Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Hair,Skin, and Nail Design Essays
Hair,Skin, and Nail Design Essays Hair,Skin, and Nail Design Essay Hair,Skin, and Nail Design Essay Were you ever curious how hairstyling ,beauty, and hair coloring ever came about? Who, back in the day would have ever come up with the idea of changing ones hair style, let alone color of the hair? Well studies reveal that haircutting and hairstyling were practiced in some form as early as the glacial age. They used simple but effective implements like sharpened flints, oyster shells, or bone. Animal sinew of hide were used to tie hair back, or as a adornment. Your probably thinking the same thing I did. yuck! ut thats all they had to use in those days long ago. The Egyptians were the first to cultivate beauty in a extravagant fashion, and became well-versed in the art of makeup and hairdressing. The ancient Egyptians also were the first to use cosmetics as part of their personal beautification habits, and in religious ceremonies when preparing the deceased for burial. Ancient records show that coloring matter was made from berries, the bark of trees, minerals, insects, nuts, herbs, leaves and other materials that were used on the skin, hair, and nails. : Even hough eye paint was the most popular of all cosmetics, henna (a dye extracted from the leaves of an ornamental shrub) was used to impart a reddish tint to the hair that is still used to this day. The first recorded use of henna as a coloring agent was in 1500 B. C. Excavations from Egyptian tombs also have revealed combs, brushes, mirrors, and razors made of tempered copper and bronze. Hairdressing was an art for the Egyptians who liked to wear elaborate hairdos and cosmetics, as well as wigs. Egyptian women, and the Roman women were known to apply a mixture of soil and ater to their hair. They then wrapped their hair on wooden made rollers to bake in the sun, creating a temporary wave. The first evidence of nail care recorded in history was prior to 3,000 B. C. in Egypt and China. Ancient Egyptian men and women of high social rank stained their nails with red-orange henna. The color of a persons nail was a sign of rank. Kings and queens wore deep red, while people of lower society wore only pale colors. Beauty and grooming took on great symbolic significance in many cultures. Military commanders in Egypt, Babylon, and early Rome would spend many ours before a battle, having their hair curled, and their nails painted the same shade as their lips. Weird, but interesting. During the golden Age of Greece (500B. C), hairstyling became a highly developed art. Hairstyling services were introduced in Rome around 300 B. C. Women used hair-color to indicate their class in society. Noblewomen tinted their hair red, middle class women colored their hair blonde, and poor women colored it black. Hairstyling and barbering continued to grow in importance, and eventually became identified with the world of medicine. During the medieval times, cosmetology and medicine were taught as combined subjects in English universities. When Pope Alexander Ill forbade the clergy to shed blood, barbers were enlisted to assist monks and priests during surgery. They regularly performed bloodletting and minor surgery, administered herbs, and later pulled teeth. In fact, for centuries, dentistry was performed only by barbers for more than a thousand years, they were known as barber-surgeons. Wow now tnlngs nave cnangea aramatlcally. Now lets go aneaa to tne Renalssance times, here emphasis was placed on physical appearance. The hair was done carefully with ornaments, and headdresses were worn. Around this time, in 1450, a law was enacted that separated the practices of barbering and surgery. They could no longer perform surgery, and surgeons were forbidden to act as barbers. Now the 19th century an era by research and innovation, that saw many changes in the field of hair care. In 1875, a Frenchman named Marcel Grateau developed the technique of using irons for waving and curling the hair. This developed into the art of thermal waving, till known today as Marcel waving. In 1890, the first hairdressing academy was opened in Chicago by Brisbois and Federmeyer. And finally, in the 20th century, hairstyling began to follow trends, and soon became available to all classes of people who could choose their styles based on their needs and desires. So their you go, there is all need to know about the early history of hairstyling! And Im sure well be in the history books some day about all the new, trendy styles we perform today in many salons and spas around the world
Saturday, November 23, 2019
A Five Forces Analysis Of Air Arabia Tourism Essay Essays
A Five Forces Analysis Of Air Arabia Tourism Essay Essays A Five Forces Analysis Of Air Arabia Tourism Essay Essay A Five Forces Analysis Of Air Arabia Tourism Essay Essay Harmonizing to this theoretical account any concern has 4 phases during its life rhythm. These phases are: Introduction, Growth, Maturity, and Decline. In the debut stage a company merely starts offering its new merchandise or services in the market. At this phase the company might the lone 1 in the market or its services or merchandises might be wholly new. In the phase of growing the company has to do immense investings for the selling and research and development of the merchandise so that the merchandise can turn competitory in the market. The phase of adulthood the curve of the industry life rhythm becomes flatter and the rate of growing slows down. There are really few houses in this phase where the concern giant has a small competition from the new comers in the industry. At last the diminution stage of the life rhythm is about inevitable if there are no regular betterments are done in the merchandise or service. In this stage the gross revenues decline at a really gait. Every company, industry or concern goes through all these phases in their life rhythm but there are really few companies which have seen the adulthood stage. Air Arabia is one of those companies of the UAE which is in the phase of adulthood. The company is considered to be in the phase of adulthood as it fulfils all the demands to be in the phase. Air Arabia is the largest air power company that offers the lowest winging cost. The scheme of cost minimizing and stigmatization by increasing the figure of flights is to derive sustainable competitory advantage in the industry and competitory border over the new entrant rivals. Bing in the stage of adulthood of the industry life rhythm the company Air Arabia must lodge to its low cost bearer services and focused on the current concern theoretical account. Air Arabia has captured most of the concern hubs of the Middle East and North Africa part which has a possible developing market and prospective growing for the air p ower industry and LCCs. The concern scheme of the company should non be merely endeavoring for cutting down the operational cost to supply low monetary value bearer but to supply service which is more scheduled, convenient, more finishs it covers, and performs in clip. Analysis of the Air Arabia based on Michael Porter s five Competitive Forces : Menace of New Entrants The entry of new company in the industry influences the competition scenario in the industry. The air power industry has a high potency of net incomes so it may pull rivals in the market. These new entrants might be menace for the Air Arabia air power company which is the leader in the LCCs. These menaces might be in footings of better services, lower cost of merchandise and services. Air Arabia is a good established, profitable and most successful company in the industry so it would be hard for the new entry to prolong in the market. The barrier of entry in the industry is besides really high because of the immense cost of set uping the concern. The concern needs 1000000s of 1000000s dollars to be invested to set up a company. The cost of an aircraft is around $ 2 one million millions and to vie with the Air Arabia the rivals has to run the air hose at low cost and offering better client services. Air Arabia has a trade name name and client trueness in the concern which gives it com petitory advantage over the new entrants in the industry. Dickering Power of Suppliers Every industry and concern demands natural stuff to fabricate their concluding merchandise or service and this natural stuff is made available by the providers. These providers can act upon the net income involved in the industry by changing the cost or quality of the natural stuff. Thus the dealingss with between the maker and providers become of import for the industry. The air hose industry has really specific providers for the concern. One is the aircraft fabrication companies like Boeing and Airbus and fuel providers. Because of scarceness of the providers of aircrafts and limited production of units the providers can command the monetary values and dickering power will be higher with them. The fuel providers besides control the cost of the tickets of air hoses. This force is a menace for the Air India as the providers has more power so the company. Dickering Power of Buyers This force is stronger in the air hose industry in the Middle East and North Africa part. The purchasers have higher power of dickering for low cost, and better services. The state of affairs is because of the big figure of options available to the riders and the figure of riders going in the LCCs is really high which will impact the concern on a really big graduated table. Because of the handiness of several options of low cost air hoses and the installation of cyberspace engagement of air tickets the clients have many flexible options available. So to weaken this force of purchasers the company hour angle to keep the quality of services and the cost of the services should be kept minimal in the industry. Otherwise this force will besides move as a menace for the company. Menace of a Substitute Products or Servicess Substitutes for the air hose industry are trains or driving autos but handiness and feasibleness of these replacements varies from part to part. Cars and trains might be substitute for the regional and local flights but they can non replace international low cost flights. So the power of this force besides differs in parts like in Europe where going with trains is easier and cheaper the menace will be higher but in UAE where the train installation is non good and because of the hot and dry clime going with autos is besides non possible flights are the best option as it is more convenient and clip economy. So the power of force will be weak at that place and chances of concern will be higher. Rivalry among existing houses In the air power the competition degree is really high between assorted air hose companies. In the Middle East and North Africa part there are many international air hoses in the industry. All these companies are pulling clients by supplying best client services, best aircrafts and lowest monetary value in the industry. But the Air Arabia has been established in the part for the past many old ages and keeping the place of leader in the LCC air hoses. Business-Level Strategy The distinction scheme requires the development and betterment in the quality of merchandise or services. These merchandises are offered to clients with better and alone features which are wholly different and advanced from the rivals. The singularity in the services will add a value to them and this value may be charged as a premium monetary value of the service by the company. Air Arabia has been the leader f the LCCs for the past three old ages. Now the company can utilize is trade name value to cover up the excess cost of the sole services by the clients. The alone properties of the services provided by Air Arabia will be able to bear down some excess dollars from the clients if the providers increase the cost of their merchandises. The current concern scheme of Air Arabia is cost focused ; it provides services at the lower limit cost possible in the industry and is taking the LCC industry for the past 3 old ages. The company should now add some value to its services. These value added services may be better client service, rapid invention and advanced engineering. But if the company will pattern this new concern scheme along with its trade name image so the menaces and failings can be overcome. To be successful with the distinction scheme of concern an organisation might hold certain strengths: Use of best and advanced scientific and technological constructs. Expert and competent work force for developing value added merchandises or services. Gross saless squad should be skilled plenty to distribute the advanced characteristics and serviceability of the merchandise. Brand image and repute to better quality and promotions. Value in the service and merchandise can be created by implementing following stairss in the concern: Lowering Buyers Costss Improved quality will minimise the opportunities of jobs in the services and therefore the cost of purchaser will besides acquire reduced. Raising Buyers Performance The chief aim of increasing the quality of services is to entertain the clients with better services and allow them bask the service. Sustainability The uniqueness and repute of the merchandises will make barriers and high shift cost. Hazards of Using a Differentiation Strategy Hazards involved in utilizing distinction scheme in the air hose industry are high. Rivals of Air Arabia can get down copying its concern theoretical account or gustatory sensations and demands of clients might alter really often which might free the value the service so the service will necessitate alterations consequently. Functional-Level Schemes Internal analysis Business Model Mission, Vision, Values, and Goal Air Arabia is the taking house in the field of low cost bearers with the mission of revolutionising the air travel in the Middle East and North African part. The attack of the company will be fresh and advanced which will offer services fulfilling to the full value of money of clients. To accomplish the mission of the company it will utilize low menu operations to turn the profitableness of the organisation. The squads of the Air Arabia will be extremely motivated for client satisfaction which will showcase the highest criterions of operations and will pull off the operational cost of the company. The vision of Air Arabia is To be one of the universe s prima Budget Airlines with regard to: Profitableness and Margin Invention Repute Operational Excellence Air Arabia shows its trueness to its riders by offering them the minimal rates and best combination of rates and services which will pull them to go with Air Arabia more often. The organisation commits to its stockholders the highest and most unafraid return on their money. The company with its value Pay Less, Fly More offers safe, dependable and comfy air travel throughout its web more frequently. The company ever looks frontward to run into the demands and outlooks of its valued clients by offering assorted value added services and offers. The company ever invites the suggestions and feedbacks from the clients in order to better its services and offerings. The journey with Air Arabia should be a fantastic experience is the chief point of dedication of the company. Decision The Air Arabia must follow generic concern scheme of distinction in add-on to its current cost focused scheme. This mix of concern schemes will derive competitory advantage over its rivals to the company. The better quality of services will do it the best company in the air hose concern. Air Arabia s AcelAero was the multifunctional reserve system. It has offered and package solution endeavor: air hose for better operational services. The company offers flights to more than 65 finishs around the universe. Air Arabia understands the value of money of the clients and provides services that are compatible to the monetary value clients have paid. All these are the uniqueness and advantages of the company in comparing to other air hoses. Air Arabia will derive competitory advantages by concentrating on other market sections. Like supplying lading services to Aramex, partnering with Dubai bank and Dubai Islamic Bank for the on-line payment installation, offering assorted gifts and verifier s on the one-year jubilations of the company. All these stairss of the company are aimed to better the trade name name and corporate image of the company, regionally or internationally. These value added services of the company will assist in increasing the figure of clients and figure of repetition clients who were one time satisfied with the services of Air Arabia. The Air Arabia air hoses company is in the adulthood phase of the concern life rhythm so it will hold to confront strong competition with the viing air hoses companies. To derive competitory border over its rivals each company will be utilizing violative concern schemes instead than defensive one to stay competitory in the market. The research and analysis of internal and external factors impacting the place of company in the air hoses industry proposes following recommendations: The cost of operations of Air Arabia is increasing because of increasing fuel monetary values and elephantine investings in aircrafts and its services. The company must minimise the operational costs by bettering operations in the concern, peculiarly betterment in care procedure, aircraft use, and effectual programming of flights. Labor cost can besides be reduced by utilizing engineering in assorted distribution procedures. Although Air Arabia has menaces of the high category air hoses which provides high degree of services to the riders, the company is a leader in the low cost air hoses. So cost of tickets can be increased up to a certain extent in order to better the quality of services and add some value to those services. Air Arabia can stay competitory in the market because it is the leader of the LCCs and charges of other high category air hoses are excessively much for a normal non concern category client. By widening the roots of the concern in such a mode the company can tu rn its market portion in the concern category clients excessively. Air Arabia has paths in more than65 finish all over the universe but as the UAE is a chief attractive force of planetary touristry so the paths of the air hoses should be increased. The company should fall in some planetary confederations in order to widen the scope of monetary value and service offered by the air hoses.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Humility vs arrogance Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Humility vs arrogance - Research Paper Example Often, it is an arrogance that has caused a disruption within an individual’s ability to cope. Therefore, in helping a congregate to understand the difference between humility and arrogance, a pastor can help a congregate to find a way to cope with the trouble that has entered their life. From an ethical perspective of studying the idea of humility, one can define the term as representing According to Grenberg (2005) who explores the ways in which Kant discussed humility, the term represents the perspective that an individual takes about themselves in comparison to their commitment to moral values and principles. In other words, humility means that what one does is measured against what one believes, knowing that as a human, one will never fully achieve that infinite state of grace that is defined by those moral values. Humility helps an individual to accept their own limitations, finding a substantive measure of balance which can then be extended to understand the limitations of others. Khalsa (2009) defines humility as the solid foundation of an â€Å"authentically spiritual, healthy, and whole human being†(210). The state of humility is founded in a sense of realism, created from the perspective of openness to both the virtues and the failures that reside within everyone. Humility can be a very difficult state to define. Everts (2009) suggests that one of the ways that to examine the concept of humility is to look at what does not define it. Humility is not a virtue that is easily defined by American ideals and standards of cultural beliefs about life. Vanity, presumption, celebrity, arrogance and namedropping â€Å"are the air we breath in this country†(p. 115). Therefore, it is not an easy concept for Americans to define because it is not part of the public discourse on how heroism is defined. Humility is not self-deprecation, it does not find definition in â€Å"feigning ignorance of accomplishments so other will loudly declare the m (Everts, 2009, p. 115). An old concept that can be used to define humility is that of ‘poverty of spirit’. The only true way to understand ‘poverty of spirit’ is in seeing the richness of spirit that resides within Jesus. Within this comparison, one can find humility. It is not a state of diminishing one’s own existence, but in seeing that it is imperfect and needs daily care in order to strive towards the richness of spirit that can be seen in Christ (Everts, 2009, p. 116). Newman (1991) discusses a different aspect of humility. While he acknowledges that humility has been widely discussed, he frames an argument that it has been overemphasized as important. He states that the emphasis on humility takes away from the empowerment that religious spiritual experience can give to a person. The elevated states that are derived from the intellectual love of God can be subverted by the application of humility to them. Newman (1991) quotes Ludwig Feuerbach as saying that â€Å"Christian humility is an inverted arrogance; the believer feels himself preeminent, though as a result of grace rather than his own striving†(p. 81). However, Newman (1991) still believes that there is virtue in humility . That the humble person will experience acceptance of themselves, their nature accepted for its flaws rather than denied because of them. He states that â€Å"
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
FDT 2 week 8 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
FDT 2 week 8 - Essay Example Specifically, the article is quite not clear about its main thesis, especially when it says that the human trafficking and smuggling are heinous crimes against the humanity. It should be appealing if the author was able to include on what ground do these crimes violate or interfere the promulgation of the international law. It might be necessary to present at some point the international laws relevant to telling that human trafficking and smuggling aside from posing risks to people also violate the law. The thought linked to this should have made the point clearer as to the issue and on the ground that human trafficking or smuggling are crimes against the humanity. On the other hand, the author basically presented some reasoning about the danger or threats linked to human trafficking and smuggling activities. However, this point should have rich supporting details in order to make the entire argument smooth and vibrant in its general
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Religion and Well-Being Essay Example for Free
Religion and Well-Being Essay Religion can be defined as a strong belief in the supernatural power that holds the sole authority to control human destiny. It is an institution that helps to express our belief in a heavenly power. Religion is as old as the human civilization and came into existence when the human brain became superior to realize the significance of faith, and worship. Earlier humans lived in small groups, and each group recognized an icon that harmonized the ideologies of different people in the group. Rituals were an essential part of lives and were carried for natural resources icons such as moon, sun, fire, river, etc. since its beginning religion has been very beneficial for humans and it still holds an important place in the lives of people. Religion is a completely personal choice and should be left to the choice of individuals. It is unfair to force a religion on followers of some other religion through offering gifts and cash. Each religion has its own beliefs and ideologies and should be mutually respected by others in the world. Only then this world can become a better place to live. A growing number of studies convincingly demonstrate that people who are more deeply involved in religion tend to enjoy better physical and mental health than individuals who are less involved in religion (Ellison Levin, 1998; Koenig, McCullough, Larson, 2001). As this literature continues to develop, researchers have begun to tackle challenging issues that involve explaining how the salubrious effects of religion on health might arise. A number of potentially important theoretical perspectives have been devised. For example, some investigators argue that involvement in religion exerts a beneficial effect on health because it helps people cope more effectively with the deleterious effects of stress (Pargament, 1997), whereas other researchers maintain that the potentially important health-related effects arise from the sense of meaning in life that many people find through greater involvement in religion (Park, 2005). An explanation that was proposed some time ago forms the focal point of the current study. More specifically, a number of researchers have argued that people who are more involved in religion tend to have better health because they are more likely to adopt beneficial health behaviors than individuals who are less involved in religion (Levin Schiller, 1987). Subsequent research has provided support for this perspective. For example, a number of studies indicate that individuals who attend religious services often are more likely to avoid the use of tobacco and alcohol (Gillum, 2005; Strawbridge, Shema, Cohen, Kaplan, 2001). Moreover, greater involvement in religion has been associated with more frequent exercise, a better diet, better sleep quality, and the regular use of seat belts (Hill, Burdette, Ellison, Musick, 2006; Hill, Ellison, Burdette, Musick, 2007). There is also some evidence that religious individuals are more likely to engage in a range of preventive health practices, such as getting a regular mammography, having a routine cholesterol screening, and obtaining flu shots (Benjamins, 2006; Benjamins Brown, 2004; Benjamins, Trinitapoli, Ellison, 2006). Although there is broad-based empirical support for the notion that religious involvement is associated with beneficial health behaviors there is still a great deal that is not known about this relationship. One area that is in need of further development forms the focal point of the current study. More specifically, researchers have not devised well-articulated models that explain how involvement in religion promotes the practice of better health behaviors (e. g. , Benjamins et al. , 2006; Ellison et al. in press). This information is essential for the development of more effective interventions that are administered in religious institutions. As van Ryn and Heaney (1992) observe, â€Å"Clearly, application of well-defined and carefully tested theories to the program development process holds tremendous advantages for health educators in terms of coherence, effectiveness, and evaluation of interventions†(p. 328). Three potentially important mechanisms have been identified in the research that has been done so far. The first involves the notion that certain religious beliefs encourage people to take better care of their bodies. Included among these beliefs is the notion that the body is the â€Å"temple of God†(Ellison et al. , 2009) as well as the belief that better spiritual health is associated with better physical health (Benjamins et al. , 2006). Second, a number of investigators provide evidence which suggests that some people take better care of themselves if they worship in congregations that provide formal programs that are designed to promote better health behavior (Campbell et al. 2007; DeHaven, Hunter, Wilder, Walton, Berry, 2004). Third, other researchers report that people who attend church on a regular basis are more likely to adopt beneficial health behaviors because they are encouraged to do so by their fellow church members (Ellison et al. , 2009). For more than 100 years, researchers have argued that religion is an inherently social product. For example, James Mark Baldwin, an early president of the American Psychological Association, wrote in 1902: â€Å"The fact is constantly recognized that religion is a social phenomena. No man is religious by himself, nor does he choose his god, nor devise his offering, nor enjoy his blessings alone†(p. 325). Although the early theorists made invaluable contributions to the literature, they did not explore the more pragmatic implications of their insights. The current study was designed to contribute to more recent efforts by a new generation of scholars who have begun to assess health-related effects that appear to arise from deeper involvement in religion. We hope the findings from the current study and the theoretical perspective we have devised encourage further research in this field.
Friday, November 15, 2019
Innovations in Crude Oil Production Essay -- Oil Production Essays Pap
Innovations in Crude Oil Production The first oil well was drilled in 1859 by Edwin Drake. It burned to the ground several months later, but had it survived it would only have yielded around 20 barrels of oil per day, hardly a drop in today’s market.(â€Å"Story†) At the time however, it was considered a success and it began a revolution in oil production. Crude oil production in the world skyrocketed from a few hundred barrels of oil per day to 76 million today. (â€Å"International†) Of course, in the long term, this is not sustainable. In the near future however, it is the goal of the oil industry to continue this growth in order to continue to meet the world demand. Unlike the rest of the world, crude oil production in the US has gone down, from a high of 9.6 million barrels per day in the 1970’s to only 5.7 million barrels of oil per day now. But like the world, demand for oil has gone up. Looking at statistics for estimated US oil supply( â€Å"Environmental†: A History of Innovation, p. 9) : 162 billion barrels have already been produced 22 billion barrels make up our proven reserves 37 billion barrels are proven, but currently unrecoverable 50 billion barrels are estimated undiscovered and recoverable 351 billion barrels are estimated undiscovered and unrecoverable With an estimate of around 460 billion barrels of oil remaining, recent production declines are not due to the US running out of crude completely. However, 388 billion barrels of this country’s crude oil are technologically unrecoverable. What this means is that technology may exist to recover this oil, but that with today’s crude prices, it is not economical to do so. This problem faces oil producing countries all over the world. Thus,... ...o developing renewable energy technologies that will prepare for a fossil fuel-less future that this technology is bringing closer every day. Works Cited â€Å"The Story of Oil in Pennsylvania.†Paleontological Research Institution Official Home Page . 2004. â€Å"International Energy Annual†2001 edition, released in March 2003. Energy Information Administration (DOE) Official Home Page. US Department of Energy. â€Å"Environmental Benefits of Advanced Oil and Gas Exploration and Production Technology†. Washington: 1999. â€Å"Enhanced Oil Recovery/ CO2 Injection†Office of Fossil Energy (DOE) Official Home Page. 2004.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Dramatic Iron In Tragedy Essay
Dramatic irony is endemic in the experience of the tragedy; people get shocked when tragedy strikes but they will murmur underneath that they had seen it coming though the victims did realize it. Neighbors and friends read signs of death, they are afraid to it directly or try to tell it indirectly and the victims can not believe or just cannot understand. Tragedy sometimes strikes when least expected, Lindsay a beautiful young Woman of two, separated from her husband because he abused her physically, her estranged her husband did not accept the separation though it was authorized by a local judge. He visited her house often and without notifying her in advance, he claimed that house was still his home because they had bought the house together before he started in drinking before that ruined their relationship and turned their home into a battle field. Lindsay had no problem with that he was still the father of her children, though she no longer loved him, in fact she was seeing granted so that they could marry. She knew Andy would be jealousy if he got a wind that there was another man in her life but didn’t think much about it and when Andy bumped on them kissing on the coach, she didn’t think there was anything to worry about, furthermore they had decided that they should move on, in the best way each one knew. Andy reacted coolly, and seemed to be okay as the shook hands with Lindsay’s new man, she was surprised by his calmness and understanding. When Andy offered to take Lindsay and their children out for dinner, she suggested that her new boyfriend should also as he had already met him and even implied that if he was seeing someone he should also come with her. It didn’t seem to be a good ideal to her man but she managed to convince him and together they left in Andy’s car towards a local restaurant. Andy was quite jovial through out the evening, talking nostalgically of the old times they had shared as a family, he made it clear that he was fine and would respect. Lindsay’s decision to move on, he promised to help hasten the divorce to set her free. Andy drove his family and their new friend home, but as soon as he parked the car, he left outside and he held a pistol in hands he pulled he trigger and shot Lindsay and her man as he mocked them, telling them they can marry in hell. Luckily he did not kill his children but he turned the pistol to it and placed it on hid head, pulled the trigger and died on the spot. Lindsay was dead, her children became orphans, and she knew that Andy still bred her; some of her friends had warned her that it was too soon to enter into another relationship but she had not hindered their advice. They knew Andy would get crazy with jealousy, some of them would not even believe that he had not started a fight with Lindsay’s boyfriend on the first day he savo together. Family members must have worried about Andy’s welfare especially after they realized that Lindsay was saving someone else, they knew how possessive he was with her, the guessed that he could harm the man they knew that there was no way to take the pain and reaction he felt and so they just waited for time to heal his wounds. However, tragedy struck and all they could now say was they had seen it coming. Most tragedies that happen are as a result of all careless mistakes for instance when someone dies in road accident, people will always say they knew it would happen, may be they will talk about his careless and fast driving or say that he left very angry or struck, they saw him getting into the vehicle but did not stop him and he goes and trashes and dies. In every tragedy there is dramatic irony, and no matter how many tragedies strike people are always shocked and they never learn to stop the. Dramatic irony s endemic in the experience of tragedy, think of the humblest that killed may in the united states, the US had now with Iraq, they knew they would strike them but did not take much precautions neither did they try to stop them, until the tragedy struck. When a bus gets involved in an accident, the lucky passengers that bus had been driving careless before the us crashed, they will have felt it before it happens but do nothing to stop it. I can use this to justify that dramatic irony is endemic in the experience of tragedy, and it will always be, no matter how hard we try. References Barnard B. A and Winn F. (2005); Access to Literature: An Introduction to Fiction, Poetry and Drama; Amazon publishers, New York Diayanni R. (1997); Literature: Reading Fiction, Poetry, drama and the Essay Amazon publishers, New York Dawson C. and Flood J. (2000); Spotlight on Literature; McMillan series Kennedy X. J and Gioia D. (2004); Literature: An introduction to Fiction, Poetry and drama Interactive edition 9th Edition. Royle T. ; (1999); Scottish Literature: McMillan series -Introduction to Literature: McMillan series -Enjoying Literature: McMillan series -Understanding Literature: McMillan series -American Literature: McMillan series English and Western Literature: McMillan series
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Brief History of PepsiCo
PepsiCo is one of the most successful beverage and snack food business in the world. The company consist of: Frito Lay Co., Pepsi-Cola Co., and Tropicana Products. PepsiCo was funded in 1965 by Donald M. Kendall Pepsi-Cola president, and Herman W. Lay, president of Frito-Lay. Caleb Bradham, a New Bern, N.C. pharmacist, created pepsi-Cola in 1890. Frito-Lay, Inc. was formed by the 1961 merger of the Frito Company, founded by Elmer Doolin in 1932, and the H. W. Lay Company, founded by Herman W. Lay, also in 1932. In 1998 PepsiCo acquires Tropicana Products from Seagram Company Ltd. Anthony Rossi founded Tropicana in 1947. Frito-Lay, Inc was funded in 1961, by merging of The Frito Company and H.W. Lay Company. Today, Frito-Lay brands account for 40% of the world, snack chip industry, and 56% of the U.S. industry. Often, Frito-Lay Company products are known by local names (Matutano in Spain, Walkers in the United Kingdom and others.) Caleb Bradham founded pepsi-Cola in 1890. Brand Pepsi and other Pepsi-Cola products account for nearly one-third of total soft drink sales in the United States, a consumer market totalling about $58 billion. Outside the United States, Pepsi-Cola beverages are available in about 160 countries. Today Pepsi-Cola products account for about a quarter of all soft drinks sold internationally. The company has also established operations in the emerging markets of the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia and Russia, where Pepsi-Cola was the first U.S. consumer product to be marketed. Pepsi-Cola provides advertising, marketing, sales and promotional support to Pepsi-Cola bottlers and food service customers. This includes some of the world's best and most recognized advertising. New advertising and exciting promotions keep Pepsi-Cola brands young. Anthony Rossi founded Tropicana in 1947. The company entered the concentrate orange juice business in 1949, registering Tropicana as a trademark. In 1954 Rossi pioneered a pasteurisation process for orange juice. For the first time, consumers could enjoy the taste of pure not-from-concentrate 100% Florida orange juice in a ready-to-serve package. The company went public in 1957, was purchased by Beatrice Foods Co. in 1978, acquired by Kohlberg Kravis & Roberts in 1986 and sold to The Seagram Company Ltd. in 1988. Seagram purchased the Dole global juice business in 1995. PepsiCo acquired Tropicana, including the Dole juice business, in August 1998. Today, Tropicana is the world's largest marketer and producer of branded juices with products available in 50 countries worldwide. The Pest Analysis identifies the political, economical, social a technological influences on an organization. – The production distribution and use of many of PepsiCo product are subject to various federal laws, such as the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act, the Occupational Safety and Health Act ad the Americans with Disabilities. – The businesses are also subject to state, local and foreign laws. – The international businesses are subject to the Government stability in the countries where PepsiCo is trying get into (underdeveloped markets). – The federal, state, local and foreign environmental laws and regulations. – The businesses are also subject to de taxation policy in each country they are operating. – They also have to comply with federal, state, local and foreign environmental laws and regulations. – The companies are subject to the harvest of the raw material that they use in their snack foods, soft drink and juice, like corn, oranges, grapefruit, vegetables, potatoes, etc. – Because of they rely on trucks to move and distribute many of their products, fuel is also an important subject, so they are subject to the fuel prize fluctuation, and to possible fuel crisis. – Operating in International Markets involves exposure to volatile movements in foreign exchange rates. The economic impact of foreign exchange rates movements on them is complex because such changes are often linked to variability in real growth, inflation, interest rates, governmental actions and other factors. – PepsiCo is also subject to other economical factors like money supply, energy availability and cost, business cycles, etc. – PepsiCo and moreover Pepsi is subject to the lifestyle changes, because of it bases her advertising campaigns in a concrete kind of people with an special lifestyle, it is for that PepsiCo has to pay a special attention on the lifestyle changes. – Particularly in the United States Pepsi drinkers are very defined, there is a kind of people who drinks Pepsi another kind who drinks Coca-Cola, it is for that they have to pay attention to the social mobility for not losing a possible market. – Taking into account that PepsiCo is trying to introduce itself in underdeveloped markets, they have to be careful with the possible problems with the governments of this countries, and with the problems could rise from PepsiCo act with the people of this countries. – PepsiCo is subject to new techniques of manufacturing, for their three business sectors, snack food, juices and soft drinks. – It has to pay attention to the new distribution techniques. – And they have to fix their attention in the competence developed, to know about the new products. The Porter†s Diamond Analysis tries to explain the Competitive Advantage of Nations. There are four attributes of a nation comprise Porter†s Diamond of national advantage, they are: The basic factor conditions are natural resources, climate, location, the more advanced factor conditions are skilled labour, infrastructure and technology. There are some of these factors that can be obtained by any company (like unskilled labour and raw materials) and, hence, do not generate sustained competitive advantage. Even though, we have to take into account that specialized factors involve a heavy and sustained investment, we have to know that if we are able to achieve them, we could generate a competitive advantage. Some of the factor conditions PepsiCo has to take into account, in each country where they want to introduce are – Interest rate. (Short term, long term). We have to know that the nature of a country demand makes PepsiCo dependent on them. For example if in one country exists a sophisticated demand, these customers pressure firms to be competitive. Is for that, firms that face a sophisticate domestic market are likely to sell superior products because the market demands high quality and a close proximity to such customers enable the firm to better understand the needs of the customers, in the same way it is easier spread their firms in the global market. Some of the demand conditions PepsiCo has to take into account en the countries where they want to introduce are: – And with competitors are established in the country. For any company it is really important the Related and Supporting Industry. Knowing who are the range of suppliers, and the related industries, is necessary for deciding where we have to place our company. In some cases the concentration of related and supporting industries provoke the concentration of the similar industries in the same areas. Some advantages and disadvantages of locating close to your rival may be: Some advantages to locating close to your rivals may be: o Potential technology knowledge spillovers, o An association of a region on the part of consumers with a product and high quality and therefore some market power, or o An association of a region on the part of applicable labour force. Some disadvantages to locating close to your rivals are: o Potential poaching of your employees by rival companies and o Obvious increase in competition possibly decreasing mark-ups. Concerning to the strategy and the structure of the firm, they would be conditioned by the tradition of the country. There are different management styles in each country, and besides they vary depending on the industry. PepsiCo has to study the different styles of management, for acting in the best way in each country, adapting its strategy and its structure as far as possible. As far as possible the rivalry, in general is better the national than the international. In the case of PepsiCo (Pepsi); for them it is more advisable that when they are introducing in a new market, its main rival (Coca-Cola) not be positioned or at least it is not to absolute leader of the market. We do the same analysis for the three different markets of PepsiCo: the soft drink market, the snacks market and the chilled orange juice market. We treated the three markets as a the same industry, with some exceptions as the competence Established brands with a lot of experience in the market that a have a good channel of distribution. The brands deliver the products directly to the supermarket, this means that is necessary a big company structure (lorries, warehouses, producing plants, etc.) to arrive at retailers and supermarkets, all of this requires a big investment of money. Well looks that at first sight, suppliers are not a problem because it†s easy to find potatoes, corn and oil suppliers. The problem that we find here is the possibility of variability of prices in the raw materials caused for example by a bad year of harvesting, or there is another petrol crisis. Also in some countries that have not petrol normally fuel petrol is more expensive and the fuel suppliers have an oligopoly of the market. Considering that buyers are the final consumers, we can say that in this markets the consumers get used at one kind of taste, and they have this products for the importance of the brand, it†s a marketing issue as well. In these three markets is quite difficult to find substitutes. More than substitutes we can talk more of fashion, trends, or costumer†s tastes. Suddenly people stop has orange juice for breakfast and take more milk or coffee in mornings. It†s quite difficult to find a substitute for these products because normally the people get used at one kind of taste of cola for example, then is very difficult to try to adapt the public to a new cola. Well these three markets are really full of rivalry. First there is the Cola market where Coca-Cola owns an incredible 51% market share, followed far away Pepsi with a 21% of market share, is very difficult to penetrate in this market. Then there is the Snack market where Lays have the 40% of market share, the second most important brand is Procter &Gamble (P&G), in this market the shares are more distributed, but still being two majors competitors that have most of the market. An at the last we have the orange Juice market, this maybe is the most open market, there is a lot of competence and there is not a major brand that controls all the market. There are three important brands that have more market share, like Tropicana Coca-Cola Company and Chiquita. Because the company is in a competitive environment is not possible to recover the increasing costs with a higher pricing of the final products. For this reason PepsiCo have special way to purchase the raw materials. They use â€Å"futures contracts†for cover different fluctuation in the raw material market (Primarily oil, corn, fuel, etc.) is like speculate with the market. In Orange juice products, they only use non-concentrate orange juice for creates a very tasty and healthy product completely natural. Pepsi they just create the liquid that is sold to the bottlers, these bottlers then they can the liquid and then is sold to the costumers. PepsiCo owns at same time shares from the four bottlers companies. In fact in the past PepsiCo owned Pepsi Bottling Group, and had as a franchise Pepcom industries INC companies. PepsiCo use the system â€Å"direct store distribution†. This implies that PepsiCo products are delivered to the retailer and put it directly to the shelves, this provide a great business control to PepsiCo, and reduce work to the retailers and that fact give more advantage over most competitors. This is a very powerful tool that PepsiCo use. It would be developed in another chapter. We can consider that the service that makes PepsiCo value is the â€Å"direct store distribution†explained before. Here PepsiCo uses economies of scale. Also the raw materials are bought in future contract to prevent higher costs in the future because the high prices of the raw materials. More than Technology development we can talk of costumer preferences. Is very important to know what the costumers prefers and wants, then is necessary to study the costumers†behaviour. For example Tropicana Twister shelf-stable juice products had a very important volume growth because the PepsiCo relaunched the brand in 1.75 plastic bottles instead of smaller glass bottles. This provides to the costumers more value and convenience. Benefits At PepsiCo's Worldwide Headquarters  · Bonus opportunities at many levels  · Eligibility for stock options for almost all positions The PepsiCo stock option plan is called SharePower. Here are some of the details:  · Once eligible, you receive PepsiCo stock options normally each year based on at least 10% of your prior year's earnings.  · Share Power stock options let you purchase shares of PepsiCo stock in the future at a set price.  · You make money if the stock price goes up and you stay with the Company.  · The longer you work for the Company, the more stock options you get. Share Power is one way for PepsiCo employees to share in the success that they create. A Pension Plan fully paid for by the Company.  · A 401(k) Plan which allows you to save up to 15% of your pay on a pre-tax basis and invest in any publicly traded stock or bond or in any of over 200 mutual funds.  · A stock purchase program, allowing you to purchase PepsiCo stock through payroll deductions, with no fees or commissions. In addition, PepsiCo's portfolio of benefits includes such valuable programs as:  · Matching Charitable Contributions Corporate Officers (Roger A. Enrico) a) Frito-Lays; this product is a Cash Cow for PepsiCo; it generates more cash than it needs to maintain its share market. Frito-Lays is the leader of its market, and it has its principal competitor very far in the market share. PepsiCo should maintain this product, in the same way, and invest its profits in other company products. b) Tropicana; it is a question mark for PepsiCo, it is, due to, it is a new acquisition, and although it is a product leader in its market, PepsiCo has to invest in Tropicana for achieving a bigger market share, and for trying to increase the international market share. c) Pepsi; it is very difficult place to Pepsi, in one of the squares, because in spite of it generates more cash than it needs to maintain its share market, it is not the leader of its market, and we can neither considerate it as a star product, because of the same reason, them it probably could be place, in the middle of the matrix. PepsiCo had reduce the total net sales in 2,000 millions $ during the 1999, this was due to PepsiCo sold the bottling company. But at same time the total sales from the three Business (Snacks, Soft Drinks, Orange Juice) had increase in 4,000 millions $. This means that the company his growing in the markets. Because the selling of the bottling Company the total cost and expenses reduced in 2,000 millions of $. Because the reduced costs and the growth of the net sales in the Snacks, soft drinks, and Orange juice, the company had at the end of the 1999 more profit. (Source: 1999 Annual report of PepsiCo) Resuming PepsiCo had in 1999 a total net income of 2,050 millions $ more or less the same as at 1997 (2,142 millions of $), but with the difference that in 1999 they stop earning money with the bottling company. This means now the company generates more profit. (Source: 1999 Annual report of PepsiCo) Is necessary to emphasise as well that PepsiCo reduced a lot one of the big loans that he had due to PepsiCo didn†t has the necessity of borrowing money. The loan had an amount of 4,53 millions $ and was reduced to 1,55 millions $ in 1999. (Source: 1999 Annual report of PepsiCo) PepsiCo's earnings per share jumped 17% in the third quarter ended September 2; to $.40 from a pro forma $.34 in the prior year, the fourth consecutive double-digit gain. Revenues grew 7% to $4.9 billion, reflecting strong volume growth in worldwide snacks and juices. Operating profit grew 12% to $826 million as every division generated double-digit growth. Roger Enrico, chairman, said: â€Å"Four consecutive quarters of double-digit EPS growth confirm that PepsiCo today is strong and getting stronger. We are fulfilling our goal of delivering healthy earnings gains generated by volume growth across our portfolio†. This means the company is going well but is not offering more dividends to the shareholders, after some bad years now the company is having n important growing. And this will be reflected in the dividends during the next years. PepsiCo nowadays it is a very strong Company with no financial problems, and with three important brands. Where Frito-Lays is a very Strong brand, World leader in sells in the world snack chip industry, with a 40% of the market share. (Source 1999 PepsiCo Annual report) In the last 3 years the company had increase his sales (without bottling operations) in a 33% since 1997. (Source 1999 PepsiCo Annual report) Pepsi maybe is one of the weakness of PepsiCo, due that is really far away from the leader Coca-Cola in the international market. Pepsi-Cola is the second largest soft drink Company with a 21% of volume, far from the terrific 51% of volume of Coca-Cola. The net sales of PepsiCo had increase in the last 3 years, this is important but is necessary to say that is due the increase in sales only in USA, PepsiCo didn†t growth so much in the international market, what is happening then that only growing in USA. New markets are beginning to open in the world (China, mainly in Asia). The opportunity to enter in the markets where the competence is not established yet. For example in China, China is the country with more population in the world, enter in the Chinese market and establish there before the competence arrive can give to PepsiCo a great opportunity to success in the future. The problem that in these new markets the products of PepsiCo will not have a good welcome by the Asian consumers. The flavours of the products are not really adequate for these countries. Roger Enrico will leave the direction of PepsiCo in 2 years, this can create a little situation of panic inside the Company. The increase the prices of the raw materials or the fuel can cause an increase of the costs, and in the business environment that PepsiCo live is not possible to increase the product price because is a very competitive environment. Until now PepsiCo brand image was very linked to Pepsi image, which has label of second best brand. But in the last four years, that has changed, they have tried to lost the label of ‘loser†, linking its image to the rest of firms company, that have a strong brand image in their markets. They have achieve that through advertising campaigns where appeared together with other PepsiCo Brands. During the last decade Pepsi had a war with Coca-Cola, in which Pepsi always lost. In the last stage (since the arrival of Enrico) PepsiCo decides move away from that war, for focusing in its own problems. Another step in the new strategy was the acquisition of the leader companies in related markets, for achieving a new image of powerful and consolidated corporation. In other way PepsiCo is giving a corporation image, which is committed with subjects like racial and sex discrimination, and environmental problems. All that through the special programs focused on each area. In the last four year PepsiCo has suffered radical changes in its internal structure and in its market strategies. All these changes were propitiated by the arrival in the direction of R. Enrico, who implemented a radical change in PepsiCo†s mentality. He made very important decisions like to come off the restaurants (Pizza Hut & KFC) and the bottlers, due to they were a heavy weight for the company. Although they were come off them, they follow linked to PepsiCo through strategic alliances, it is to say, that the restaurants still sell PepsiCo products and the bottlers follow bottling Pepsi. Moreover PepsiCo has a minority percent of share of these companies. Other important decisions that Enrico made were the strategic acquisitions of leader companies in related markets, like Tropicana and Mountain Drew. These acquired companies have given to PepsiCo as much profits as stronger company brand image of New PepsiCo. After analysing PepsiCo we have noticed that in spite of the company has increased its net product sales, that is not a real increase because the sales have increased due to the new acquisitions, and not because of the increase of the products, which already existed in the company. For this reason we recommended that, they should consolidate its old product and try to increase they sales. Another section, where we would like to make a recommendation, it is into the international section of PepsiCo, we think that they are too focused in the U.S. (although it is true that it is the market where they have biggest volume of sales), but they should try to consolidate in the international markets, and as well to try to penetrate in undeveloped markets, where its competitors are not established yet (i.e. Chinese market).
Friday, November 8, 2019
A Systems Analyst essays
A Systems Analyst essays A Systems Analyst analyses, designs and implements the information gathered previously to a system, the final product which is a report of yearly sales, profits, etc. The first thing a Systems Analyst does is to interview the company which wants the report, (called the user) to find out what kind of report they want, format, etc. They must find whether the report is feasible or not, and to find out, they do an analysis of the project. To analyze the project, they must find out where are they going to get the information, how, when is the project going to be done, etc. They then design the system, which is to make a 'skeleton' of the project. They write specifications, of what is to be in the final report. They do flowcharting, specifications for the programmers of the report, and development control. Development control is where the Systems Analyst works with the programmers along a critical path. A critical path is like a due date, if the report is to be done in thirty days, the Systems Analyst makes sure the report is done in thirty days. The Systems Analyst also follows the first analysis of when the project will be finished. The critical path also calculates how many man hours it will take to finish, etc. A critical path flowchart also helps the programmers along. After the development is finished and a prototype of the report is finished, the Systems Analyst helps the programmers in testing the program for bugs. This is similar to quality control. The Systems Analyst helps to makes sure the work is done until the final report is achieved. Once the final report is finished and free of bugs, it is sent to the user. The Systems Analyst has a big job to do, he/she is responsible for the design, the development, and implementation of the report, ie: what purpose will it se rve, presentation, etc. The Systems Analyst creates and helps finish the final product, making all the specifications and charts for what is to be done. A...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
13 Questions You Should Be Asking about Updating Your References
13 Questions You Should Be Asking about Updating Your References National Update Your References Week It seems there are international and/or national weeks for just about everything, and the first week in May was, as proclaimed by Career Directors International, International Update Your References Week (UYRW). Why such a thing? CDI says UYRW â€Å"was created due to the importance of job seekers [sic] learning to maintain a network of warm contacts and references, in order to assist them in career change, employment, and growth.†CDI’s director, Laura DeCarlo, asserts that â€Å"up to 45% of employers check references, so it is necessary to be prepared to be asked for them.†Are You a Skeptic about National Anything Weeks? Even as a resume writer, my initial response to learning about International Update Your References Week was, â€Å"You’ve gotta be kidding. How much could there possibly be to do or say about references?†But then I thought about all the people reading my blog who might not have their references updated. I did a double-take for myself too: If I were to apply for employment somewhere, would my references be at my fingertips at the moment I needed them? I Need to Update My References The answer to that second question was †¦ well †¦ â€Å"mostly yes.†I’m connected with the majority of my past supervisors on LinkedIn, and recently had a nice chat with one of them just to catch up. When I travel to New York, I make an effort to visit my old stomping grounds in Brooklyn to stay in contact with the folks at CAMBA Legal Services. So why do I say â€Å"mostly†? Well, I have, embarrassingly enough, forgotten the name of my most recent supervisor at the University Of Wisconsin Law School’s Career Services Office. Prior to posting this article, I wrote to the man who was assistant director during my tenure- someone I have stayed connected with through networking- and asked for his assistance in identifying her. Oops. From my own erroneous ways in the references department, I can confidently say that while updating your references is something that’s best done on an ongoing basis (just like being nice to your mother on days other than Mother’s Day, or showing love to your partner on days other than Valentine’s Day), it doesn’t hurt to give some extra attention to this project once a year. 13 Questions and Answers About Updating Your References Since Update Your References Week proved useful to me, I imagine it will be a wake-up call for some of you too! To that end, here are some questions you might have about updating your references, which are answered on the UYRW information page: Why do I need to provide references for an employer? Who makes a good reference? How many references do I need? What types of information do I list? Should I list references directly on my resume? Should I list â€Å"References Available Upon Request†on resume? What if I was fired from my last job? Do I need to list that employer as a reference? When do I send references? What if I can’t find all of my previous supervisors? Do I need to ask permission to use someone as a reference? Someone once suggested that I send a copy of my resume to all my references. Why should I do that? What if I don’t have any prior experience? CDI has thoroughly answered all those questions and I recommend you read the answers. You might be surprised by some of them! Another question came up recently for me: â€Å"Can I quote my references on my resume without asking for their specific permission to do so?†My answer to that is, â€Å"It depends.†If your reference has publicized their testimonial on LinkedIn, then their recommendation is fair game. If they have not, then best practice is to request their permission before putting their name on your resume, especially if a quote is attributed to them. This doesn’t mean you can’t use their rave review from an evaluation or other source- but get their permission first, or, as an alternative, use their title only, without their name attached to it. Keeping It Personal Also missing from CDI’s list is a recommendation that I would like to make: Stay in contact with your references! Are you aware of your former boss’s career transitions? Family milestones? Remember, people will be most willing and enthusiastic about providing recommendations for you if you exhibit interest in them for more than their reference status. Staying in touch with your references will be particularly useful if they are prohibited by company policy from providing a recommendation, but can find a way around the rules- or if they move to another company, allowing them to provide a reference for the prior one. Do you have other questions about references? I will be happy to answer them even though Update Your Reference Week is over! I’d also love to hear how you would rate yourself on your communications with your references. Is it time to reach out to someone or find out what’s happening with their career or life? There’s no time like a national UYRW to do it!
Sunday, November 3, 2019
If Gold Prices Are The Same Everywhere, Then Why Arn't House Prices Essay
If Gold Prices Are The Same Everywhere, Then Why Arn't House Prices - Essay Example Using the basic economic supply and demand curve, it is easier for us to examine how prices and available supply affects the existing market behavior. To enable us to understand the major factor that make the prices of gold remains the same over time but not the housing prices, the history of the global trading system will first be tackled. Using the theories of microeconomics, significant changes within the domestic markets that contributes to the changes in the market value of houses will be thoroughly discussed. Between the years 1879 to 1934, trading of goods between two countries occurred using of the gold standard which enabled traders to pay goods and services in exchange with the quantity of gold (McConnell & Brue, 2004: p. 478). Since the value of gold remains the same in each country, there was officially a fixed exchange rate all over the world. Eventually, the use of fixed exchange rate resulted to a negative international demand shock since the prices goods from one country to another remains the same (Eichengreen, 1996). The global economic depression that happened back in 1930s changes the concept of having fixed exchange rate. (McConnell & Brue, 2004: p. 479) In order to promote free competition within the domestic and global trading markets, some nations have considered making the cost of exportation cheaper by devaluating their currency against the real value of gold. As part of strengthening the adjustable-peg system which was introduced under the Bretton Woods System1, each country agreed to accept gold and the US dollar as the benchmark for international reserves since the US was able to accumulate the biggest supply of gold as compared with other countries (McConnell & Brue, 2004: p. 480). As a result, the agreed equivalent of gold in terms of the US dollar is US$35 per ounce (Bougrine & Seccareccia, 2004). Aiming to avoid economic bias
Friday, November 1, 2019
'How has the study of literature changed over the last 100 years' Essay
'How has the study of literature changed over the last 100 years' - Essay Example Literature had and always will define the life style of people in any nation at all. It used to be written by people who felt for the society, who wanted to improve the society or define the society’s good points and bad points. They were also the ones understood the need of the society. The people of the societies, usually American, and English in general were the ones who used to like parties, and social dinners. They usually were people who lived in the countryside, were ruled by the kings and queens, fought wars on the horses, were pirates, sailed in ships for long journeys lasting for days, liked romance, long walks on the grass in the evening, horse-riding, playing the piano, writing and reading poetry, and dancing. They were also the people who ballet danced. Quite a handful was able to go to educational institutions – colleges and universities. War was prevalent in most of the countries and continents over the capture of land power and wealth. These wars were fo ught on horse- backs, with swords and spears, and took days and days on end to end. The people who went to war had little or no hope of returning. And the people who stayed back awaited their return without hope. There was no contact or correspondence during that time-frame. People had to wait days for a letter to arrive. And to feel connected many wrote and read literature which described to them, battles and sea, and different places, just so they would feel connected and belonging. All these events gave rise to the fashion of writing and reading literature and poetry, ads the society was taken over by pain, loss, hurt, wait, anticipation , romance, tranquility, so almost of the accounts were written down so people would entertain themselves in time of loneliness and pain. These account of literature and poetry defined it all to them. The lonely housewives and the growing up teenage girls used to read romance novels and it used to help them fantasize about a prince charming that w ould come one day and lift them off their feet and sweep them away with him. The sailors used to study literature on their time away from home so that they didn’t feel the absence of home and their wives. All this was provided to them via literature. With the passage of time the people who went to the universities and colleges discovered new ways of communication. The telephone was discovered and was becoming common-place. People now did not have to wait for days o talk to loved ones. Literature was now only left to describe places and romance and battles. Soon the telephone turned into hand held cell-phones, and alongside, the computer technology came into being. People relied less and less on literature to tell them about battles. The computer became abundant and the people found it easy to what videos from all around the world, instead of reading them from a book. Social parties were growing lesser as the class of rich people started to fall in number and blended into the middle class. People did not go for long wars, too far off places. Wars were also not fought on horse backs and certainly not with any swords and knives, but instead with nuclear numbs. These were, very literally, machines of death. So much so that people did not like to write or read about it. Literature was now only limited to romance. By the turn of the century, electronic media became the soul of the people. Whatever was required was found either on a computer, or on a high-speed internet cable, or in a smart-phone. People who liked to
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