Thursday, December 26, 2019
Analysis of Poems of Emily Elizabeth Dickinson Free Essay Example, 750 words
Emily Elizabeth Dickinson (1830-1886) is regarded as one of the greatest and most prolific American poets. During her life, she wrote an enormous number of poems, and only several of them were published. The first volume of her poetry was published only four years after her death, and this book of poems was met by critics and the audience with great success. In all her works, Dickinson experimented with imagery, form, rhyme, and language as a whole. Visual aspects of her works are also unique and very distinctive as she did not give titles to her poems and rejected rules of capitalization and punctuation. All these techniques make Dickinson s poetry stylistically complex and extraordinary and leave not a single reader and critic indifferent. There is no strict classification of works written by Emily Dickinson, taking into account that she wrote about eighteen hundred poems. Taking a look at her most famous and well-known pieces, it becomes clear that she wrote almost about everythi ng that bothered her, specifically, such universal themes as love, life, death, nature, and immortality. Although there is no consent in critics ideas, usually Emily Dickinson is regarded as a Transcendentalist (Bloom). We will write a custom essay sample on Analysis of Poems of Emily Elizabeth Dickinson or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/page Among the techniques, Emily Dickinson utilized while writing her poems is the wide use of dashes instead of commas, periods and other punctuation marks, which indicate pauses and at the same time break the meter.
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Analysis Of The Movie The Crucible - 1256 Words
The school day finished without a further peep from Gideon, to Judy’s surprise. She bid Angie a good-bye as the ocelot was picked up by her parents. Judy smiled, as her best friend climbed into the back seat, waving to her all the way to the end of the lot. Judy was about to make her way to the car until a large paw grabbed her mouth and made is so she couldn’t scream, another went around her waist picking her up. She was thrown again a metal pole, what she presumed to be the tetherball pole that was for gym class. Once she was released, she quickly turned around to see who it was; none other than Gideon Grey. Pinning her against the pole, he stared intently with anger into Judy’s eyes, baring his sharp teeth. The two seemed at odds with†¦show more content†¦She then grabbed him the collar of his white and black plaid shirt and pulled him inches away from her face. That feeling in her gut rose, she thought she was finally going to make Gideon pay for wha t he had done to her for all those years, for torturing those other helpless students. She gave into that feeling, she had taken control of her body. Before she knew it, she was kissing him. Gideon was completely surprised; good thing none of his pals, especially Travis, were around to see this. With Judy just as surprised as he was, she was more surprised about how much she was enjoying it. She closed her eyes and counted. One†¦ Two†¦ Three†¦ Her eyes opened, and she released Gideon’s soft lips. His eyes were still wide with shock. Judy went dead silent. Gideon had the courage to muster up the words in this thick southern accent before Judy had even finished processed what she did, â€Å"Did†¦ Did we just?†Gideon trailed off as he was done stumbling over his words. He was numb and shocked. He had never kissed anyone before, and when he imagined it, he never thought his first kiss would be with a prey. He never thought he’d even like to kiss a prey animal, but to his surprise; he loved it. With Judy’s eyes and mouth gaping open, she nodded her head yes. â€Å"I.. I’m so sor†¦.†Gideon pulled Judy back to him, planting his lips on Judy’s before she could finish her sentence. Judy’s instinct kicked in andShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of The Movie The Crucible 1015 Words  | 5 Pages Two months later, congratulatory applause deafened the newly christened law offices of Rearin McKinley Attorneys-at-Law. Finally, a junior partner had made it to managing partner; Conor McKinley now occupied Mr Hardwood’s former office. Conor smiled as he thought to himself, I can’t believe I’ve made this far. Standing next to Conor s side was a beaming Bailiff Bob. Both wore matching wedding bands. Nothing would stop this power couple, now. 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The leading actors are Daniel Day-Lewis as Proctor, Winona Ryder as Abigail, Paul Scofield as Judge Danforth, Joan Allen as Elizabeth, Bruce Davison as Parris, and Rob Campbell as Hale. It was directed by Nicholas Hytner and was Based on the witch hunt which surrounded MassachusettsRead MoreEvolution Of The Witch From Early American Literature1609 Words  | 7 Pagesdifferent stories and adaptations about the monster that is the witch. From one folktale, to a book, to a movie there are slight differences that make each interpretation very unique. The stereotype is, people think that witches have green skin, big noses, and that they fly on brooms with pointy hats. However, if we completely examine the different texts such as The Conjuring or The Crucible, we can see that certain events in that time mi ght have had an influence on the portrayal of the witch. MostRead MoreThe Crucible by Arthur Miller993 Words  | 4 Pagessemester. However, one of my personal favorites is The Crucible. I was able to uncover many themes from this play such as secret sin, lies and deceit, and religion. The Crucible stood out to me from the rest of the plays. I was able to relate to it on a greater scale than the others, and the story behind the Crucible interested me very much. Also I notice a theme of secret sin. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this play as well as watching the movie. In research, I have read numerous facts on the SalemRead MoreA Reflection On The Assessment Of Leadership And Collaboration1666 Words  | 7 PagesSummative Analysis Both of the educators I observed this semester presented great examples of each of the learning outcomes. The educators varied in styles of their practices, but both educators want to achieve the same goal with their students. Mr. Cornutt from Saks High School likes to practice open class discussions with his students and wants the students to feel comfortable explaining their personal observations in a public setting. 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Yet, in order for him to obtain such a title he must possess specific characteristics. Five of which include possession of hubris, a flaw or decision leading to desire for revenge, a reversal of goodRead MoreThe Crucible Is Still Relevant Today1971 Words  | 8 Pagesâ€Å"The Crucible,†a play by Arthur Miller later turned into a major Hollywood movie, explores the politics of fear, social norms, and the fight to recapture a man’s moral compass. Miller paints his story using the small tight knit community of Salem circa 1692 as his canvass, brilliantly weaving historical fact and fiction to portray a scenario not unlike events seen since. The infamous witch hunts of 1692 and wild accusations of a subversive culture that threatened to tear away at the fabric ofRead MoreLead ership : The Truth About Leadership1443 Words  | 6 Pageswith credibility. Building your framework as a leader your trust is built by showing you are reliable, communicate clearly, treat promises seriously and don’t deceive others. The seventh truth will strengthen your leadership, â€Å"challenge is the crucible for greatness†. Work yourself through a challenge strengthen your leadership. Welcome the challenge and know that if you fail, you will learn from the mistakes. Truth eight is â€Å"you either lead by example or you don’t lead at all†. Your statements
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Case Study of Sony Entertainment-Free-Samples-Myassignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about the Case Study of Sony Entertainment. Answer: Introduction Sony PlayStation is a gaming brands which and its parent company Sony Interactive Entertainment. It includes video games with advanced controlling system known as consoles. It can be used with or without internet services. PlayStation 1 was launched in 1994 in Japan and with its success, PlayStation 2; PlayStation 3 and so on was released. Under this essay, Sony PlayStation 4s marketing environment will be discussed in order to launch in the target market for attaining the desired goals and the objectives of the organization (Davies, et. al., 2015). In order to launch the new product, target market is being selected as Australia with reviewing the demand for the PlayStation. PlayStation 4 is launched in the target market with the view to enhance its demand. It includes various innovative and unique features which make the product more effective and efficient in the gaming industry. Microenvironment Customers Sony PlayStation is video game brand and their main customers are the gaming zones, children above 14. Apart from this, interest of playing games in PlayStation is also found in every age group of audience. Sony PlayStation has decided to promote its newly launched product i.e. PlayStation 4 in the Australian market with the view to enhance the demand as well as to attain its desired goals and the objectives (Armstrong, et. al., 2012). Competitors Gaming market in the Australia is bit crowded and lot of companies such as Microsoft Next Xbox, Nintendo Wii U, Valve Steam Box, etc. are engaged in the gaming industry. Due to which Sony Entertainment needs to adopt certain advanced and effective strategies through which organization could be able to fulfil its objectives. Xbox has great features such as designing, screen resolution and it is more compatible for users. Whereas, PlayStation has numerous ranges of games and due to this, Sony has gained the competitive advantage (Brohi, et. al., 2016). Macroenvironment Economic Economic factors play vital role in the process of decision making of customers and their spending. As Sony PlayStation 4 is going to be launched in the Australian market reviewing the purchasing power of Australian people as well as economic conditions of the target market are also in favour for organization which will help them to enhance their market share in the target market. Australian Bureau of Statistics has declared that there is an increase of 1.2% in the weekly earnings of the Australian audience in November 2015 in comparison with the same period in the last year (Tam Clarke, 2015). Thus, these are positive indications for the organization in terms of launching PlayStation 4 in the target market as this will enhance the demand of the newly launched product which will lead to growth and the expansion of the organization in the international market. Technological Technological factors play crucial role in enhancing the demand for certain products. As Sony PlayStation 4 is the part of the technological field, hence; adaptation of advanced techniques is very crucial in terms of enhancing the performance in comparison with its competitors and with its own existing products. PlayStation has advanced techniques such as 8th generation operating system; this gaming console has designed as the slimmest gaming console yet. Along with these features, improvised hardware system and its 4K resolutions are also one of the attractive features of the gaming console which could help the organization to gain competitive advantage in the Australian market. With the change in the time, technology has improved the experience of gaming. This is the reason for immense success of Sony PlayStation series across the globe (Buil, De Chernatony Martnez, 2013). Identification of target market As per the market research conducted, it has been observed that the target market for the Sony PlayStation 4 will be Australia. Following are the components which describe the benefits of the Australian market for the product: Description of target market While selecting the most appropriate market for the particular organization and product, it is necessary to determine the impact of the available factors in the market environment. This helps the organization to develop adequate set of strategies for making the effective position in the target market (Fleming Mixon, 2011). The segmentation process is quite effective and efficient in these circumstances and under-segmentation process, geographic, psychographic, demographic and behavioural are the components of this process which helps the organization to ascertain the most appropriate segment of the market in terms of attaining the goals and the objectives for the organization. Under market research, it was observed that requirement of games and its relevant products are majorly in teenage group as well as in the bachelors. Targeting the customers in relation with the PlayStation 4 will be performed with the help of behavioural segmentation strategy. Under behavioural segmentation, audience is being divided on the basis of their knowledge in relevance with the product, buying behaviour towards the product and showcasing the interest in the products description, etc. Using behavioural segmentation process leads to various variables such as benefit sought user status, user rate, etc. With the help of these features, organization could easily estimate the demand of their product in the target market. Benefit sought is the process of describing the process through perceived value, benefit and the advantage could be gained from the consumers end. As per the interest shown by the consumers, product is being divided into grades category and as per those grades; strategies are being adopted and implemented for promoting and advertising the product in the target market (Freeman, 2010). After identifying the appropriate target segment for the PlayStation, Sony entertainment needs to develop and adopt certain effective promotional and advertisement strategies through which organization could easily enhance its newly launched products demand in the target market. Sony entertainment has adequate brand image worldwide and they can use that tool for promoting their PlayStation in the target market. Apart from the brand image, effective set of promotional and advertisement strategies could also be used for attaining the expected objectives of the organization (Keller, 2010). Positioning Market positioning activity could be performed with the help of available features and specifications with the product such as quality of the product, unique features of the product, the brand value of the product, etc. As Sony PlayStation has attained effective outcomes across the globe, hence; setting their effective position in the competitive market will not be much difficult for the organization. There are certain approaches are available for making the effective position in the target market such as positioning against competitor, positioning with a category, positioning as per the product's benefit, product for the user, etc. (Kotler, et. al., 2015). Under this scenario, Sony Entertainment could use appropriate strategies as per the organizational requirements. Amongst the positioning approaches, Sony Entertainment could use the positioning strategy against the competitor and the positioning approach with a category in the target market. This will help them to enhance the chances of successful launching of the PlayStation 4 in the target market. In terms of gaming products, few companies are available in the same industry through which Sony PlayStation could develop their separate image in the target market. Apart from this, it will also provide the competitive advantage to the organization (Larson, 2011). For instance, Sony Entertainment has highlighted its unique features available for their new product PlayStation 4 in order to achieve the attention from the target market as well as to attaining competitive advantage from its competitors. The organization will be able to promote its products and its features for the purpose of enhancing the brand value of the product. Additionally, Sony Entertainment has used their products unique features for gaining the specific benefit from the launching of the product in the target market. These approaches will help the organization to be unique in the competitive market as well as it will also help them to fulfil expected objectives of the organization (Lefebvre, 2011). Positioning maps are prepared for identifying the customers perceptions towards the buying dimensions of the product amongst the available products. This is generally prepared under competitive market environment. Following is the positioning map for Sony PlayStation 4: From the above positioning map, it can be identified that the X-box and Nintendo are the two primary competitors for PlayStation. While major functionalities are available under Nintendo. Xbox and PlayStation have gained their image in terms of highest games available across the globe rather than any other companys games. Sony Entertainment has gained appropriate image in terms of gaming products through delivering unique experience capability as well as qualitative gaming resolutions are the positive points for the PlayStation. PlayStation 4 has the capability to attract the consumers towards it in comparison with the other gaming products (Moore Doyle, 2010). Conclusion From the aforesaid information, it has been concluded that Sony Entertainment has taken the accurate decision in terms of launching the PlayStation 4 in Australian market. This decision has been taken on various bases such as purchasing power of Australian audiences, curiosity as well as the demand for the PlayStation over there, etc. Under this assessment, relevant environmental factors were discussed in terms of Australian market in order to ascertain their impact on the performance of the Sony PlayStation 4. In order to ascertain the most appropriate and effective market for this product, organization used segmentation strategies and as a result through those strategies, relevant positioning approaches were used for gaining the adequate competitive advantage in the target market as well as to increase the demand of their product. References Armstrong, G., Kotler, P., Harker, M., Brennan, R. (2012). Marketing: an introduction. Pearson Prentice-Hall, London. Brohi, H., Prithiani, J., Abbas, Z., Bhutto, A. H., Chawla, S. K. (2016). Strategic Marketing Plan of Nike. Buil, I., De Chernatony, L., Martnez, E. (2013). Examining the role of advertising and sales promotions in brand equity creation. Journal of Business Research, 66(1), 115-122. Davies, M., Read, H., Xynos, K., Sutherland, I. (2015). Forensic analysis of a Sony PlayStation 4: A first look. Digital Investigation, 12, S81-S89. Fleming, J. C., Mixon, T. D. (2011). U.S. Patent No. 8,078,478. Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Freeman, R. E. (2010). Strategic management: A stakeholder approach. Cambridge University Press. Keller, K. L. (2010). Brand equity management in a multichannel, multimedia retail environment. Journal of Interactive Marketing, 24(2), 58-70. Kotler, P., Keller, K. L., Manceau, D., Hmonnet-Goujot, A. (2015). Marketing management (Vol. 14). Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall. Larson, D. (2011). Global Brand Management-Nike's Global Brand. The ISM Journal of International Business, 1(3), 1D. Lefebvre, R. C. (2011). An integrative model for social marketing. Journal of Social Marketing, 1(1), 54-72. Moore, C. M., Doyle, S. A. (2010). The evolution of a luxury brand: the case of Prada. International Journal of Retail Distribution Management, 38(11/12), 915-927. Tam, S. M., Clarke, F. (2015). Big data, official statistics and some initiatives by the Australian Bureau of Statistics. International Statistical Review, 83(3), 436-448.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Sports Fans Essay Research Paper Psycologists often free essay sample
Sports Fans Essay, Research Paper Psycologists frequently look to happen forms of behaviour among similar peoplein similar fortunes. One such survey is that of the psycological consequence of athleticss squads and their fans. In a survey atMurry State University, Daniel L. Wann and Thomas J. Dolan tried to turn out that fans that had a high associationwith their favourite squad would be biassed in their rating of the yesteryear, preasent, and future preformances. Wann andThomas # 8217 ; survey set out to turn out that pupils at Murry State that had a high assosiation with their basketballteam, when asked about their records in old seasons would gauge more than really were won. Besides, ifthe pupils were asked about their anticipations for the squad in the present twelvemonth, they would be a batch higherthan they likely could acheive. Finally they would hold them do anticipations of their preformances of the hereafter, and see if there was any form among those people. We will write a custom essay sample on Sports Fans Essay Research Paper Psycologists often or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page To carry through this, Wann and Dolan used 106 sublects. Fourtyfour were male and 60 two were female, pupil voluntaries, whom took portion in the survey for excess recognition. At thetime of this trial the Murry State hoops squad was foremost in their conference with a 4-1 record. The survey consistedof a package with many different inquiries in it that would assist rate the people. The first page rated the personsidentifiability with the squad. It consisted of seven inquiries, each with a evaluation of 1 # 8211 ; 8 in association. The concluding two pagesof the package were the topics assesment of the squad. The topics were asked inquiries like: how many games hadthe squad won the old twelvemonth ( The reply was 17 ) ; How many wins will they hold this season ( the answerto that ended up being 18 ) ; and how many wins do you see for the following season. The topics so answ ered four selfratings on what they beleived was a ) hapless and outstanding, B ) preforming good above or below outlooks, degree Celsius ) bador good squads, and vitamin D ) squads with small or great ability. The pupils so were asked how they beleive the currentteam would stop the season ( Internet Explorer. NCAA Champ. , Conf. Winner, etc. ) , and asked to rate these possibilities. Wannand Dolan found that their Hypothesis was right and that athleticss fans that had a higher association with the squad, weremore likely to padd the records of the squad. They found that pupils tended to believe the squad fared better in previousseasons, and their anticipations for the preasent and hereafter were highly grandiloquent. In an article subsequently Wannfollows that their rating non merely was true for squads with winning plans, but besides with squads that have losingrecords besides. Wann preformed this survey to belie a study by Hirt and Rials that differed in oppinion from hisoriginal su rvey and said it was a biassed rating. IN his 2nd survey, Wann found that the same consequence wastrue for dedicated fans of a losing squad. They tended to make the same as the other fans did. Psycologists love to studythe effects of certain things on people. non many have looked at the consequence of athleticss on the fans. Though all peopleview things different ways, certain types of people, like those witnesss with strong association to a athletics squad, tendto have similar mentalities and prejudices on their preformance. â€Å" # 8221 ; Wann, Daniel L and Thomas J Dolan ( 1994 ) . Influence of Spectators # 8217 ; Identification on Evaluation of the Past, Preasent, and Future Preformance of a SportsTeam. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 78. 547-552 Wann, Daniel L. ( 1994 ) . Biased Evaluation of Highly IdentifiedSports Spectators: A Responce to Hirt and Ryalls. Perceptual and Motor Skill, 79. 105-106.
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