, depending on which country it has been processed from, coffee only exists in two different form: Arabica and Robust, being the only commercially cultivated and vended beans. Of the two types, Arabica is mostly grown and liked because of its flavour. On the other hand, Robusta is considered to be affordable and hardier Statistics has shown that coffee restaurants are on the rise with an approximately 7% annual growth rate. However, a large market for coffee is in the U.S where the third largest restaurant chain in the world, Starbucks, is the leading restaurant in coffee consumption worldwide accounting for 75% of Americans who take coffee. Other countries like Finland are known for drinking the most coffee per capita in the world. Supply of coffee from firms is fostered by fair trade (Daviron
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
The Role of Larval Therapy as an Alternative to Conventional Treatment Essay
The Role of Larval Therapy as an Alternative to Conventional Treatment for Acute or Chronic Wounds - Essay Example An official history of larval therapy started in the early 1930s when American surgeon William Baer introduced the maggot therapy into the clinical practice (SMTL, 2003). He and his followers used sterile maggots and proved the efficiency of larval therapy of purulent surgical infection. But in spite of the huge amounts of articles published before the Second World War, we cannot use them for current analysis of evidence. The medicine passed long distance since the first attempts to manage heavy wounds were made and simple methods of maggot sterilization were introduced. When the era of antibiotics started medical community forgot about larvae. When surgeons faced the problem of antibiotic resistance and nosocomial infections they thinks were turned back to the larval therapy. But is this medical technology evidence based? To answer this question there was performed information search in the modern electronic databases Medline, Ovid, Direct Science and CIHAHL. The used keywords are presented as follows: â€Å"larval therapy†, â€Å"wound healing†, â€Å"maggot†, and â€Å"evidence-based practice†. Appropriate Boolean operands â€Å"OR†, â€Å"AND†and â€Å"NOR†were used also. To optimize search results and increase their relevance and pertinence the MeSH (Medical Subject Headings) thesaurus was applied, e.g. subheadings â€Å"Wound Healing/physiology"[MeSH] and "Larva"[MeSH]. The preferences were given to the systematic reviews, meta-analyses and primary data of randomized clinical trials, i.e. to the information sources of the I level of evidence, as well as to the clinical guidelines based on the best evidence. Evidence-based practice can be determined as the concept of integrating the most current scientific evidence in making decisions about the delivery of healthcare services. There are several levels of evidence depending on the qualitative characteristics and the design of study. The highest level of evidence is represented by meta-analyses and/or systematic reviews.
Monday, August 26, 2019
Discussion Board Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 4
Discussion Board - Essay Example A political process precedes any unanimous decisions. It explains why certain decisions have to be taken. This creates mutual understanding among members of a social forum. Successful decisions are discussed and agreed upon before ratification and implementation. The experience taught that concessions must be made while engaging in open deliberations. In future, a family engagement political process can achieve much if the members of the forum are open minded. My vision for future participation in the political process shall be to maximize on what all the members of the forum share in common. The future plan shall demand a strong follow up on the decisions and discussions of successful subsequent family engagement. In the first five years, my vision would be to establish a credible and consistent family engagement and discussion forum. In the next five years, I would build upon the gains of the deliberations from the previous forum. Political processes can be emotive be without a clear sense of purpose, they fail miserably (Constantino, 2008). Therefore, the visions would gradually build on consistent gains. Some of the anticipated gains would be sharing of resources, taking time bound targets and supporting the needy members of the
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Obesity Annotated Bibliography Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Obesity - Annotated Bibliography Example The poor people lack food at times, and now they have a bigger problem to handle, the obesity scourge. The poor people in Brazil have previously had the hunger challenge, and after the problem was solved, they now have to deal with obesity. There is a need for the health stakeholders to create awareness programs on obesity and provide a solution to the poor people. Brazil is a third world country, and their poverty level is very high. Every year cases of child hunger are brought to the media. It is sorrowful now that they have obesity to deal with. Reports show that â€Å"at least one in every three children in Brazil is obese.†This shows that at least one-third of all children in Brazil are obese. If no action is taken, it is expected that the numbers will keep moving up. The medical fraternity has failed in controlling child obesity in Brazil. Paula Pizzato, a nutritionist in the country, claims that doctors have been using weight to determine the health of children. With the current technologies of using height and BMI available, it is a pity to see that they have not been utilized. There is a need for the medical fraternity to put more weight on the issue since the numbers of obese children is alarming. â€Å"In the past health campaigns have helped reduce the death rate of children.†There is a need for a health campaign on obesity in the country. After solving the poverty problem, the government should now seek to solve the obesity problem. As the article reports, in the past parents were not able to put food on the table but now they can put a coca cola bottle on the table. The kind of food that parents are providing for their children is a major cause of obesity. The poor can now afford junk, but they have little knowledge on the effects of taking the junk food. The blame goes to the government and the medical fraternity in the country. They hold the responsibility of educating the public on the dangers of excessive consumption of certain
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Strategic Leadership in Criminal Justice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Strategic Leadership in Criminal Justice - Essay Example So a dire need will be felt to promote the lower ranking officers to higher posts. Hence, the police department emphatically feels that the creation of a systematic procedure for appraising the lower ranking officers for promotion purposes will help assure the quality and reliability of the policing in the area. Though Larry is left with varied options regarding the designing of the new appraisal system, he is apprehensive in the sense that he does not want the new system to be unjust and biased towards the junior officers. At the same time, he intends the new system to be innovative and ingenious. Larry Homes has before him a possible choice of varied existing appraisal methods. These methods include: For years, the police department has resorted to this method for assessing the promotability of the junior officers. This appraisal method primarily relied on the ratings extended by an immediate supervisor regarding the subordinates under him or her (McConnell, 2005, p. 248). This appraisal method had its advantages in the sense that it assured apt cooperation between the supervisors and the subordinates (McConnell, 2005, p. 248). However, a majority of the junior officers in the police force are not satisfied with this appraisal method. They feel that the promotability of an employee needs to be measured by using predominantly subjective criteria (Kulik, 2004, p. 92). In that context, the junior officers are of the view that an appraisal method relying on the opinion of only a single supervisor is open to doubts pertaining to its reliability (Murphy, 1998, p. 148). Besides, giving too much reliance on this promotion method could have a debilitating impact on the moral of the police force.
Friday, August 23, 2019
My current student life and my future professional life Essay
My current student life and my future professional life - Essay Example This shows a major similarity between the two environments. Consequently, hard work and efforts to create solutions are major concerns in both student and professional life. Students and professionals are supposed to think critically in finding solutions to daily challenges while adhering to deadlines. Despite the similarities, there are several differences. First, professional life is more result oriented. What this means is that a professional is gauged by practical results achieved firm his or her work. The overall notion is that whereas school life calls for hard work, professional life requires one to think smart and constantly learn from daily activities (Scanlon 2011). Moreover, professionals are bound by strict deadlines that can be detrimental to their work if not met. Unlike student deadlines where professors threaten grade penalties, forfeiture of deadlines in the professional life can spell doom for an organization. Personal characteristics play an important role in the professional world. A professional is supposed to observe work ethics and aspects such as dressing codes, which is uncommon in student life (Cheney 2010). This is because such attributes are critical in the job environment. Thus, student should prepare themselves about for future roles as
Thursday, August 22, 2019
The employee caries out this specific job role Essay Example for Free
The employee caries out this specific job role Essay Job roles are appointed to each individual employee in McDonalds and it is important the employee caries out this specific job role to the best of his/her ability. It is also important to carry out these roles to ensure McDonalds run smoothly and efficiently. Working arrangements is the time and location and terms an individual employee must work. These working arrangements will vary to each individual as some employees may do part time work while others do full time work. Job roles vary to different employees. Some employees have more power than others and so have more responsibilities. This level of power in McDonalds can be shown in a hierarchal. McDonalds Pyramid Structure The pyramid structure of McDonalds is a diagram (pyramid) showing the different levels of power each employee has within McDonalds. McDonalds use a pyramid structure to show the powers of different members of staff. The pyramid shows the flow of information from top to bottom. The person with the highest power within McDonalds is placed at the top of the pyramid and the person with the lowest level of power is placed at the bottom of the pyramid. There are two types of pyramids these are tall and flat pyramids. A tall pyramid is used by larger organisations such as McDonalds. A tall pyramid consists of more levels and more power as you go higher up. A flat pyramid is used by smaller organisations, and consists of less levels and the amount of power the top person has is considerably less than the amount of power that the top person has in a tall pyramid. Important decisions are usually made by the person at the top of the pyramid. This information is passed down to the employees. It is also important to know that the level of authority increases as you go up the pyramid. The pyramid structure also shows that the higher you are in the pyramid the higher your wages are. The five key points to know about McDonalds pyramid structure are A pyramid structure shows the levels of power of an employee. A pyramid structure is either tall or flat. A pyramid structure can be used to show the flow of information from top to bottom. A pyramid structure can be used to represent the importance of a particular person within McDonalds. (The higher in the pyramid you are, the more important you are.) A pyramid increases in size as you go down because there are more people carrying out that particular job. This is why the structure is a pyramid shape. Organisation charts are charts that show the main people of McDonalds and their level of power. A normal organisation chart would show a high managers picture at the top with a description and name and below this person would be other employees who work just under the high manager. However McDonalds is far too big a business to have this so it is likely that McDonalds have an organisation chart which shows the more important departments. The role of the organisation chart is to show power structure and the line of communication within McDonalds. In an organisation charts you will be able to see. Chain of command Line manager Depth of control Span of control The chain of command shows a direct level of power from top to bottom. For example a managing director would be at the top and a crew member would be at the bottom. The chain also shows the path of communication within McDonalds. And also from a chain of command you can see where your instructions are coming from. A chain of command will change in lengths. This is dependant of the different types of employees and job roles within a department in McDonalds. This is what an organisation chart may look like for McDonalds. The line manager is the person who an employee will receive an immediate instruction from. From the diagram above you can see the levels of power and responsibility increase as you go up the chain. It is likely that a floor manager will receive his/her instructions from the manager. The depth of control can also be seen from the above chart. The depth of control is the number of levels a person controls or is higher than. For example a floor manager has a depth control of two were as the manager has a depth control of 3. A span of control has a different style of presentation as it shows how one person has immediate authority over another person or how someone is under the authority of another. For example there maybe seven crew members. One of these crew members may be manager of the other crew members so the manager has direct authority over the other crew members. This is what the chart would look like. Job Roles Managers Managers are mainly found in medium or large organisations. McDonalds is a large organisation and so has many managers. Each managing level will have different responsibilities. For example a floor manager will have different responsibilities to a supervising manager. The managers have a role to take care of a section of McDonalds and to perform duties given to them by the director. Their tasks may include helping with customer service, registering complaints, analyzing the profit and loss accounts, etc. Managers have a very good level of job security, as managers will always be needed and also there are fewer managers in a restaurant than crew members. And a manager has specific qualities and skills. The skills needed maybe the ability to calculate profits and loss, ability to analyse assets. It is likely that you would need a qualification maths. Managers of McDonalds are paid well for the work they do. Supervisors Supervisors work a level below the managers. Supervisors have a role to lead a group (crew members). They have day to day responsibilities these include monitoring progress of employees, Check profits are coming in, help in customer service, serve customers and so on. Supervisors also have good job security as there are less of them (almost always one in every group) and also it is likely that supervisors will be promoted to be a manager. They are usually looked on to solve small problems such as disputes between employees and to handle customers with complaints. People who have become supervisors have usually been working in McDonalds as a lower position for a period of time so a quality a supervisor would need is experience. Skills to be a supervisor could be to be able to calm customers down, know how to solve disputes, etc. Supervisors have a pay which is good for the job they do, however the pay is very little. Operatives Operatives are people who work on the shop floor of McDonalds. They carry out activities such as cleaning and serving. They have a responsibility to provide customers with a high standard of food along with a high standard of service. The job security for an operative can be low as there are so many and the jobs they carry out are tedious. Some of their duties can be replaced by machines witch means that they can loose their job at any time. An operative at McDonalds must have good communication skills, they must be quick and efficient at their job, and they must also be able to do different jobs within the team. The qualifications expected by an operative are minimal. The pay for an operative is quite low as the jobs carried out are simple. Crew Member A crew member has several responsibilities they must serve customers, provide excellent customer service, perform general kitchen duties and take part in annual stock take. The job description of an employee is one that is very simple. They must process customer orders for payment, collect and pack customer orders and provide customers with information and advice about products within McDonalds. There are two types of contracts these are permanent and temporary. The level of job security is dependant on the type of contract the employee has agreed to. A temporary job has a finishing date of work. So the amount of time the employee can work for is fixed. This offers minimum job security, however a permanent job offers a greater level of job security as the date that the employee finishes working is not fixed. The only way in which the employee can loose his or her job is by either getting sacked or by resigning. A crew member plays a minimum role in decision making as the only decision the crew member makes is how to pack a customers order. The skills and qualifications a crew member is expected to have is to have G.C.S.Es in English and maths. The crew member is also expected to have good customer service skills along with having commitment to hard work and being a team worker. Previous work experience is not necessary. A crew member can be expected to have an Hourly pay of à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½3.45 à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½5.05 per hour. Good performance by employees are rewarded with bonuses. Annual paid leave is provided along with employee discounts in regards to McDonalds products. Restaurant Manager A restaurant manager has many responsibilities. The restaurant manager is responsible for the restaurants overall performance and profitability. The restaurant manager also has the duty of reporting performance to head office and area managers. The restaurant manager is also responsible for management of staff along with taking responsibility that the McDonalds restaurant food is cooked properly and that only in-date stock used in the food used to provide their customers. The restaurant manager must also make sure that health and safety regulations are followed carefully and to absolute precision. He/she must also monitor the training and development of their staff. The restaurant manager also has the responsibility of having to be able to deal with customer queries, complaints along with ensuring high level customer service. The job description of a restaurant manager would include the roles the restaurant manger must play. These are provision of standardised food and customer service, setting performance targets to monitor staff performance against targets, manage section managers, recruit staff, communicate regularly with staff and to keep restaurant costs within budget. The restaurant manager has a high level of job security as the contract he/she is employed on is a permanent contract. In order for the restaurant manager to keep his/her job security high he/she must complete the objectives told in his/her job description. Decisions made by the restaurant manager include the recruitment of section managers, store layout and range of goods kept in store. The qualifications expected of a restaurant manager is that he/she must have a degree, HND or work experience with NVQ. The restaurant manager is also expected to have good leadership skills along with good communication skills. Good organisational skills and excellent customer service skills. The salary of a restaurant manager usually increases over time, when a restaurant manger starts off he/she would be paid between à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½17,000 and à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½22,000 yearly. After time the restaurant managers yearly salary should increase to about à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½35,000-à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½55,000. Completion of achieving set aims of McDonalds is rewarded by performance bonuses. Franchising opportunities are given to the restaurant managers, and are paid annual leave of (5 weeks). The restaurant manager also gets staff discounts and stakeholder Pension scheme. Working arrangements at McDonalds An employment contract is a very important document as it states what is expected for the employee and what the employee can expect of the employer. Such expectations of the employee can be the time he/she reaches for work and leaves. The attitude taken towards customers, the jobs expected to do. If the employment contract is broken either by the employer or the employee their jobs will be at risk. Below are the key points of information shown on an employment contract. * Job title. * Hours of work * Place of work * Terms and conditions of employment * Pay and benefits * Date of commencement of employment * Name of employer * Employees name There are five types of working arrangements. This is to say five different ways of taking work. These are. *Permanent employment * Temporary employment *Full time workers *Part time workers *Flexible hours * Shift work * Flexitime workers * Overtime Permanent employment is when you are given set hours to work and you have no decided end to your job. The only way your job can end is if you retire or are sacked. The advantage of permanent employment is that you have high job security and that you can claim benefits such as having paid leave. A disadvantage of permanent employment is that you can be sacked. Temporary employment is when you work for a set number of hours however you have an end to the job. A disadvantage to this is that you cant claim benefits from McDonalds (such as paid leave). The advantage of temporary employment is that you dont have to work very long and that you get paid. Full time workers are permanent employees that work standard hours. Standard hours would cover the hours of between (9.00 am- 5.00 pm.) The disadvantage to this is that you have to work long hours for almost all work. The advantage to this however is that there is more pay in working full time. Part time workers are employees that work less hours through agreement. The advantage to this is that you can work hours that suit your schedule. The disadvantage to this is that you do not get paid as much as full time work. Shift work is when you work for a period of time over twenty four hours. The advantage to this is that you work shorter hours that suit your needs. The disadvantage to this is however you dont get as much pay as full time work. Flexitime workers are employees that decide when to start and finish work however by completing the standard working hours. The advantage to this is that you can take care of jobs you must do before you work such as (drop children off to school, etc). The disadvantage is that you would end up finishing work at a later time as you would still have to complete the working hours set. Overtime is a working arrangement where employees work for longer than the standard hours. The disadvantage is that you would have to work for a longer time, however the advantage is that you would get paid more. It is expected that an employee of McDonalds is expected to work seven hours a day (not including part time workers). These working hours are shown in the employment contract witch the employee has signed showing that he/she has agreed to complete those hours. Your place of work can sometimes vary depending on what you work as. An operative of McDonalds will almost always be located in the restaurant this is a fixed place of work. This is also included on your employment contract. Your payment is included in your employment contract. It will also state of the pay is annual or hourly. Holidays are given to employees and they can be taken at any time, however their holiday time is limited as when the employees are on holiday they are still getting paid. Any days taken off after your holiday will not be paid for. Different employees will have different benefits. If an employee works far away from their place of work they are given a company car. Medical and life insurance are very likely to be covered by McDonalds. Flexible hours are important to McDonalds. This is because it keeps there employees less stressed and so are more happy to work and that adds to a happier working environment. When an employee is able to come in at a later time and so get other jobs out of the way such as dropping off children to school they are a lot happier and so are able to get on with their jobs better. Family Flexi Working Family flexi working is when there are two or members of a family working in McDonalds, and the agreement allows them to cover each others shifts. The advantage to this is that family members can take time off when needed, however the disadvantage to this is that it does not always work as both family members may have to take time off work at the same time.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Autism and Mental Retardation Essay Example for Free
Autism and Mental Retardation Essay Respond to the following: 1. List the primary features of autism. Children with autism are unresponsive to others, uncommunicative, repetitive, and rigid their symptoms usually appear before the age of three. An autistic individual will have difficulty sustaining employment, accomplishing household responsibilities, and leading independent lives. Furthermore, they express having problems displaying closeness and empathy and have limited interests and activities. The characteristics seem to be pronounced as indifferent in physical care and affectionate expressive interest in those who are taking care of them. Verbal communication and language impairments and inability to use speech are often primary features of autism. Some autistic individuals may exhibit Echolalia a echoing of phrases used without apparent understanding. Some may even repeat sentences a week later, this is called delayed echolalia. Their variation of speech difficulties include; paranormal reversal, difficulty in naming objects, lack of verbal understanding and use of suitable tone in their voice while talking. Some noticeable characteristics that often expose autism are their lack of imagination while playing, rigid, abnormal and repetitive behaviors, failure to accept environmental change and obsession with animate things and inanimate things. They express repetitive and unusual motor movements like flapping their hands, and odd facial expressions. Below is a checklist the DSM has provided for a guideline to diagnosis of autism. 1. A total of at least six items from the following groups of symptoms: A. Impairment in social interaction, as manifested by at least two of the following: (a) Marked impairment in the use of multiple nonverbal behaviors such as eye-to-eye gaze, facial expression, body postures, and gestures to regulate social interaction. (b) Failure to develop peer relationships appropriately. (c) Lack of spontaneous seeking to share enjoyment, interests, or achievements with other people. (d) Lack of social or emotional reciprocity. B. Impairment in communication, as manifested by at least one of the following: (a) Delay in or total lack of, the development of spoken language. (b) In individuals with adequate speech, marked impairment in the ability to start or sustain a conversation with others. (c) Stereotyped and repetitive use of language, or idiosyncratic language. (d) Lack of varied, spontaneous make-believe play or social imitative play. C. Restricted repetitive and stereotyped patterns of behavior, interests, and activities, as manifested by at least one of the following: (a) Abnormal preoccupation with one or more stereotyped and restricted patterns of interest. (b) Inflexible adherence to specific nonfunctional routines or rituals. (c) Stereotyped and repetitive motor mannerisms (e.g., hand or finger flapping or twisting). (d) Persistent preoccupation with parts of objects. 2. Prior to 3 years of age, delay or abnormal functioning in either social interaction, language, or symbolic or imaginative play. 2. Which explanation for autism is no longer considered valid and lacks research support? The sociocultural model lacks support and the theory suggests that autism could progress through particular personality characteristics of the parents. These characteristics generated unfavorable development and contributed to the development of the disorder. This theory is no longer considered. 3. What forms of treatment are helpful for a person with autism? The treatment that is helpful for a person with autism is behavioral therapy, communication training, parent training, and community integration. Psychotropic drugs and certain vitamins have at times aided when joined with other approaches. Behavioral therapies consist of therapist using modeling and operant conditioning. In modeling they exhibit a chosen behavior and direct the individual to reproduce it. In operant conditioning, they reinforce such behaviors, first by shaping them, breaking them down so they can be learned step by step and then rewarding each step visibly and consistently. These measures often create more purposeful behaviors and long term achievements. Communication Training is a therapy that is often taught to those individuals who remain speechless. They are taught other forms of communication, including sign language and simultaneous communication, a method combining sign language and speech. They also learn to use augmentative communication systems, such as communication boards or computers that use pictures, symbols, or written words to represent objects or needs. In some programs teachers try to recognize essential underlined forcers rather than insignificant ones like food or candy. They encourage participation in choosing an item they want and then encouraging them to ask for it with questions like; what’s that? Where is it? And whose is it? The studies have found that child- directed interventions increase self-initiated communications, language development, and social participation. Parenting training programs train parents so they can apply behavioral techniques at home. They are provided with instruction manuals, and teachers do home visits. Individual therapy and support groups help parents of autistic children deal with their own emotions and needs. Community integration is a great tool for autistic individuals, In today’s school and home based programs there are programs for autism children to teach self-help, self-management, and living, social, and work skills as early as possible to help children function better in their communities. There have been many workshops and group homes available now for teenagers and young adults with autism to help them become a part of their communities. These types of programs give parents a since of relief as their child will always need supervision. 4. List the criteria for a diagnosis of mental retardation: The DSM-IV-TR gives guidelines to the diagnosis of mental retardation. Individuals need to display general intellectual functioning that is well below average, in combination with poor adaptive behavior. As well as having a low IQ score of 70 or below. There should be notable difficulty in communication, home living, self-direction, work or safety. These symptoms should appear before the age of 18. 5. Explain one way in which sociocultural biases in testing might pose problems for assessing mental retardation. Sociocultural biased in testing that might pose a problem for assessing mental retardation is IQ testing. IQ testing in some children has caused them to be labeled retarded when they had trouble speaking the language at a level that would establish their IQ. 6. Of the four levels of mental retardation, into which category do most people with mental retardation fall? Mild level – IQ ranges from 50 – 70. â€Å"They are sometimes called â€Å"educably retarded†because they can benefit from schooling and can support themselves as adults†(Cromer, 2011). 7. What are the main types of biological causes of mental retardation? The main types of biological causes of mental retardation are Down syndrome, fetal alcohol syndrome, and fragile X syndrome. 8. What is the only way to prevent fetal alcohol syndrome? The only way to prevent fetal alcohol syndrome is to not drink during pregnancy. 9. What are normalization and mainstreaming? Normalization and mainstreaming are educational terms; they reference the settlement of mentally retarded individuals within ordered classrooms. This is to make sure these individuals can intermingle and learn along with typical fellow students. The school systems have made adjustments and adaptations to their core curriculum and the teaching given to the mentally retarded child. 10. What is your opinion about mainstreaming and normalization for children and adults with autism or mental retardation? I agree with mainstreaming for a person who is suffering from autism or mental retardation. Autism runs in my family, and I have a cousin who is the same as age as I am and she did not receive mainstreaming when she was younger and she is severely handicapped I believe because of this. On the other hand, our classrooms are overcrowded and teachers are experiencing challenges within the so called â€Å"normal†population. Labeling these individuals at such an early age incorporates stereotyping within the classroom and can cause even more hardship for those individuals. My ex-husband’s brother had an autistic child who is thriving and even attending college classes at a University. He did have special schooling and went to private therapies. His success was through behavioral therapy and parenting training. I would say mainstreaming should be considered on the level of the disorder. If the disorder is extreme, then consideration should be given to the teacher and her other thirty something students. It is a hard question when in fact someone could be mildly retarded or highly retarded and the school system really needs to know just where the individual stands with their language ability and social ability. Resource: Comer, R. J. (2011). Fundamentals of abnormal psychology (6th ed.). New York, NY.
Theories of Criminology | What Causes Crime?
Theories of Criminology | What Causes Crime? This paper focuses on the information about the crimes. Different theories about the criminology are described. Main focus will be on the criminology and its two theories. Criminology is the study of factors about the crimes that lead to its phenomena. This crime may be of individual or social nature. It includes making laws, breaking laws and attempts to break the laws. Criminology focuses on the social, cultural and individual causes of the illegal behavior. Criminology is directly related to sociology and psychology in all disciplines that deal with a group or individual behavior. However an act that is immoral or indecent can be criminal act unless it is not outlawed by the state. Criminology consists of our organized ways of thinking and talking about crime, criminals and crime control (Garland and Sparks, 2000, 192). Personal and neighborhood income are the strongest predictors of violent crime (cited in Wasting Americas Future (Arloc Sherman, 1994, p88). Demonstrates that glaring social and economic inequalities in our society impose correspondingly high costs in the form of street crime. (John Hagan Ruth D. Peterson, Crime and Inequality, 1995, Stanford U, p4) Causes of Crimes: Causes of crime may be environmental, hereditary or psychological. Environmental causes are ruled out as independent causes of crimes. But psychological conditions are said to be determinant of an individuals reaction to persuasive environmental influence. Criminologist says that certain offenders are born to create crimes in the environment. Other cause may be the poverty. Due to low condition of their living, they are enforced to commit crimes. Discrimination against minorities may become the cause of crimes. Emotional disorders are also cause of crimes. Crime Prevention: Ultimate aim of crime prevention is to reduce the risk of victims. Here we find the ways to prevent crimes. Do not provide the opportunity to the thief to take advantages of your property. Fewer opportunities may become the cause of reduction in the crime rates. States should enhance the way of living of poor of that country. Poverty alleviation programs on sound basis can reduce the crime rates. Law and enforcement agencies are key role player in prevention of crimes. Delay in justice must be avoided. Issues in Criminology: Several issues arise which are serious causes to put the crimes rate not reducing. These issues vary from the level of crime. Due to difference in the legal and criminal justice system the crime rate is not reducing. Contrast in the police reporting and actual crime report is another issue. Proper prosecution is not observed when a crime is committed. Due to differences in data quality a crime rate can not be feasible work to reduce the rate of crime. Difference between micro-and macro theories: Differences between micro and macro level theories exist. To identify a theory whether it is macro or micro level is to check what the theory predicts. Focus of the micro-level theory is on the individual interaction. Individual characteristics can be explained by the interactions of people within an environment. These are described as epidemiology. Epidemiology here is concerned with the overall crime rates. Example of this kind of theory is the relationship between adult children and their parents. Macro-level theory is most extended and focuses on the social problems, social conditions and social processes. For example; how the old peoples status is affected by industrialization. Micro level theories are called role theories while macro level theories include age stratification theory. Macro theory shows the criminal behavior of the crimes across the world. Micro-level, or individual-level theories link individual characteristics to the probability that an individual will engage in criminal behaviors. (Bernard Snipes 1996, p.335). Crime States: Crimes consists of following states. Crime can be measured from the intensity and nature of the individual as well as group violence involved in that crime. Crimes are identified as harm someone for self benefits. Murder: It is a big loss of life. Rape: It is an immoral act that becomes the cause of this kind of crime. Robbery: It involves carrying of any valuable things by the force. Assault: Physical attack Burglary: Elite classes are the offenders in some cases. Motor Vehicle Theft: It includes stealing the cars in public places. Robbery: It is mostly found in streets. Hence mobile snatching is an example of the robbery. All the states related to crime and its nature has priority over the other states. Criminology should have concern itself with the big things global, geo-political and transitional. Central point of this work is that how crimes are related with the society and what effects they have on it. What implications are found in macro and micro level theories? Correlation is found but most differences exist between these types of theories.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
On the Waterfront Essay -- Film
Interpersonal relationships are a potent entity that wildly flutter, like a liberated pigeon, through the miserable docks of Elia Kazan’s 1954 film ‘On the Waterfront,’ shaping the moral metamorphosis of protagonist Terry Malloy – from an analysts perspective, the ‘power’ source of the film. Terry’s voyage from an inarticulate and diminished â€Å"bum†to a gallant â€Å"contender,†is the pedestal that the film gyrates around, however, it is palpable that Terry – a man branded with his primitive mores - is not equipped of emancipating himself from the self-preservative cycle of â€Å"D and D†singlehandedly. Therefore, the catalytic, moral facilitation of inspirational outsiders - Edie Doyle and Father Barry – are essential to the rewiring of Terry’s conscience and his propulsion into â€Å"testifying what is right against what is wrong.†However, rapports do not simply remain ‘st rong’ and stable for the entire duration of the film – they fluctuate. Terry shuffles closer to the side of morality each scene, portrayed by the simultaneous deterioration of Terry’s intertwinement with Johnny Friendly and â€Å"the mob†and intensification of his romantic involvement with Edie and confidence in Father Barry. Relationships fuel and glorify Terry’s powerful, audience-enthralling journey to morality. Nestled under the ‘hawkish’ wing of Johnny Friendly, the beginning of the film sees Terry Malloy a daft â€Å"bum,†too preoccupied by â€Å"standing with the right people, just to have a bit of change jingling in his pocket†to deeply contemplate morality. Tainted by a distressing antiquity, Terry Malloy has habituated to a ‘dog-eat-dog’ world of Darwinian ‘survival of the fittest,’ where â€Å"taking it out on their skulls†is the appropriate method of resolution. â€Å"Its eve... ...y. These factors, coupled with the incorporation of the heart-melting cheekbones of ‘Marlon Brando’ at his prime are more likely to have screamed ‘power’ in the eyes of a 1950’s audience, let alone the viewer of today. Also, the fact that ‘On the Waterfront’ mirrors Elia Kazan’s real-life decision to testify to the HUAC magnifies its validity to human nature and overall potency. As he trudges across the docks towards the unfamiliar, suit-clad man looming like utopia in the distance, Terry Malloy is clearly a product of his relationships. His rapport-catalyzed metamorphosis from a follower of Johnny Friendly to a genuine â€Å"contender†is profoundly powerful, however the ending is bleak – with corruption still lingering as the gate slides closed behind the men, engulfing them into another cycle of exploitation as Bernstein’s music reaches a haunting shrill.
Monday, August 19, 2019
An Analysis of Marks and Spencer Essay -- BTEC Business Marketing GCSE
An Analysis of Marks and Spencer INTRODUCTION TO THE FIRM AND ITS INDUSTRY Marks and Spencer is one of the largest retailers in the United Kingdom, and is also known as a major retailer selling diverse product ranges under their own exclusive brand in more than thirty countries. Customer confidence in the Marks and Spencer brand remains second to none. According to recent research undertaken by the Company, it shows that, in clothing, Mark and Spencer has a clear lead over all its major competitors in the key areas of fit, quality, trust, breadth of range and customer service. In November of 2000, Marks and Spencer will launch a trial of three new lingerie-only outlets in Paris, Hamburg and Dusseldorf. According to industry statistics, Marks & Spencer remains the clear leader in the UK lingerie market, with over thirty percent of the market share. These pilot stores, distinctly branded 'msl', are designed to showcase the product range, taking the very best of Marks & Spencer lingerie to the Continent. Moreover, twenty-five percent of the 'msl' range has been designed exclusively for the continental market (Marks & Spencer PG). According to David Norgrove, Marks & Spencer Executive Director, the new stores developed by Marks and Spencer "clearly show how we can give customers what they want in the way they want it. Today we have both depth of product and a variety of retail formats, so that we can encompass factory outlet stores and designer clothing under the Marks & Spencer brand. Our new concept stores carry a wide range of products and services tailor-made for its local customers but, at the same time, we are also launching the European pilot of a specialist retail format which builds on our core strength in lingerie. All of these products and formats are being in response to customer research, to meet a proven need" (Marks & Spencer PG). THE COMPETITIVE STRUCTURE OF THE INDUSTRY The British retailer Marks & Spence decided to close its one Edmonton store, along with fourteen others across Canada, with the eight remaining stores being closed just one month later. This marked the ending of Marks and Spencer's 26-year run in Canada. The chain announced its Canadian pullout, which will affect only sixteen staff, was a surprise for Canadian shoppers. Heritage Mall manager Kirby Nishikawa said "the shutdown hurts the shopping cen... ...rnational expansion plans and probably sell U.S. clothing chain Brooks Brothers. EXPAND E-COMMERCE Sell online through partnerships with Microsoft Network, the BBC's, and digital-television providers such as Telewest (Capel 35). A Marks & Spencer spokesman confirmed that its non-executive directors changed their minds over who should lead the company last autumn because of the huge changes within the business. Over the next five years the company is expanding its selling space by nearly a fifth in Britain and by forty percent in overseas markets (Rankine PG). By the year 2005, Marks & Spencer should once again be on the top of their category. Works Cited: Author not Available. "Outlook: M&S investors don their hair shirts." Independent, (1999), 21. Capell, Kerry. "Britain: lighting a fire under Marks & Spencer." Business Week International, (2000): 35. Le Riche, Timothy. "Closure date set of M&S leaves voide at Heritage Mall." Edmonton Sun, (1999): July, 44. Marks and Spencer. "Marks & Spencers Launches Two New Formats." (2000), October: PG. Rankine, Kate. "M&S asks outsiders to review strategy." The Daily Telegraph, (1998), PG.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Population in the world Today :: essays papers
Population in the world Today Probably the most pressing concern of the modern world  both environmentally and socially  is the escalating global population. The geometrical growth in numbers over the last century, when estimated, presents an ominous picture of massive, unsustainable growth and accompanying famines and health crises. Yet, to simply follow the current trend is naive, and informed estimates of population trends are increasingly predicting a less disastrous future. The latest study shows an 85% chance that global population will peak before 2100, and predicts with 60% certainty that this peak will be less than 10 billion, compared with a population of 6 billion today. They even give an outside chance, 15%, that there will be fewer people living at the end of the century than are alive now. Their results are notable not just for the relatively low figures projected, but also for the rigorous analysis that accompanies them. Whereas the United Nation estimates present just four possible outcomes (constant, high, medium and low). The US Census Bureau includes specific chances of a particular scenario occurring on a specific date. This graphically illustrates the confidence (or otherwise) of predictions further into the future. To arrive at their conclusions, the team combined two forecasting techniques  'time series estimation, a statistical analysis based on known figures, and 'expert judgment', whereby key parameters are estimated taking into account foreseeable events such as disease, war and fertility trends. Apart from the lower total population figure estimated (8.8 billion by 2050, compared to 9.3 for the UN's medium estimate, 2000 revision). Population decline in developed nations is expected to accelerate, with the European part of the former USSR expected to lose 20% of it population by 2050. Such declines lead inevitably to ageing populations, and half of all people living in Japan at the end of the century are predicted to be over 60 years old. With these facts, there is no doubt in our minds that we are in for some trouble. Over the next 50 years, the United States alone faces some population problems. What we need to do is keep the growth rate at stage 4, meaning we need to have birth and death rates low.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
American Community Survey
American Community Survey An Overview of the American Community Survey Have you ever thought about how, or why, new roads, schools, after-school programs, or hospitals are placed in communities? What makes communities attractive to new businesses or tourists? Why there is no ATM or video store on a street corner? The answers often lie in the numbers: numbers that reflect what our communities look like, how our communities have changed, and how those changes impact our daily lives. Most importantly, the numbers reflect how our communities are meeting the needs created by these changes.Traditionally, these numbers have been collected during the census every 10 years. Those numbers play a critical role for states and local communities in determining their share of federal money for schools, roads, senior citizen centers, and other services. In today’s world, our communities can change very quickly. Between decennial censuses, local governments, organizations and businesses need t imely data to assess and plan for local needs. Costly mistakes can result when planners do not have current data on which to base their decisions. That is one of the reasons why the U. S.Census Bureau has moved to a whole new way of gathering data to help answer those questions. Rather than taking a snapshot of a community once every ten years, the American Community Survey provides a dynamic and much timelier moving picture of the nation, every year. Overview * What is the American Community Survey? * Content * Survey Methodology * Data Products * How is it different from Census 2000? This presentation will give you an overview of the American Community Survey. We will answer the question â€Å"What is the American Community Survey? †and then move on to discuss the content, methodology, and data products.We will wrap up with a brief summary of how the American Community Survey is different from Census 2000. What is the American Community Survey? The American Community Surve y, sometimes referred to as the ACS, is a nationwide survey that collects essentially the same information on people and housing that was collected on the long-form questionnaire used in Census 2000. The American Community Survey is a continuous survey, in which each month a sample of housing unit addresses receives a questionnaire. About three million addresses are surveyed each year.The American Community Survey is a critical element in the Census Bureau's new approach to future censuses. Decennial Census In Census 2000, the census used 2 forms 1. â€Å"short†form – asked for basic demographic and housing information, such as age, sex, race, how many people lived in the housing unit, and if the housing unit was owned or rented by the resident 2. â€Å"long†form – collected the same information as the short form but also collected more in-depth information such as income, education, and language spoken at home * Only a small portion of the population, called a sample, received the long form.Two forms were used during Census 2000. The â€Å"short form†asked several questions on the most basic demographic and housing topics. These questions asked about age, sex, race, Hispanic origin, the number of people living in the housing unit, and if the housing unit was owned or rented by the resident. The â€Å"long form†collected the same information as the â€Å"short form,†but it also asked questions on additional topics. Thirty-two questions were asked of each resident of the housing unit on such topics as marital status, education, language spoken at home, employment, occupation, and others.Twenty-one questions were asked about the housing unit itself, so only one resident of that housing unit was asked to provide information on such topics as plumbing and kitchen facilities, type and cost of utilities, value of the property, and others. Only a sample of the total U. S. population received the long form. The dat a from the long form are called â€Å"sample data. †The basic data collected on both the short and the long forms are called â€Å"100 percent data†since these questions were asked for 100 percent of the U. S. population. 2010 Census and American Community Survey * 2010 Census will focus on counting the U.S. population * The sample data are now collected in the ACS * Puerto Rico is the only U. S. territory where the ACS is conducted * 2010 Census will have a long form for U. S. territories such as Guam and U. S. Virgin Islands * Same â€Å"short form†questions on the ACS The upcoming 2010 Census will include only one form sent to the entire U. S. population. That form will ask only questions similar to those contained in previous census short forms. The 2010 Census will provide a basic count of the U. S. population, collecting only the most basic demographic and housing information.Detailed demographic, social, economic, and housing data will no longer be col lected as part of the decennial census. * The data that were collected from the long form sample are now produced from the American Community Survey. * The American Community Survey collects data from the 50 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico, where it is called the Puerto Rico Community Survey. The American Community Survey does not collect data from the other U. S. territories, such as Guam and the U. S. Virgin Islands. The 2010 decennial census will continue to collect long form type data for these areas. The questions that are asked on the 2010 Census are also asked on the American Community Survey questionnaire.American Community Survey Content The content collected by the American Community Survey can be grouped into four main types of characteristics – social, economic, housing, and demographic. Let’s take a closer look at the type of information each of these categories contain. American Community Survey Social Characteristics * Education * Marit al Status * Fertility * Grandparent Caregivers * Veterans * Disability Status * Place of Birth * Citizenship * Year of Entry Language Spoken at home * Ancestry/ Tribal Affiliation Social characteristics include topics such as education, marital status, fertility, grandparent caregivers, veterans, disability status, place of birth, citizenship status, year of entry, language spoken at home, ancestry and tribal affiliation. American Community Survey Economic Characteristics * Income * Benefits * Employment Status * Occupation * Industry * Commuting to Work * Place of Work Economic characteristics include such topics as income, benefits, employment status, occupation, industry, commuting to work, and place of work.Data on the economic characteristics of the population are collected to assess the well-being of individuals and households. American Community Survey Housing Characteristics * Tenure * Occupancy ;amp; Structure * Housing Value * Taxes ;amp; Insurance * Utilities * Mortgage/M onthly Rent Housing characteristics include topics such as tenure, occupancy and structure, housing value, taxes and insurance, utilities, and mortgage or monthly rent. This housing data gives us a measure of the housing stock of the country. American Community Survey Demographic Characteristics * Sex Age * Race * Hispanic Origin The American Community Survey also collects the basic demographic characteristics such as sex, age, race and Hispanic origin. This is the same information that will be collected by Census 2010. American Community Survey 2008 Content Changes * Three new questions * Health Insurance Coverage * Veteran’s Service-connected Disability * Marital History * Deletion of one question * Time and main reason for staying at the address * Changes in some wording and format Several changes were made to the American Community Survey questionnaire at the beginning of 2008.Three new questions were added and one question was deleted. The three new questions are on heal th insurance coverage, veteran’s service-connected disability, and marital history. These new data will begin to be available during the data release in 2009. The deleted question measured the time and main reason for staying at the sampled address. These data were used for internal research purposes and the data were not published in the data products. Changes were also made to some of the demographic questions so that they are consistent with the questions that will be on the 2010 Census questionnaire.American Community Survey Methodology * Sample includes about 3 million addresses each year * Three modes of data collection * mail * phone * personal visit * Data are collected continuously throughout the year About 3 million addresses are selected for the American Community Survey sample every year. The American Community Survey data collection operation uses three modes that take place over a three-month period: mail, telephone, and personal visit. For most housing units th e first phase of data collection includes a questionnaire mailed to the sample address for the household to complete and return by mail.If no response by mail is received, the Census Bureau follows up with computer assisted telephone interviewing, or CATI, if a telephone number is available for the address. If the Census Bureau is unable to reach an occupant of the unit using CATI, or if the household refuses to participate, the address may be selected for computer assisted personal interviewing, or CAPI. At any point in this process, receipt of a completed questionnaire from the sampled address results in the address being removed from the data collection workload. Data for the American Community Survey are collected continuously throughout the year.Interviews conducted between January 1st and December 31st of a given year are aggregated to produce annual estimates for calendar years. For example, interviews conducted between January 1st and December 31st of 2009 are aggregated to produce estimates for 2009. American Community Survey Target Population * Resident population of the United States and Puerto Rico * Living in housing units and group quarters * Current residents at the selected address * â€Å"Two month†rule Interview and residence rules define the target population for a survey.These rules therefore identify the units and the people eligible for inclusion in the survey. The sampling frame reflects this choice of universe, as do the instructions on the forms and in the procedures used by survey interviewers during follow-up. The American Community Survey collects data from all persons without regard to their legal status or citizenship. In 2005 the target population was limited to the housing unit population of the US and Puerto Rico. For the first time in 2006, and for every year thereafter, the American Community Survey has included the resident population living in BOTH housing units and group quarters.The American Community Survey resid ence rules were established to collect data from people who are currently living at the selected address. For inclusion in the survey, these rules require that, at the time the questionnaire is completed, the respondent is living or staying at the housing unit address for more than two months. American Community Survey Group Quarters Group quarters are places where people live or stay that are normally owned or managed by an entity or organization providing housing and/or services for the residents.These services may include custodial or medical care as well as other types of assistance, and residency is commonly restricted to those receiving these services. The group quarters population is divided into two categories, the Institutional group quarters population and the Non-institutional group quarters population. The Institutional group quarters population includes residents under formally authorized supervised care. Examples of these facilities include skilled nursing facilities, adult correctional facilities, and psychiatric hospitals. The Non-institutional group quarters population includes residents of college/university housing, ilitary barracks, and group homes. American Community Survey Period Estimates * ACS estimates are period estimates, describing the average characteristics over a specified period * Contrast with point-in-time estimates that describe the characteristics of an area on a specific date * 1-year, 3-year, and 5-year estimates will be released for geographic areas that meet specific population thresholds American Community Survey period estimates describe the average characteristics of the population or housing over a specified period of time. In the case of American Community Survey one-year estimates, the period is the calendar year.For example, the 2007 American Community Survey data describe the population and characteristics of an area from January 1, 2007 through December 31, 2007, not for any specific day within the year. The Ame rican Community Survey collects survey information continuously nearly every day of the year and then aggregates the results over a specific period of time – one year, three years, or five years. The data collection is spread evenly across the entire period represented so as not to over-represent any particular month or year within the period. American Community Survey Data Products Release ScheduleAmerican Community Survey period estimates describe the average characteristics of the population or housing over a specified period of time. In the case of American Community Survey one-year estimates, the period is the calendar year. For example, the 2007 American Community Survey data describe the population and characteristics of an area from January 1, 2007 through December 31, 2007, not for any specific day within the year. The American Community Survey collects survey information continuously nearly every day of the year and then aggregates the results over a specific period of time – one year, three years, or five years.The data collection is spread evenly across the entire period represented so as not to over-represent any particular month or year within the period. American Community Survey Data Products Profiles * Data Profiles * Narrative Profiles * Comparison Profiles * Selected Population Profiles Tables * Detailed Tables * Subject Tables * Ranking Tables * Geographic Comparison Tables * Thematic Maps * Public Use Microdata Sample (PUMS) Files The American Community Survey data products are similar to those produced from the decennial census long form.Like the decennial sample data products, the American Community Survey products show the characteristics of the country’s population and housing. These products include four broad types of products – profiles, tables, thematic maps, and Public Use Microdata Sample, or PUMS, files. There are multiple types of profiles and tables – data profiles, narrative profiles, compar ison profiles, selected population profiles, detailed tables, subject tables, ranking tables, and geographic comparison tables. All of the data products are available on the Census Bureau’s American FactFinder.The data products are explored in depth in the presentation titled â€Å"Data Products from the American Community Survey. †American Community Survey Learning More * ACS Main Page * 2007 Data Product Details * Subject Definitions * Guidance on Comparing 2007 Data to Other Sources * Design and Methodology Report * The ACS Compass Products The American Community Survey Web site has a lot of information about the program, its data products, and evaluation of the data. The next several slides will present some valuable resources for learning more about the American Community Survey.We will look at the ACS Main page, the 2007 Data Product Details, Subject Definitions, Guidance on Comparing 2007 Data to Other Sources, the ACS Design and Methodology Report, and The ACS Compass Products. The upcoming slides show static images of the American Community Survey Web site taken in late-September 2008. As the Web site is continually updated, these images may differ slightly from what is currently on the active Web site. At the bottom of each of the upcoming slides are the Internet addresses for the Web page that the slide is referencing. American Community Survey ACS Main PageThe American Community Survey Main Page has links to valuable information. Currently, one of those links is the â€Å"2007 ACS Data Release. †It is accessible under the â€Å"Highlights†section on the main American Community Survey Webpage: http://www. census. gov/acs/www. The Highlights section changes periodically so the most recent American Community Survey happenings are highlighted. You can always access information on the latest data release by clicking on â€Å"Access Data†in the top menu bar or by directly typing in the Web address, http://www. censu s. gov/acs/www/Products/. American Community Survey 2007 Data ReleaseThe 2007 ACS Data Release page includes links to four ways to access American Community Survey data. They are the American FactFinder, the File Transfer Protocol or FTP site, the Public Use Microdata Sample or PUMS files, and Request a Custom tabulation. It also contains data user tools and tips as well as important documentation. This page is where you can access much of the information you may need when using American Community Survey data. In the image on this slide, arrows highlight hyperlinks to 2007 Data Product Details and Comparing ACS Data, both located under the Data User Tools and Tips column.Under the Documentation column, arrows highlight hyperlinks to Subject Definitions, Errata, User Notes, and the ACS Design and Methodology report. We will now briefly explore each of these resources. American Community Survey 2007 Data Product Details The 2007 Data Product Details contains table shells and their ID numbers, maps, geographic areas, and more. At the top left of the page, you can use the drop down menu to select the state you’re interested in and it will produce the list of geographic areas that are published for that state. There will be a similar tool for the three-year estimates that will be released in December 2008.The box in the middle of the page allows you to look at table shells by topic. These table shells do not contain any data, however they are a useful mechanism for seeing the data that are offered and the format of those data before going to American FactFinder to begin your data retrieval. At the bottom of the page you’ll find some downloadable files that contain detailed documentation on the data products. One of these files allows users to see if the 2007 American Community Survey produced a table that is comparable to a table produced from the Census 2000 Summary File 3.Another file lists all of the tables that are new, have been deleted, or have been modified since the release of the previous year’s data. Also on this page is a document that provides instructions for applying statistical testing to American Community Survey data, so that you can test to see whether changes in the data are statistically valid. Each of these files will open in a new window and can be saved on your computer. American Community Survey 2007 Data Product Details The image on this slide shows the table crosswalk that is found by clicking on the link titled â€Å"Census 2000 Summary File 3 detailed tables with comparable ACS tables. The crosswalk offers information about the table’s title, id number and the subject area for both the Census 2000 Summary File 3 and the 2007 American Community Survey. It also contains information on how the 2007 American Community Survey and Census 2000 Summary File 3 tables correspond to one another.This is available as a downloadable Excel file from the Data Product Details page. American Community Su rvey Comparison Guidance * Comparing 2007 ACS to 2006 ACS * Census Bureau supports comparisons made between 2006 and 2007 ACS data * Comparing 2007 ACS to Census 2000 Differences between the 2007 ACS and Census 2000 include residence rules, universes, and reference periods. The Census Bureau provides guidance to users that want to compare 2007 American Community Survey data with data from other sources. You will also find a link on this web page to guidance on comparing 2006 ACS data to other sources. Guidance is needed before drawing conclusions because in some instances comparisons could be misleading due to differences in questions or methods. The Census Bureau supports comparisons made between 2006 and 2007 ACS data.When comparing 2007 American Community Survey data to Census 2000 data, the user should keep in mind the differences that exist between the 2007 ACS and Census 2000. As noted earlier, these include differences in residence rules, universes, and reference periods. For example, the 2007 ACS uses a â€Å"two-month†residence rule – defined as anyone living for more than two months in the sample unit when the unit is interviewed whereas Census 2000 used a â€Å"usual residence†rule – defined as the place where a person lives or stays most of the time.We encourage you to review the guidance on our website which provides useful information for every variable. American Community Survey Comparing Data The Census Bureau provides guidance to users that want to compare 2007 American Community Survey data with data from other sources. You will also find a link on this web page to guidance on comparing 2006 ACS data to other sources. Guidance is needed before drawing conclusions because in some instances comparisons could be misleading due to differences in questions or methods. The Census Bureau supports comparisons made between 2006 and 2007 ACS data.When comparing 2007 American Community Survey data to Census 2000 data, the u ser should keep in mind the differences that exist between the 2007 ACS and Census 2000. As noted earlier, these include differences in residence rules, universes, and reference periods. For example, the 2007 ACS uses a â€Å"two-month†residence rule – defined as anyone living for more than two months in the sample unit when the unit is interviewed whereas Census 2000 used a â€Å"usual residence†rule – defined as the place where a person lives or stays most of the time.We encourage you to review the guidance on our website which provides useful information for every variable. American Community Survey User Notes The user notes section provides important information about the data by specific year. For example, the first note listed on the screen references the â€Å"Modification Made in 2007 ACS Weighting Methodology for Orleans and St. Bernard Parishes in Louisiana. †It states the following: â€Å"The review of the 2007 operational data disco vered evidence that suggests a high incidence of misclassification of uninhabitable units as vacant units.The effect of misclassification was almost entirely removed through a modification in the weighting methodology for Orleans and St. Bernard Parishes. The effect of the weighting adjustment was to down-weight units that had the vacancy status of ‘Other Vacant. ’ This modification resulted in more consistent and accurate ACS estimates of the number of vacant units and ‘persons per household’ in these two parishes. This modification was also made to the 2006 ACS weighting methodology. †American Community Survey Errata NotesThe Errata notes page will provide users with information on any updates made to the data due to detected errors. For example, the errata note 46, which is the first entry on the screen, references â€Å"Subject Table S2101 and Base Table B21002 for years prior to 2007, period of military service. †The errata note states t he following: â€Å"Due to an editing error, veteran's period of service (VPS) was being incorrectly assigned for some individuals. The majority of the errors misclassified some people who reported only serving during the Vietnam Era as having served in the category â€Å"’Gulf War and Vietnam Era. The remainder of the errors misclassified some people who reported only serving between the Vietnam Era and Gulf War as having served in the category ‘Gulf War. ’ These errors have been resolved for the 2007 tabulations. â€Å" American Community Survey Subject Definitions The Subject Definitions document is a glossary of all American Community Survey measures. In the 2007 version, definitions of the quality measures describing American Community Survey data have been added. Versions for the 2002 through 2007 American Community Surveys are available. American Community SurveySubject Definitions The Subject Definitions document includes explanations of the measures. For example, the partial definition of the â€Å"Language Spoken at Home and Ability to Speak English†measure that is shown on this slide tells us that the questions are only asked of people aged 5 years and older. The full definition provides other important information about this measure. American Community Survey Design and Methodology Report * Important reference document covering methods used in producing ACS data * American Community Survey How to Use the DataThe ACS Design and Methodology paper describes the basic design of the American Community Survey and details the full set of methods and procedures that are currently in place. An updated version of the paper is forthcoming. This report can be accessed from the 2007 Data Release page. American Community Survey How to Use the Data The geography notes section provides a brief explanation of the Census Bureau’s geographic terms. Geography notes are located on the â€Å"How to Use the Data†Web page. The yellow toolbar that sits just below the American Community Survey banner is accessible from all pages on the AmericanCommunity Survey Web site. Click on â€Å"How to Use the Data,†which is the fourth tab from the right. American Community Survey Geography Notes The geography notes provide an overview of the types of geographic areas that are presented in American Community Survey data products. At the bottom of the page are printable . pdfs for the current year and past years of the American Community Survey. American Community Survey The ACS Compass Products * Set of educational handbooks aimed at specific audiences * Presentation slides on important ACS topics E-learning tutorial In recognition of the need to provide guidance on new concepts and the challenges they bring to users of American Community Survey data, the U. S. Census Bureau is developing a series of educational materials called The ACS Compass Products. The ACS Compass Products include user-specific handbook s, PowerPoint presentations, and an on-line tutorial. The handbooks provide user-friendly information about the ACS and the multiyear estimates available in 2008. Each handbook targets a specific user group including first time ACS data users.The PowerPoint presentations, such as this, provide important information on various aspects of the American Community Survey. These presentations were developed for two main purposes: (1) for individual to use to learn more about the ACS and (2) to provide a wide audience with the tools needed to conduct training on the ACS. Each presentation consists of approximately 35 slides and the accompanying speakers’ notes. The presentations have also been recorded as multimedia files so users can learn about the ACS without having to read the presentations or attend a training session.An on-line tutorial that enables users to understand and appropriately use ACS data is also planned for future release. American Community Survey Similarities wit h Census 2000 * Same questions and many of the same basic statistics * 5-year estimates will be produced for same broad set of geographic areas including census tracts and block groups Now that we have explored the American Community Survey program and products, let’s wrap up by answering the question â€Å"How is the American Community Survey different from Census 2000? As mentioned earlier, the American Community Survey asks many of the same questions and produces many of the same basic statistics as the sample data from Census 2000.American Community Survey data will be produced for geographies as large as the nation and as small as block groups. Five-year estimates will be produced for the same broad set of geographic areas that received sample data from Census 2000, including census tracts and block groups. American Community Survey Key Differences from Census 2000 Beginning in 2010, data for small geographic areas will be produced every year versus once every 10 years * Data for larger areas are available now and data for mid sized area will be available in December 2008 * Census 2000 data described the population and housing as of April 1, 2000 while ACS data describe a period of time and require data for 12 months, 36 months, or 60 months As opposed to the decennial census which produced data once every 10 years, the American Community Survey will provide a continuous stream of updated information for states and local areas.Updated data from the American Community Survey will be released every year. Updated data have been available since 2005 for areas with populations of 65,000 or more. Data in the form of three-year estimates will be available for areas with populations of 20,000 or more in December 2008. American Community Survey estimates provide information about the characteristics of population and housing for areas over a specified period of time.American Community Survey single-year and multiyear estimates contrast with â€Å"point-in -time†estimates, such as those from the decennial census long form samples, which are designed to measure characteristics as of a certain date or narrow time period. For example, Census 2000 was designed to measure the characteristics of population and housing in the United States based upon data collected around April 1, 2000, and thus its data reflect a narrower timeframe than American Community Survey data. American Community SurveyKey Differences from Census 2000 * The goal of ACS is to produce data comparable to the Census 2000 long form data * These estimates will cover the same small areas as Census 2000 but with smaller sample sizes * Smaller sample sizes for 5-year ACS estimates results in reductions in the reliability of estimates In Census 2000 approximately 17 percent of the housing units received a long form. Statistics from this sample were produced for a broad set of geographic areas including the nation, all states, counties, census tracts, and block groups.Fi ve years of American Community Survey data are needed to produce estimates comparable to the estimates produced from the Census 2000 long form. A benefit that users will gain from the American Community Survey is the more timely issuance of the data and the greater frequency with which the data are released. Also, it produces information for small areas, including tracts and block groups, which will be updated every year instead of once every decade. The sample sizes for the 5-year ACS estimates will be smaller than the sample sizes were for Census 2000. This will result in a reduction in the reliability of the estimate.
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