Wednesday, October 30, 2019
New product development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
New product development - Essay Example The feature has been described in a manner that it is distinguishing the product from the rest. For example, the image of the beverage is to look natural. That distinguishes the product from the rest. Moreover, the design also looks different. The fact that the beverage is natural also means it is simple in making and in design with no chemicals. That is an attractive feature. The second feature is the benefit associated with the product is the positioning. The product is positioned outside the school business on St Lawrence and 15th Street. The advantage associated is with the distance. The target group in this case is the students. The students will not have to walk long distances to search for their natural juice. The next concept is the cost. Since the beverage is made from fresh pressed apple cider, the cost will be affordable for all the customers. That is the concept and perception that the consumer will have. In addition, the target audience is the students hence the prices must be pocket friendly to win a huge number of
Monday, October 28, 2019
The Indian Culture Essay Example for Free
The Indian Culture Essay Cultural patterns define the people of a country and help in understanding their behavior, mind-set and mode of living. In India, the diverse population of the country shows some singular similarities in communication, inter-personal relations, and views about marriage and family which together constitute the unique structure of the Indian culture. Man-woman equations in the family set-up as well as the position of elders in the house are significant pointers to the culture of India. The Indian Culture Every culture has its unique characteristics which define its identity and amplify the behavioral pattern of its people. In the Indian context, the diverse languages, religions and regions of the vast country play a major part in the multifarious communication and relation markers within the same cultural texture. However, certain qualities remain uniformly similar within the assorted hues of the Indian culture. As Nirad C Chaudhuri writes: â€Å"modern Indian culture was based on a fusion of two independent and unconnected cultures, the European and the ancient Indian†( The Autobiography of an Unknown Indian 474). The effect of long-term British colonization and the rich heritage of the Sanskrit past combine to give the Indian culture its distinctive color and identity. By nature, Indians are usually verbose and like sharing/discussing ideas with each other, at times personal problems, even communicating thoughts on public issues from politics to sports. Greetings are usually with folded hands (and the accompaniment of ‘Namaste’ in Hindi, the national language), but significantly, respect to elders is shown by touching the feet of the seniors. Greetings normally go hand in hand with queries about health and life in general. However, unlike the Western concept of a strict adherence to one’s privacy, Indians by and large want to know what’s going on in their fellow men’s lives, and the questions are expected to be answered with detailed explanation about the current situation in one’s life. Emotions run high in the horizon of the ordinary Indians’ existence, from the annoyance at the over-crowded bus to the jubilation at the Indian cricket team’s victory. The western concept of direct eye-contact while talking with colleagues or superior suggesting a honest rapport is deemed an act of shamelessness especially with someone senior in age or status. Downcast eyes are a symbol of good values and respect for the other person. The American idea of private space is difficult to follow in the Indian family set-up, especially in the joint-family structure. Time is a relative term of understanding in India, as punctuality and discipline are often dependent on the irregular schedule of public transportation, people’s habit of taking things at their own pace, and long queues everywhere. Marriage is generally a family matter rather than a personal choice in India. Men and women meet in social and professional gatherings and may emotionally bond with each other. While marriage by choice or ‘love marriage’ as commonly referred to, is on the rise in modern Indian culture, most Indians still resort to an ‘arranged marriage’ to the prospective bride or groom selected by family members on the basis of status, education, and often caste, region and religion. As Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni portrays in her Indian characters in Arranged Marriage, it does not matter what the origins of the marriage, the ultimate consideration is the compatibility of the partners engaging in it. ( Transcultural Women of Late Twentieth-century U. S. American Literature 210) Unlike the liberated parlors of Western life, sex or topics about sexuality are considered taboo and it is socially unacceptable to discuss or question one’s sexual preferences openly. The cultural texture of India bars the liberal thoughts and voices on this subject. Premarital sex is discouraged by the unwritten rules of the conservative society. Modesty, virginity are praised in unmarried men and women, especially in the latter. The role of family is of paramount interest to the average Indian. The joint-family set up is an umbrella structure sheltering extended branches of the family grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins beyond the usual parent-child family of the Western world. Though nuclear families in the lines of the western model are increasingly popular, the common Indian is rooted in the traditions and customs of his family life, especially the joint family-structure. Indian society is predominantly patriarchal in nature, and the head of the family is usually the eldest son of the family. The equation of the genders in family and society is not evenly balanced, as the women normally are submissive to the decisions of the males in the Indian culture. However, the aged play a positive role in the family context, as grand-parents and seniors are treated with respect and love, and cared for in most households. Though old people are at times sent to old-age homes by their family members for reasons of economy or scarcity of care-givers at home, usually the aged are taken care of at home, and they in turn, help with the children, spending time with them and instilling in them values and good morals. The women are expected to be the primary care-givers in the family, performing the duties of the kitchen as well as taking care of children and elders. Even if the woman is a career- person, her family obligations are her first priority in the Indian culture. The man of the house on the other hand is the financial provider, and is responsible for the standard of living. However, in the changing dynamics of modern lifestyle, men and women have become flexible about their roles and responsibilities and the distinct line of difference between their gender expectations is blurred today. References Chaudhuri, N. (2001). The Autobiography of an Unknown Indian. New York: The New York Review of Books. Newton, P. (2005). Transcultural Women of Late Twentieth-century U. S. American Literature: First-generation Migrants from Islands and Peninsulas. Burlington: Ashgate Publishing.
Friday, October 25, 2019
The Picture of Dorian Gray, by Oscar Wilde :: Literary Analysis
Dorian has accepted that his soul is full of sin. When he shows Basil his true form, the one with sin written across its face, he believes he has no hope to be good. He let's Basil in on the truth because the guilt of watching Basil praise him despite the rumors about him is too much to bear. Basil is shocked to see the gross, wrinkled effigy of Dorian and implores that they ask God for forgiveness. He believes there is still a chance, and Dorian only needs to repent his sins. Dorian says with skepticism,â€Å"It is too late, Basil†(Wilde, 140). He believes his turpitude is immutable. Because he lacks the will to lead a moral life, he feels fine killing Basil and black mailing friends to clean up the mess. When Alan Campbell is invited to Dorian’s house, he describes the situation upstairs to the chemist. The dead body is merely a thing on a chair resting its head on a table. Had he seen himself as a on who leads a moral life, he would not have invited Alan and turned himself in instead. Because he has already rationalized that he will forever live a corrupted life, he is not afraid to force a friend who has adamantly refused several times to clean up the dirty work to conceal his sins. The difference in attitude before and after his encounter with the mocking portrait is the belief in redemption. ____________________________________________________________________________ Inside the book is the psychological study of a Parisian man who makes it his life goal to live as hedonistically as possible, and undergo â€Å"all the passions and modes of thought that belonged to every century except his own†([2] Wilde 109). The book is written in a way that captivates, with â€Å"metaphors as monstrous as orchids and as subtle in colour†([2] Wilde 109). Wilde writes of the book as he would write the experience of getting into a drug-induced stupor, with all of the color and hallucinations that come with it. In a way, the contents are nearly spiritual, so that â€Å"one hardly knew at times whether one was reading the spiritual ecstasies of some mediaeval saint or the morbid confessions of a modern sinner†([2] Wilde 109). Dorian’s response to it is fascination, then connection. It becomes a drug-like substance for him, and â€Å"Dorian Gray [cannot] free himself from the influence of this book†([2] Wilde 111). The Picture of Dorian Gray, by Oscar Wilde :: Literary Analysis Dorian has accepted that his soul is full of sin. When he shows Basil his true form, the one with sin written across its face, he believes he has no hope to be good. He let's Basil in on the truth because the guilt of watching Basil praise him despite the rumors about him is too much to bear. Basil is shocked to see the gross, wrinkled effigy of Dorian and implores that they ask God for forgiveness. He believes there is still a chance, and Dorian only needs to repent his sins. Dorian says with skepticism,â€Å"It is too late, Basil†(Wilde, 140). He believes his turpitude is immutable. Because he lacks the will to lead a moral life, he feels fine killing Basil and black mailing friends to clean up the mess. When Alan Campbell is invited to Dorian’s house, he describes the situation upstairs to the chemist. The dead body is merely a thing on a chair resting its head on a table. Had he seen himself as a on who leads a moral life, he would not have invited Alan and turned himself in instead. Because he has already rationalized that he will forever live a corrupted life, he is not afraid to force a friend who has adamantly refused several times to clean up the dirty work to conceal his sins. The difference in attitude before and after his encounter with the mocking portrait is the belief in redemption. ____________________________________________________________________________ Inside the book is the psychological study of a Parisian man who makes it his life goal to live as hedonistically as possible, and undergo â€Å"all the passions and modes of thought that belonged to every century except his own†([2] Wilde 109). The book is written in a way that captivates, with â€Å"metaphors as monstrous as orchids and as subtle in colour†([2] Wilde 109). Wilde writes of the book as he would write the experience of getting into a drug-induced stupor, with all of the color and hallucinations that come with it. In a way, the contents are nearly spiritual, so that â€Å"one hardly knew at times whether one was reading the spiritual ecstasies of some mediaeval saint or the morbid confessions of a modern sinner†([2] Wilde 109). Dorian’s response to it is fascination, then connection. It becomes a drug-like substance for him, and â€Å"Dorian Gray [cannot] free himself from the influence of this book†([2] Wilde 111).
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Cruise Tourism Industry
Cruise tourism industry is has become the most important icon of modern tourism in the 21st century. This has mainly been prompted by the changing human utilitarian demands and globalization which makes it much easier to move and interact with environment and other people. Besides, it has been boosted by vast advancement in technology that makes it easy for the people to move out within the highest considerations of safety, comfort, and precise predetermination of the expected destination.Cruise tourism industry has given the tourism total revolution making the industry to be one of the most important sectors in the world economy (Kingston, 2006). However the development and future of the industry is highly dependent on the emergent issues that directly affect the world economy as the main source of consumers for the industry, the international peace & stability especially of the destination regions, the environmental considerations for the industry, and the regions of destination. O f greater importance however, is the consumers desire to explore and experience new aspects and phenomenon different from their home settings.Besides, it forms a direct platform for effective research in different aspects of psychology, natural sciences, social interactions and technological applications (Wood, 2000). Therefore, it depicts a coterminous entity upon where vast applications can be simultaneously applied and studied with ease. Overview of the cruise industry Historical background and development of the industry The current Cruise tourism industry has a long history dating back to the late 19th century when Prinzessin Victoria Luise was finished and commissioned by Hamburg-American Line Company for Transatlantic expeditions.However, historians argue that cruise voyages have existed since the famous travel of Christopher Columbus. Though scholars have sharply been divided over the issue, a common ground appears to have been reached with re-definition of tourism and chara cterisation of its different aspects. Most of the ancient voyages were driven by desire to search for new lands and exploit them for economic gains and less concerned with need for pleasure and site seeing of the current tourism (Kingston, 2006).However, it is very clear that the modern system has directly been shaped by the historical connotations and vastly modified by advancement in technology to reflect its present situation. During the mid 20th century, intercontinental travellers largely used ships for their movement due to the resultant comfort and good experience attached to it (Abraham & Yoel, 1999). However, most of them were directly travel oriented and had less to do with tourism demands. It was due to these experiences that the current systems of massive cruise ships largely establish its basement and progress.More cruise ships specifically meant for holiday were established with greater emphasis for comfort and satisfaction being given much higher priorities (Charles & Brent, 2006). However, most of the cruise considerations were thought to be reservations for the upper class while the lower classes had no position in the same type of expeditions. The current cruise ships are fully inclusive and entirely meant for all the people as the cost adjusts downwards with the rising suppliers of the services. Organization and management Due to the high returns from the industry, massive investments have been mobilized by the different cruise industries.Unlike the previous travelling where much smaller and simpler systems operated with greater focus of transferring people from one destination to another only, the current cruise ships are organised much like float hotels with complete hospitality staff. In the Royal Caribbean International, the staffs in the ship are equal or slightly less than the number of tourists on-board. Effective coordination and management with technicians, engineers, security, and astrologists form the technical bench in the MS Libe rty of the Seas.Besides, they are well manned from the land by constant coordination with the base surveillance monitoring unit via satellite. In the Minors of the Sea, several thousand meals are several thousand meals are served at any particular sitting. The system has been equated to an ecological unit with all the systems highly interdependent and fully self sustaining with minimal external monitoring. Demand for the cruise tourism Since late 1980s, the demand for cruise tourism has strongly risen globally as different generations change the approach to tourism to become part of their lifestyle demands which sets a strong mark of achievement.Compared to the demand during the ‘rebirth' of the industry in 1980s', the demand had doubled by the year 2005. An average of 500,000 people in North America took cruises by the onset of 1980s (Zeneth, 2008). However, the industry was marred by uncertainty due to poor development of technology and lack of enough information for the ind ustry. Besides, cruising was mostly undertaken in US and Eastern Europe only with other countries being at the tender ages of developing their systems. Since then, the demand has been rising at an average rate of 8% annually and is expected to reach a total of 10 million cruises by the year 2007.This number has been projected to continue rising as more players have ventured into the market shifting the previously upper class venture consideration to an all people exercises for faster expansion of the business. By 2015, it is predicted that the number of people cruising the oceans will reach 17 million a 70% increase on the 2000 total number. According to the cruise lines international (CLIA), the demand from the people is double the current number of the cruisers but strongly restricted by location which hinders accessibility (Chris et al, 2008).The most visited region is the Caribbean with over 80% of the tourists it every year. Europe regions are also greatly visited especially al ong the Mediterranean Sea routes. However, fast demand is shifting to the Baltic land along Copenhagen, Tallinn, Stockholm, Helsinki and St. Petersburg ports. Supply of cruise tourism Arguably, the supply of Cruise Tourism has been rising very fast over the last three decades. However, the pace is considered to be a slow one compared to the level of demand by the people for the same services.As indicated earlier cruise tourism is one of the most expensive ventures in the world. Though most travellers view is as a system of get-enjoy-achievement, the underlying harmonization entails vast demands in terms of engineering, coordination and human labour management, security connotation, and international considerations of environment and related protocols. As a result, only few industries have been wiling to venture into the complicated business (Charles &Brent, 2006). This has left the field to smaller ships with much lower holding capacities to operate the lucrative business.The modern carriers are generally much bigger with massive and advanced facilities to hold and secure more consumers with higher levels of comfort during the voyage. Currently, Carnival Corporations is one of the largest cruise companies owning Princess Cruise ship, Swan Hellenic, P& O Cruises and Costa Cruises among others operating US and Europe. By 2010, the company aims at having over 100 cruise ships added to the current 200 operating in the sea. Other major operators and suppliers of the services include Royal Caribbean which is highly established in the North American region.It serves the tourists even to further destinations like Bermuda regions and the polar areas. Norwegian Cruise Lines serves most of the Europe especially along the Mediterranean sea with extension to the polar regions and the Baltic lands. Currently, cruise tourism is becoming a mass market with other major players like India, China, Japan, and Singapore establishing their cruising tourism systems to tap the fast r ising demand. In US, 1/3 of the cruise sails from the port of Miami with others sailing from Port Everglades, Port Canaveral, New York, Tampa, Galveston, and San Juan.Many of the UK cruise lines operate from Barbados (Zeneth, 2008). Economic aspects of cruise tourism Due to the high demands for the cruise services in the world, most of the countries have greatly reaped from the establishment. With the currently demand being expected to rise to 11. 9 and 5. 3 million in America and Europe respectively, World Trade Organization indicates that the sector will form a strong economic support for the individual countries by the year 2015. International Council of Cruise Lines indicates that the industry is riding a strong line of consumer demand improving the economic conditions in North America.According to Zeneth (2008), an average economic impact of the cruise industry spending is estimated at US $ 1, 523 million annually including the total consumption of the ship and passengers. Owin g to the current growth rate of the industry, the amount is expected to double as the industry becomes more vibrant and more players venture into the business. Most of the seaports where the cruise ships take off have highly developed from the business. Scholars argue that the â€Å"flavour and taste†of port cities like Miami, St.Peters burg and Barbados have fully changed to reflect the new ideals of superiority and expensive derivation. The efficiency of the services and facilities offered in these towns have greatly increased with modern aspects relating to cruise tourism improving with speed to cater for the fast growing business (Chris et al, 2008). In Australia, the Cruise industry is expected to contribute immensely to the country's economy in the next decade. Most of the industries specializing in human services provision have found special niches where they can get fast market for their products and services.Environmental aspects of cruise tourism Though this indust ry is fast growing and offering vast promises to the investors and the economy, major concerns have been cited in its application and which requires strong consideration necessary for reducing possible negative effects. Over the years, environment has become a major concern for the cruise tourism industry. Taking into consideration that most of the cruise ships are very large and hold vast numbers of people, the system is also expected to generate vast wastes and emissions into the environment as it tries to sustain them and itself (Sarah & Claudia, 2008).Most of the cruise ships are petroleum driven and consume vast quantities of fuel. This is mainly used in production of electricity used in cooking, propelling the ship and maintaining its on-board supportive systems. As a result, it releases vast emissions into the atmosphere contributing to global warming. With the current rise in production and use of large cruise ship in the world, their total contribution into the atmosphere h as been projected to surpass vehicles production by 2015.A large Cruise ship like Royal Caribbean International has been indicated to have higher capacity to produce envisions equal to to production of 1200 cars (Zeneth, 2008). Owing to the large numbers of the people involved, vast quantities of food prepared and served, supportive services like cleaning and maintenance of these ships during the voyages, they release a lot of effluents and solid wastes into the sea. Most of the petroleum effluents have high sulphur contents that easily change the properties the immediate water threatening the vast biodiversity in the cruise ship travelling lines.Cleaning and maintenance of the cruise ship involves use of chemicals that too end up in the waste stream coming from the ship. The argument that ocean water forms strong and effective dilution mediums that have high capacity to assimilate most of their wastes is totally wrong. The International Convention for the Prevention of Ship Polluti on denotes the essence of respecting the ecological integrity and sanctity necessary for harmonious coexistence of all the ecosystems. During the year 2002, the massive death of Penguins in the southern polar region was attributed to ship pollution (Sarah & Claudia, 2008).Solid wastes management has also posed massive threats to the wildlife in the sea. Most of the lines along the cruise ship path ways highly littered with plastic bags and metallic cans for refreshments. Conclusion and recommendation Cruise ship industry has been growing at a tremendous rate since mid 20th century. This has been caused by the fast rising demand and opening up of the industry to all the people as opposed to the prior social classes consideration. As a result more players and investors have entered into the industry opening its lager contribution to the world economy.Arguably, the last two decades have seen US and Europe dominate the world cruise market with large percentage. However, other players fr om developing countries have effectively come up to participate in fast growing sector. Cruise tourism holds the key to the future of tourism industry as people change their consumerism patterns for different services (David & Richard, 2008). However, the industry should address issues relating to its negative impacts especially to the environment.Most importantly, the company owners should establish better ships that have higher fuel combustion efficiency in order to reduce the overall emissions to the atmosphere. Besides, liquid and solid waste treatment systems should also be installed to reduce their poisonous nature to the marine environment along the routes that these cruise ships follow. Reference list Abraham, P. & Yoel, M. (1999). Consumer behaviour in travel and tourism. Bonn: Haworth Press. Chris, C. , John, F. , Stephen, W. & David, G. (2008). Tourism: Principles and Practice. Geneva: Pearson Education. Charles, R. &Brent, R. (2006).Tourism: Principles, Practices, Philos ophies. New York: John Wiley and Sons. Kingston, R. (2006). Cruise Ship Tourism. New York: CABI. David, J. & Richard, S. (2008). Tourism and Development in the Developing World. London: R outledge publishing press. Sarah, V. & Claudia, C. (2008). Water Pollution Issues and Developments. Brussels: Nova Publishers. Wood, R. (2000) ‘Caribbean cruise tourism: globalization at sea', Annals of Tourism Research, 27(2), 345-70 Zeneth, P. (2008). Tourism development: Analytical consideration of Cruise tourism industry, Journal of tourism management, 29(41): 401-469
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Christian Respose to Islam
Christianity and Islam are two of the most significant religions since their creation. Islam means â€Å"submission†in Arabic, and a Muslim is one who submits to the will of God (Allah). Christians are called so because of Jesus’ title Christos, which is Greek for Messiah. Christianity and Islam are similar in a lot ways, but also have quite a few differences in beliefs, practices, and basic theology. They also give separate messages to outsiders as to what their religions stand for. Both religions are monotheistic with a holy text and they both strive to conquer evil. Islam has a set of rules (5 Pillars of Islam) set forth to reach enlightenment while Christians repent, accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, and then are forgiven for their sins. A lot of people in today’s world believe that Islam and Christianity are very similar with only a few subtle differences, but this paper will discuss some of the big difference regarding the belief in on God, the view on prophets and the view on the Day of Judgment. To begin, lets compare the Islamic view on the belief in one God. The first and greatest teaching of Islam is proclaimed by the Shahada, which states, â€Å"La llaha illa-l-lah, Muhammandun rasulu-l-lah. †(â€Å"There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is the apostle of Allah†) (Robinson). After a person sincerely makes this confession than they become a real Muslim. Muslims believe that Allah is one, and has no partners, no equals. The Quran states, â€Å"And cry not unto any other god along with Allah. There is no god save Him. †(Sura 28:88). This statement in the Quran makes a clear claim that Muslims believe that Allah is supreme, that he created and maintains the world. In Islam it is also very clear that Allah has no son, no father, no relative and no associates. â€Å"The Muslim prophet Muhammad is reported to have written down 99 names to try and express the attributes of Allah. Some of these that Muhammad wrote down is that Allah is merciful, that he is all-powerful (omnipotent), all-knowing (omniscient) and that he is eternal (no beginning and no end)†(Robinson). The Christian response to this claim by Muslims is that there is only one righteous and transcendent creator God. In the Old Testament Moses states, â€Å"The Lord our God is one Lord; and you shall the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your might. †(Deuteronomy 6:4). This passage makes it clear that God is there is only one God who wants us to love him totally with all our being. Once again in the New Testament Jesus Christ himself states, â€Å"29 The most important one, answered Jesus, is this: Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one. 30 Love the Lord our God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. (Mark 12: 29-30). The problem between Christians and Muslims is not the fact that there is only one God, but the view of the trinity. Christians believe that there is God the Father, God the Son (Jesus) and God the Holy Spirit. These three persons are complete in unity of will, purpose, action and love, yet cannot be separated even though they have different functions. The Bible speaks of God, the Father, who as the co- Creator, blesses: â€Å"Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ. (Ephesians 1: 3), initiates and sends â€Å"Now this is eternal life: that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent. †(John 17: 3). And finally God sent the Holy Spirit, who is resident within a Christian, to guide, instruct and empower them. â€Å"16 And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Counselor to be with you forever 17 the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you. (John 14:16-17) It is important that God as â€Å"Father†not be viewed within a biological context. Christians share with Muslims the prohibition against conceiving of God in the form of an image. God as â€Å"Father†refers, rather, to a relationship between God and man. Christians accept all the 99 names of God, which Muslims repeat in praise to God. Even the name Allah is affirmed by Christians as one of the names of God, the same Arabic name that the Prophet Abraham used in Hebrew as â€Å"El†or â€Å"Elohim. †Secondly, lets compare the Islamic belief about the prophets to that of the Christian belief. Islam makes a distinction between a messenger (rasul) who is sent with a Divine Scripture to guide and reform mankind, and a prophet (al nabbi) who simply carries information or proclaims Allah's news. Therefore, though all messengers are prophets, not all prophets are messengers. The number of Allah’s prophecy is said to be 124,000, yet the Quran mentions only 25 prophets. Some of these prophets are Adam who is the first, Abraham, Jacob, Ishmael, Isaac, David, Solomon, John the Baptist, Jesus and also Muhammad, who is said to be the final and greatest prophet. And verily, we have raised in every nation a Messenger, saying, â€Å"Serve Allah alone and shun false gods in any form. †Then Allah guided some of the people. And error took hold of others. Do take lessons from history as you travel in the earth, and see the consequence of the deniers. †(Sura 16:36) According to the Sura Allah raised up these prophets, among every nation, to provide mankind with firm and constructive guidance, so that they could walk the straight path of Allah, could live happily in this world, and could be prepared for life after death. Allah promises to protect his prophets from serious sin, bad disease and death. Muslims use this belief to deny that Jesus, who they believe was just a prophet, did not die on the cross because as stated above prophets cannot be killed. The Christian response about prophets is that God appointed prophets and others to speak to mankind about his word, and his story of redemptive acts in history. Christians believe that God revealed the interpretation of his acts to the prophets who then passed it on to man by preaching, teaching and writing it down. Even though â€Å"Muslims and Christians have quite a few people that both agree were prophets Muslims do not believe that Isaiah, Jonah, Daniel, Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Peter, Paul and Jesus were prophets†(Robinson) Prophets within Christianity came from different classes of society, some rich, others poor, young and old; some scholars, and others with little education. Not all wrote books (Elijah, John the Baptist), but they all heard God's word, either through angels, by means of visions, by God's voice, or by receiving the message in their minds and hearts. Also contrasting Islam we know that prophets were not sinless, but just normal believers whose sins were forgiven by God. The prophets most important message was that since there are none who could obey the law fully, they remained still in sin, and so deserved death. â€Å"Yet, those living with sin need not despair, because God had promised to take upon himself the guilt of their sins, by incarnating himself and dying on the cross, thus taking upon himself that penalty, and so freeing him to forgive them from those sins, which then brought them back into a personal relationship with him. (Rahim et al). When a Christian tries to evaluate to see whether or not Muhammad was a prophet, they must try to see him in light of the total Biblical witness ending with Jesus and displaying these three criteria. One that he fully accepts the former Scriptures, two that he points to the central significance of Jesus as redeemer and three that his life and teachings exemplify suffering redemptive love. Based on these three criteria, which are shown through the life of Jesus, Muhammad is not at all a prophet. Thirdly, lets view the Islamic view on the Day of Judgment (Death) and the Christian response to what they believe. â€Å"To begin we must first find out what a Muslim believes about sin. To a Muslim sin is a private matter, which is not binding from one generation to the next. This is so because Satan is the root of all sin and Allah being all merciful, forgives those who ask. There is only one sin that the Muslims believe is so bad that it is deemed unforgivable, that of â€Å"shirk,†which is the practice of associating anyone or anything with Allah. Going by this logic the sin of Adam and Eve was not really their fault at all because Satan tricked them, and they asked for forgiveness. Furthermore, their sin was not hereditary/ passed down to their children. Also because the sin committed by Adam was not his fault and he repented, Allah made him earth’s first messenger. †(Nazir-Ali 142-144) For the Muslim, salvation is attained not by faith, but by works, in observing the Five Pillars of Islamic practice, as well as avoiding the major and minor sins. Tradition indicates that on the Judgment Day, once the person is buried, the two recording angels appear, and the dead person sits up to undergo an examination. If he says the â€Å"Shahada†(â€Å"There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is the apostle of Allah†), he lies down peacefully and awaits his judgment. If he refuses the â€Å"Shahada,†he is severely beaten for as long as Allah pleases. Once the individual is awakened for judgment a scale is presented, which weighs the good and bad deeds of the person taken from their â€Å"book of destiny. Ultimately Allah makes the decision as to whether someone should be received into paradise or not. â€Å"If Allah places the individual’s book in his right hand then that person is saved and crosses a razor sharp bridge to paradise, which holds a perfumed garden of material and sensual delights, surrounded by rivers and flowing fountains, populated with black-eyed virgins, who are there to serve them with all variety of fruits†(Nazir-Ali 145). On the other hand, a vivid hell (Gahenna) awaits those who fail the test. This hell is described in the Quran as a place consisting of boiling water, gore and fire; it is a hell of extreme physical pain†(Nazir-Ali 145). Christians view of sin/death is drastically different that of Islam. A Christian believes that any sin is an abomination to God, because it is, in essence, a rejection of His character. Christians believe, as Muslims believe, that Satan does tempt us. Yet, Christians are responsible for their own sins, and not Satan. Christians believe that they have the choice to reject Satan's tempting. But, The Bible insists throughout, that the wages of sin is death, and since we are all guilty, therefore, we all deserve death. God, however, in His mercy, has not left us in that guilt, but has offered payment and forgiveness for those who receive it. He has sent His Son (Jesus Christ) to die in our place, to take upon himself our guilt. Therefore, those who believe in His redeeming death on the cross, and repent of their sins, are saved from eternal separation (John 3:16-17), while those who reject Him will be eternally condemned. Before His ascension into heaven, Christ promised to return a second time to judge the world. When He returns, He will raise all the dead to life, and will separate those who believe from those who reject, as a shepherd divides the sheep from the goats. Those rejecting Christ will live in eternal punishment, in total isolation from God because, in rejecting God's Son, they have rejected God the Father and God the Holy Spirit as well, and no sin is greater than this. â€Å"22 Who is the liar? It is the man who denies that Jesus is the Christ. Such a man is the antichristâ€â€he denies the Father and the Son. 23 No one who denies the Son has the Father; whoever acknowledges the Son has the Father also. (1 John 2:22-23). Those who have truly believed in Christ the redeemer, will not fear Christ on Judgment Day, and will have eternal life. This does not mean that they will go into a garden full of carnal pleasures, which, as we know in this life, separates us from God, but they will go into the presence of God Himself, to live forever with Him in love and in joy. For, as it says in The Bible, †3 And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, â€Å"Now the dwelling of God is with men, and he will live with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God. He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away. †5 He who was seated on the throne said, â€Å"I am making everything new! †Then he said, â€Å"Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true. †6 He said to me: â€Å"It is done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. To him who is thirsty I will give to drink without cost from the spring of the water of life. 7 He who overcomes will inherit all this, and I will be his God and he will be my son. (Revelation 21: 3-7). To summarize, even though Islam and Christianity both are monotheistic, both have a holy text and both strive to overcome death/evil there are big blatant differences. Hopefully the above paper achieved its’ aim in informing people of the differences regarding the belief in on God, the view on prophets and the view on the Day of Judgment. All in all those that believe that these religions are similar and basically the same thing are incorrect and should stop skipping over/ignoring the discrepancies between the religions.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
How to Improve Your Instagram Engagement With 15 Tips
How to Improve Your Instagram Engagement With 15 Tips One of the biggest challenges with any social media platform is getting your audience to engage with your content. We all know the saying that a picture is worth a thousand words. So, when you post a picture on Instagram, you should get tons of engagement, right? After all, its a platform thats all about pictures. It isnt always that easy though. Fortunately, were about to dive into how you can become an Instagram engagement mastermind. Well run through 15 tactics you can implement right now. Plus, have you heard you can schedule to Instagram with ? Now you can plan these tactics in advance to go from spontaneous to strategic! Here we go! Download 20 Free Bonus Tips Get even more Instagram marketing tips with this free download. By the time youre done reading, youll have all the knowledge you need to drive more engagement and earn more followers. 1. Use Hashtags For 12.6% More Engagement You didn't think hashtags were just for Twitter, did you? Hashtags allow users to stumble across your Instagram page by searching for hashtags. If a user is interested in marketing, they can type #Marketing into the Instagram search bar and find posts related to marketing. Posts with at least one relative Instagram hashtag average 12.6% more engagement than posts without a hashtag. So, if you want to get more likes on Instagram, hashtags are a great place to start! Although Instagram allows up to 30 hashtags per post, try to keep it around 5-10 so you don't come across as spammy. Or else you can hide your hashtags, so they can’t look spammy! Make them invisible by preceding them with four or five periods, each one on a line by itself. Sprout Social's Dominque Jackson offers two good tips to keep in mind when using hashtags: "Look at how many hashtags influencers in your industry and your competitors use in their posts." "Track the engagement of your posts when you use different amounts of hashtags." 70% of the most used hashtags are branded. Consider creating a branded hashtag that you use on each image post for more engagement. This way users can easily recognize who the image is from. TIP: Include only relevant hashtags to Instagram photos. 2. Use Correct Size Images To Stand Out In A Feed There's nothing worse than uploading an awesome photo that gets cutoff or doesn't upload the way you envisioned. Instagram image size used to be 612px by 612px, but then switched to 1080px by 1080px to keep up with Retina and other high-resolution displays available on smartphones, tablets and laptops. That's a huge improvement! Instagram still scales these photos down to 612 x 612 pixels, but you don't have to worry about your image getting cutoff. You can edit your photos or create awesome collages with these 7 tools mentioned by Post Planner: Snapseed - A complete and professional photo editor developed by Google. VSCO Cam - Shoot and edit your images in one app. Camera+ - Set exposure separately from focus. Easily control how light or dark your shots come out. Overgram - Choose from 16 carefully curated and dramatically different fonts. Find fonts that are useful, fun, and beautiful, perfect for any occasion. Pic Stitch -  #1 photo and video collage maker. Squaready - Allows you to post entire photos on Instagram without cropping. Hipstamatic - The original photo filter app. Choose the overall mood of your image with Hipstamatic's signature Lenses, Films, and Flashes, then fine tune with extensive editing tools Make sure that your photos are not only sized correctly, but are also appealing. Studies show that brighter pictures get 592% more likes than the darker ones. Muted palettes also get the most likes. So, give priority to grays, blues, and greens. Be cool on Instagram- at least when it comes to colors! Prioritize grays, blues, and greens for max engagement on Instagram.3. Include A Call-To-Action Instagram is a photo sharing app. But, you can use it as a platform to leverage the written word too. Take your audience a step further by adding a call-to-action to your Instagram photos. That call-to-action tells your followers exactly what you want them to do. With Instagram you can either put the call-to-action in the caption of the image or creating images with the text built right in. The goal of a call-to-action is to increase the number of likes and comments a photo receives. You can ask your audience to: Double tap photos Tag 2 friends Share a comment Recommended Reading: How to Write a Call to Action In A Template With 6 Examples 4. Include Witty Captions On Photos Not every description has to include a call-to-action. You can win your audience over with a witty caption on your Instagram image. You can spice up your Instagram captions by: Dusting in a question: Whipping up a quick tip: Sprinkling in a benefit: Adding a dash of humor: To achieve maximum engagement on captions, include a few emojis. Post Planner shared how they earned 3x Instagram growth by using emojis to ignite engagement in both posts and comments. Recommended Reading: How To Write For Social Media To Create The Best Posts 5. Post At The Right Times Instagram audiences are more engaged throughout the week. Quick Sprout found that Instagram engagement is fairly steady, with slight increases on Monday and decreases on Sunday. So, Mondays should get a little more attention since it's the beginning of the week. Here are the best times to post on Instagram: Monday and Thursday at any time other than 3–4 p.m. Videos any day at 9 p.m.–8 a.m. Experiment with 2 a.m., 5 p.m., and Wednesday at 7 p.m. General best times to post on Instagram: 8–9 a.m. 2 a.m. 5 p.m. Find out what times work best for you! Figuring out what drives the most engagement is all about trial and error. Recommended Reading: What 23 Studies Say About the Best Times to Post on Social Media 6. Host Instagram Contests Drive the engagement your way by hosting an Instagram contest. People are motivated by free giveaways. Hosting a contest is one of the easiest way to gain exposure and get more followers on Instagram, which will help you increase your engagement. Be clear about your objectives and exactly how you want your audience to participate for the best outcome. Define easy, simple rules before you launch your contest. Here are some tips for hosting contests: Like to win contests. Users can be qualified for the contest by simply liking the Instagram contest photo. Hashtag user-generated content contests. Users can share their own photo by including a contest-centered hashtag to the photo to be qualified. Tag 2-3 friends to win contests. Users can be qualified by tagging two or three of their Instagram friends into the comment section of the contest photo. Make your product the prize. If your aim is to promote your brand, make sure your product is the prize. Use a contest specific hashtag. Always use a hashtag when hosting a contest so that your users are aware that a specific hashtag is related to your contest. Have you tried running an Instagram contest?7. Create Instagram Stories To Drive Engagement Instagram Stories are fairly new, bringing Snapchat-like functionality to the platform. This function allows users to upload and write over unfiltered pictures and videos that disappear after 24 hours. What does this mean for marketers? Instagram stories will help boost your Instagram strategy. Instagram stories are located at the top of the news feed as circles. You can click on these circles and view the story. Users can draw on photos and videos, add text and even filters to jazz them up before posting too. It allows you too share content, without clogging up your news feed. To create your own Instagram story: 1. Tap on the plus button found on the top-left side of your newsfeed or swipe left in your Feed. You can also quickly launch Stories by swiping right from the main screen: 2. Tap the circle button at the bottom of the screen to take photos or tap and hold to record a video. 3. Edit the photos or videos with text or add a drawing as you normally would. If you hit the pen icon, there are three types of pens. The third one makes your sketch look like a neon sign: 4. Tap Done to save your Story. 5. Tap the check-mark button to share to your Story. Here are ways you can leverage Instagram stories to your benefit: Show your brands personality. Upload a fun picture or video of your office shenanigans. Share a quick tip or tutorial. Try doing a 'Tip Tuesday' or other form of tip sharing story. Advertise limited sales. Promote a sale you're having directly on your Instagram story. Vote on next post. Let your audience decide what your next Instagram post will be! Users can comment their answer on your most recent post. Host a QA. Answer your audience's burning questions through Instagram stories. Stand out from your competition using Instagram stories.8. Include A Link In Profile Do you want your audience to view your website, sign up for a newsletter, or read you blog? Well, you can send them in the right direction by including a link in your Instagram profile description. Instagram prohibits the use of clickable links within your captions but you can change your bio link at any time and use a call to action to drive traffic to that link. To change your Instagram bio: Click Edit Profile on your Instagram profile page. Click on Bio. Type out your new bio and include the URL link you want. Select Done. Make sure to tell your users what the link is for and where they can find it in your Instagram post. Recommended Reading: How to Increase Visibility with Social Media Optimization 9. Share Videos To Attract Attention Although there have been studies that photos see more engagement than videos on Instagram, videos are still a great for engagement if executed correctly. Earlier this year, Instagram videos went from being 15 seconds long to 60 seconds long. Instagram videos are similar to Instagram stories, except they last forever rather than 24 hours. So make sure your video is creative and entertaining. Nike has taken advantage of the video trend: Here's how to shoot a video directly in the app: Have you tried shooting video on Instagram?10. Create Banner Images A tactic that's often overlooked is using banner images. Banner images are multiple images posted that form together to create on big picture on your Instagram profile. It's a trendy way to catch people's attention, but it could be annoying if it's overdone. Use this tactic only when you have a big announcement or feature to promote. You can even take this a step further by making your audience guess what it is you're introducing.  Build suspense by only posting one part of the picture every week. That way you're audience won't know what you're announcing until all pieces of the picture have been posted. To create banner images you can use mobile apps such as Giant Square or Banner Pic. These apps allow you to easily upload the photo you wish to post as a grid, divide it up into several segments and upload them to your Instagram gallery. Curious how to create banner images on Instagram?11. Choose The Best Complementary Filter The key to having a clean Instagram page is to have all your images look similar, or branded. Brand image is how people perceive your brand and it sets you aside from others. It's important so customers can identify themselves with your product based on an image they see. Take our Instagram page for example, all of our images have the same style so it's easily recognizable that it's a post from . According to Refinery29, using the right filter can increase the odds your image will be seen by 21% and increase comments by 45%. When it comes to brand image: Choose a similar style of filter every time so that your Instagram page looks uniform. Don't use too many different filters. Avoid black and white photos because they don't stand out in a feed. Filters that increase saturation (intensity of color in the image) don't increase engagement. Recommended Reading: The Ultimate Guide to Using Color Psychology in Marketing 12. Cross Promote On Other Social Channels Is your business on Facebook? How about Twitter? Maybe even LinkedIn? Chances are, your business is on more than one social channel. Use these sites as a gateway to bring your audience to your Instagram company page. For example, when your Twitter followers mention your company, you can occasionally respond back by encouraging them to check out your Instagram page. Cross promotion can boost your presence from nothing to something. Remember not to respond to every mention this way so you don’t come across as spammy. Only encourage your followers to check out your Instagram page if you truly think they would. Recommended Reading: Social Campaigns: Simplify Your Social Promotion [New Feature] 13. Follow And Like Similar Accounts To get your business name out there, you'll have to see what other's in your industry are posting on Instagram. You can follow similar accounts by searching for hashtags to find likeminded friends. Once you find an account you like, follow them and like 3 of their photos. This shows the user that not only did someone who is kind of like them follow them, but they also dug a little bit and really liked what they found. Apps like Pixifly, Banjo, and Instaround allow you to see what Instagram users in your area are posting so you can follow and engage with your local or broader community. Recommended Reading: How to Get Insanely Loyal Followers on Social Media 14. Create Instagram Ads One of the best ways to reach new audiences is through Instagram ads. You have to spend money in order to make money. Instagram ads are a guaranteed way to reach more people and bring engagement to your page. Facebook is the parent company of Instagram, so in order to create an Instagram ad, you will need to use the Power Editor feature through Facebook. Here's a great video on exactly how to set up your Instagram ad. To create an Instagram ad in Power Editor: Click the Manage Ads tab at the top of the page. Click on the left side of the page and then click Create Ad. On the Create Ad page, choose whether to use an existing campaign or create a new campaign. Enter a name for the ad and click Create. 15. Respond To Comments Just like with any social media platform, it's important to respond to comments so that your audience knows your human and you care what others have to say. Let your audience know that you aren’t a social media robot - you’re a real person. When users comment on your Instagram posts, respond quickly. If you don’t, then it’s going to seem like you’re not very active on your own Instagram page- or you simply don’t care. Your followers will be much more likely to post comments if they know that you are reading them and that you will respond to them in a helpful manner. Use first names when you are responding. Addressing your followers in this way makes them feel more appreciated- not to mention that people love to be acknowledged. Small gestures like these help to build loyalty. If you respond right away, there’s a chance that the conversation will continue since they may still be on your page. Recommended Reading: How to Use Social Media Listening to Create Better Content for Your Audience What Instagram Engagement Tactics Work For You? Take a step back from the typical selfie and use the power of visuals to your advantage! Instagram engagement is 10x higher than Facebook and 54x higher than Pinterest, so what do you have to lose? Get in there and engage with your audience! Have you tried out ’s Instagram scheduling? Quit forgetting to post on Instagram, and instead do it with just a few clicks. Get a free 14-day trial today, and check it out for yourself. Implement these tactics the next time you post on Instagram and watch your engagement rate skyrocket.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Free Essays on Business Proposal
Proposal to the Women’s Business Development Association - Opportunity for Disadvantaged Women to Receive Free Computer Skills Training and Career Development Services Problem Many disadvantaged women do not have access to and/or funds for professional services and computer skills training in their neighborhoods. Typical barriers to empowerment include special needs, childcare needs, and language proficiency. Recommended Solution Create WiredWomen of Fort Lauderdale This program will provide support for access to computers, technology, and technology-based educational learning activities for women in low-income communities who otherwise would lack that access to computers and information technology. Individuals under this program will receive career development and job preparation, such as computer skills training (basic and advanced), resume writing workshops, and access to databases of employment opportunities, career information, education/degree opportunities and other online materials. WiredWomen will initially receive referrals from Family Central, a local non-profit organization that services low-income, single-parent families. Organization Goals A recent GAO report (Telecommunications: Characteristics and Choices of Internet Users, February 2001) and a series of U.S. Department of Commerce studies (Falling Through the Net, 1995, 1999, 2000) on Americans’ access and use of technology show that although more Americans now own computers, low-income households are still far less likely to own computers and know how to use advanced technology. The mission of WiredWomen of Fort Lauderdale is to empower disadvantaged women in the field of computer technology. GOAL 1: INDIVIDUAL DEVELOPMENT – provide career development and job preparation resources in small groups (10-15 women per class) Objective 1: provide computer skills training classes at beginner, intermediate, and advanced levels (e.g., Introduction... Free Essays on Business Proposal Free Essays on Business Proposal Proposal to the Women’s Business Development Association - Opportunity for Disadvantaged Women to Receive Free Computer Skills Training and Career Development Services Problem Many disadvantaged women do not have access to and/or funds for professional services and computer skills training in their neighborhoods. Typical barriers to empowerment include special needs, childcare needs, and language proficiency. Recommended Solution Create WiredWomen of Fort Lauderdale This program will provide support for access to computers, technology, and technology-based educational learning activities for women in low-income communities who otherwise would lack that access to computers and information technology. Individuals under this program will receive career development and job preparation, such as computer skills training (basic and advanced), resume writing workshops, and access to databases of employment opportunities, career information, education/degree opportunities and other online materials. WiredWomen will initially receive referrals from Family Central, a local non-profit organization that services low-income, single-parent families. Organization Goals A recent GAO report (Telecommunications: Characteristics and Choices of Internet Users, February 2001) and a series of U.S. Department of Commerce studies (Falling Through the Net, 1995, 1999, 2000) on Americans’ access and use of technology show that although more Americans now own computers, low-income households are still far less likely to own computers and know how to use advanced technology. The mission of WiredWomen of Fort Lauderdale is to empower disadvantaged women in the field of computer technology. GOAL 1: INDIVIDUAL DEVELOPMENT – provide career development and job preparation resources in small groups (10-15 women per class) Objective 1: provide computer skills training classes at beginner, intermediate, and advanced levels (e.g., Introduction...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
The 8 Best Jobs for Teens and How to Find Yours
The 8 Best Jobs for Teens and How to Find Yours SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Looking to gain a little more independence and real-world experience? Hoping to develop some useful professional skills? Getting a job as a teenager is a great way to work towards these goals. In this post, I'll talk a little bit about why you should (or shouldn't) get a job, before telling you what you should be looking for in your first part-time position. Read to the end for tips strategies on finding the best job for you! Why Should You Get a Job as a Teen? Maybe you're still deciding whether you want to jump into the world of employment; maybe you've made up your mind that getting a job is definitely right for you. No matter where you stand, I hope you read this section carefully - if you get a job for the wrong reasons, you might end up being counter-productive in the long run. Many students think it's important to get a job for the sake of their college applications. It's great to demonstrate that you can juggle different responsibilities and that you participate in activities outside of school. Keep in mind that admissions officers would rather see strong academic performances than mediocre performance + a part-time job. For this reason, I think jobs can be really great during the summer when you have a lot of free time - you can gain employment experience while also bringing in your own personal income. Working part-time while school is in session is a different story. Many students do really well in school with a part-time job, but there are more variables to consider. Namely, you have to think about prioritizing your other day-to-day responsibilities: school and homework, extracurricular activities, family, and friends. If you can balance these priorities in addition to a part-time job, go for it! If you're struggling to keep up your grades and other activities, however, you'll benefit much more in the long run by focusing on academics than you would by working part-time. It's important to find that balance between school, work, and fun. One important exception to this reasoning is if you need to get a job for financial or familial reasons. If circumstances necessitate that you work part-time while you're in school, and this negatively impacts your grades, it's important that you explain these circumstances on any college or scholarship applications. Now that we've got that out of the way - on to the fun stuff! What Should You Be Looking For in a Teen Job? Chances are you won't be making a ton of money as a teen in an entry-level position. Everyone has to start somewhere, though, and if you're thoughtful about what sort of job you want, you'll be able to get a lot out of your first employment experience. I've come up with a list of skill development areas that should generalize to many jobs (and other aspects of your life as well). You don't have to look for a job withall of the qualities I'm about to list, but here are some possible job skills benefits to consider. Think about which job qualities are most important to you: Responsibility Will people be depending on you? Is it important that you adhere to a regimented schedule, or that you complete a series of tasks or projects in order for things to function smoothly? If yes, you can expect that a particular job will help you develop a strong sense of responsibility, which is a great quality to develop as a teen. Now, most jobs will require you to demonstrate some degree of responsibility. What will ultimately vary among jobs is what you're supposed to be responsiblefor.Here's a general guide to the responsibility hierarchy that you'll find applies to most jobs: Responsible for listening to directions completing tasks Responsible for yourself - that is, doing your job without being told Responsible for taking initiative - anticipate what needs to be done, complete tasks effectively without explicit direction Responsible for other people - direct, teach, and train others. In most entry level positions, you'll start off at the lower end of this hierarchy. Some people prioritize opportunities to gain more responsibility and autonomy - do you? People Skills People skills development is a great advantage of customer service jobs (think working in a restaurant or retail store).Anyone who’s worked in customer service can tell you that you’ll encounter less-than-pleasant people, but you'll also have awesome one-on-one experiences with great customers. Any future jobs or career options will appreciate that you can work well with people, even (especially) difficult individuals. Teamwork Collaboration Some jobs are pretty solitary - you might be interacting with others in a service capacity (for example, as a checkout clerk), but you won't be collaborating with your coworkers much. Jobs where it is important to develop a sense of community, or where you work with coworkers on projects, help build your teamwork skills. Jobs that emphasize collaboration and community can be especially valuable for your resume and college applications. You'll be hard pressed to find a future employer who doesn't highly value a team player. Leadership Growth Potential You’ll find leadership growth potential in positions where you get more responsibility and/or autonomy once you’ve proven yourself. For example, in a restaurant, there might be opportunities to work your way up from busboy to waiter. In a retail environment, you could move from sales associate to shift manager. This upward trajectory comes from hard work and a demonstration of initiative, and usually accompanies pay raises and a fancier job title. This will help you both in future job searches and in your college applications. Additionally, you'll sure get a healthy dose of self-satisfaction that comes with being rewarded for your hard work. Professional Development This one might be a bit more difficult to find in an entry-level job for teens, but it’s definitely possible. By professional development, I mean developing interests, passions, and network connections based on your future career interests in a particular field. For example, if you’re interested in going to veterinary school, you might seek out work or volunteer positions at local animal shelters. If you’re interested in the hospitality industry, you could look for hostess jobs at local restaurants or front desk positions at hotels or inns. If you’re interested in research, check out labs at local universities for part-time research assistant positions. The possibilities are endless and really depend on your own unique interests and skills. 8 Great Jobs for Teens and Where to Find Them Now that we've gone through important job characteristics, I'll list some ideas for the best jobs for teens, along with corresponding job skills strategies. This list is by no means exhaustive, however, so if you have your own ideas about part-time jobs you'd like, I encourage you to do your own research and check them out! Don't worry if you have to send out many applications before getting a call for an interview; that's pretty typical for a job search. Babysitting Job skills: Responsibility, people skills How to find positions:It's best to start with families you already know. Your business will grow through word of mouth if people are happy with your services. You can also post fliers at schools, churches, and community centers. Animal Shelter Worker Job skills:Responsibility, teamwork collaboration, possible leadership growth potential, possible professional development How to find positions: Visit your local animal shelters or rescues and ask for part-time employment or volunteer applications. Some shelters may require you to be 18 or older, so you may have to ask for parental permission if you're underage. Landscaper Great summer job option, and it tends to pay pretty well (although it's very hard physical work). Job skills: Responsibility, teamwork collaboration, possible leadership growth potential How to find positions: Visit local landscape companies ahead of the busy season (spring/summer) to ask if they're looking for seasonal help. Grocery Store Clerk The great thing about clerk positions is that you can find them almost anywhere. Some larger companies even offer college scholarships (Wegmans, for example). Job skills: Responsibility, people skills, leadership growth potential How to find positions: Check online on stores' websites, or visit their customer service desks to ask for applications. Restaurant Staff Depending on your past restaurant industry experience, you might start off as a busser, waiter, or host. Bussers, in particular, don't have to be experienced, but once you're in you can work your way up the ladder. Hourly wages are really low (below minimum wage), but you can make quite a bit of money in tips depending on where you work. Job skills:Responsibility, people skills, teamwork collaboration, possible professional development How to find positions: Check online for local job postings, or ask for applications directly from restaurants. Sales Associate There are so many different types of sales associate positions; if you're in the right geographical area, it's possible to find something tailored to your interests. Are you passionate about fashion? Check out department stores or local boutiques. Are you active or outdoorsy? Look into sporting goods stores. More interested in tech? Check out computer or cell phone sales. Job skills: Responsibility, people skills, leadership growth development, possible professional development How to find positions: Check online for local job postings, or ask for applications directly from stores. Tutoring This is a great way to hone your own skills while helping someone else with your talents. Job skills: Responsibility, people skills, leadership growth potential How to find positions: Check if there are any tutoring programs offered through your school. Look into local tutoring agencies or volunteer groups. Ask your parents if they have friends with younger kids who could use tutoring help. List yourself on online tutoring platforms like Wyzant. Go Independent With newer online platforms, it's easy for budding entrepreneurs to advertise their wares and services both locally and globally. If you have a particular skill that you're passionate about, you don't have to abandon it to pursue a more typical part-time job. If you can provide a service (for example, maybe you're a graphic designer or programmer), you could likely find independent part-time work. If you're an artist or craftsman, you might be surprised to find that there's high demand for high-quality, customized goods. Job skills: Varies How to find work: Offer services through word of mouth to local businesses, friends, and family. You can also check out online platforms like Elance. If you produce goods, consider attending crafts or art fairs, or making an Etsy or Ebay account. What's Next? Looking to save your hard-earned earnings from your part-time job? Check out our guides to saving money on the SAT and ACT. If you hope to get a job so that you can save up for college, you might want to look into some of our guides to financial aid, including information on the Pell Grant, Direct Subsidized, and Direct Unsubsidized loans. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points?We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:
Saturday, October 19, 2019
ECO..Profits and morality Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
ECO..Profits and morality - Assignment Example This is because there will no longer be a motivation to keep doing paying or else the electric supply will be cut off. However, in this case of freedom to decision-making involving consumption has led to a negative outcome reducing the wellbeing of the capitalistic electric company that is there for profit. Another example mentioned involves Ford Pinto model of car and is a quite well-documented incident regarding the defective rear engines of the car that could catch fire following collisions (Sidewinder77, 2007b). If people were given the freedom to decide about the production and buying variables of the car, most individuals would not be willing to pay a higher price for a safer car. This decision would ultimately increase the risk of being susceptible to death by a faulty car because people, if given the freedom to decide, would not always choose rationally thereby reducing overall wellbeing of the
A Study of Factors which Influence Management Student's Career Choices Dissertation
A Study of Factors which Influence Management Student's Career Choices after Graduating from Master's Degree - Dissertation Example Items of the questionnaire. 28 Table 2. Frequency and percentage distribution by gender. 33 Table 3. Frequency and percentage distribution by age. 33 Table 4. Frequency and percentage distribution by number of years since graduation from Masters in Management degree. 34 Table 5. Frequency and percentage distribution by ethnicity. 34 Table 6. Descriptive statistics: Extrinsic Factors (Status Orientation) 34 Table 7. Descriptive statistics: Intrinsic Factors: Self-realisation. 35 Table 8. Descriptive statistics: Intrinsic Factors: Self-determination 36 Table 9. ... Coefficient of determination: Influences to career choice of Management graduates. 39 Table 15. One-way ANOVA: Influences to career choice of Management graduates. 39 Table 16. Beta coefficients: Influences to career choice of Management graduates. 40 List of Acronyms There were no acronyms used in the research. An Investigation of the Factors which Influence Post-Graduate Management Students’ Career Choices: An Empirical Study Nameand ID Module code: Structured Abstract Purpose Overall, the present research aims to determine the factors that significantly influence the career objectives of management graduates. It aims to ascertain if extrinsic, intrinsic and interpersonal factors, along with personal and situational attributes significantly predict the choice of a management-related job or career by management graduates. Career objectives are referred to as the drivers of the career choice selected by an individual. As motivators, career objectives play a fundamental role in determining the career path of the individual and are thus quite significant in setting the career course of the person. Career objectives underlie the specific career choice and path that the individual will trod, including the job prospects that will be available for him; his future needs in monetary and psychological terms; and other key themes that determine the individual’s present satisfaction and his future intentions related to his profession. Being a fundamental factor in the process of determining the career path of an individual, career objectives are influenced by numerous factors. Subsequently, career objectives influence the preferred career choices of an individual. The myriad of effects presented by career objectives makes it quite essential to identify its influencing
Friday, October 18, 2019
Why did i choose to study anesthesia technician Essay
Why did i choose to study anesthesia technician - Essay Example What I have finally determined and realized is that I would like to be directly involved in working within a health care environment, as opposed to the previous business organizations that I have served. As long as I can remember, I was always intrigued by facets relating to medicine and health care; and my shelves are filled with medical books that perfectly coexist with other literary works; among which are Practical Doctor Dictionary and Jane Eyre, Avicenna, Castaneda. The working experiences I had for various organizations such as an auditing firm, the Rublev and K, the Bryansk Federal Environmental Protection Agency, the Bryansk Branch â€Å"Turboremont†Gazprom, and the TA billing office UMUC in Germany, all focused on my competencies within the finance and accounting functions. Although I acknowledge my responsibilities as crucial in ensuring that the internal funds of these organizations are appropriately in order and properly managed, the fulfillment that I long to experience within a health care environment is not achieved. I felt that there remains a void to needs to be filled and the quest for changing direction in one’s profession would satisfy this need. My search for entry to the health care endeavor has been addressed as I looked closely in the which promises to develop my skills in the areas of preparation of much needed medications, setting up of equipment, as well as maintenance of anesthesia supplies. I am actually looking forward to having hands-on experiences working with patients who need to be prepared for anesthetic procedures. I recognize that my contribution would be beneficial for the treatment of patients seeking improvement in their health conditions and overall wellbeing. Eventually, I see myself as seeking higher personal and professional goals using this career path to obtain additional certifications and the opportunity to
Explain and illustrate this with reference to examples drawn from at Essay
Explain and illustrate this with reference to examples drawn from at least two chapters from Book 1 - Essay Example The chapter also debates how the inequality is contested and what the demands of social justice are. There are many movements that are given as examples to support the topic. Welfare state is the concern of every society and inventing a welfare state is the responsibility of politics, policies and resources. The demands of a welfare state are equality, justice and security. But at most of the times an ideal welfare society or social justice cannot be maintained as they are bound of place and time. So there are compromises and settlements made in regards to let the system of the society work. There are different kinds of populations in a society like rich and poor. Not every society has the same needs and demands thus the concept works and lies within the society. It depends on the society but it may not fit a welfare state as a welfare state demands much more than just justice. When inequality exceeds its limits then the term used is exclusion. It is when the society becomes so unjust that groups do not even get considered as a part. The chapter answers questions that arise about social justice. The notions of social justice are based on two concepts, well-being and harm. Both of them affect the meaning of social justice and they are applied to a welfare state too. They frame the welfare state and crime control. The writer discusses the relationship between the well-being harm and social justice and talks about capabilities and capacities that are engaged to shape individuals, communities and social groups. Care is another factor involved as it fulfills functions of well-being of a society. Thus care and harm are opposition and are discussed in the chapter on contrasts. Care is associated to both welfare state and social justice. The chapter also discusses the harm and crime that is made at the work areas and explains it well with examples. The injustice made at work needs justice, making work places safe, regulating labor problems, labor mobilization,
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Recognizing Contract Risk and Opportunities Essay
Recognizing Contract Risk and Opportunities - Essay Example The reviewing officials, upon receipt of the request will review the performance evaluation and any supporting documentation and may meet with you and/or me, if deemed appropriate. With in 15 work days of receipt of the request, the receiving official will issue a written response to either uphold the performance, evaluation rating or direct that the evaluation be revised The one year contract between Span System and C-S is $6 million. This is C-S bigger e-CRM order in the pipeline, and the chances of Span System to getting the order lies in the contract performance. Leon Ther, the IT outsourcing director, is an influential personality, is one among the top negotiator of C-S. Span. After eight months of the project, problems started to set in. Spans deliverables have been behind schedule of the last couple of months. In the manner of quality, C-S had detected that the quality of the deliverables are unacceptable , or of low quality. Leon Ther, addressing his letter to Kevin Grant, he said that C-S can nit afford to have schedule slips due to its deadline for the release of a transaction software in the market. Leon Ther had no other alternative but to ask for the immediate transfer of all unfinished code and asserter rescission of the contract by C-S. Problems at both ends are now arising. The user and the system have now grown since the determination of the study in the planning stage, thus making it difficult for the accommodation of the agreed upon and cost and the timelines. Since the ordinary requirement changes had been agreed to in the contract, the actual change had been ordinary. Due to C-S change in its project management structure, the approval and review times had been affected. Neither of the two parties may cancel the agreement, it is because subsequent to more than 50% of the consideration having been tendered by the other. Since more than 505 of the project schedule had elapsed, C-s may not rescind the contract. Mere
Applying a reading as a lens Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Applying a reading as a lens - Essay Example Forty years on in today’s world, men can be viewed through the same lens once considered only for women; today’s ‘ideal’ spectator may be female, looking at the nudity or semi-nudity of a man. The term nudity rather than nakedness is intentionally used here in light of Berger’s reference to the dichotomy between nakedness and nudity (), wherein if a person is naked they maintain self but to be nude that person becomes an object on display for the satisfaction of others. The depiction of the male in (Fig.1) is nude not naked and is an object for the desire of women and men. I say men, because such an image would also appeal to men whose sexual preference is for other men; I say men because the same image would appeal to hegemonic men who desire the same muscled physique as that paraded in the photograph. The author of this advertisement has considered his audience, his spectators, through a very wide lens and has been able to present an image that is exhibited in such a way as to allure the largest possible number of voyeurs. He has turned a man rather than a women ‘into and object – and most particularly an object of vision: a sight’ (Berger ). His visual representation provides evidence of his way of seeing what his intended audience wants to see; in other words, in his mind, through his lens he has defined his audience. Through his lens he sees one primary audience – one that is driven by sexual desires, which by definition transgresses all boundaries of gender. While the creator of this image has determined an image of his audience, the viewer can at the same time determine a picture of the creator. As a viewer looking at this photographic advertisement, I see it as having been created by somebody that understands how human nature is driven by sexuality and that in today’s world of equality and desire for perfection, such sexuality can be enticed by a male body. If the same advertisement pre sented a female body the creator would more likely lose a percentage of his spectators – homosexual males. I see a creator who is astute in selection of person for the image because it is that of the famous footballer and metrosexual David Beckham, which provides additional fodder for enticement. Fig.1 Calvin Klein What is particularly worthy of mention in this advertisement is the way in which the eyes of the image are looking directly at his spectators, as if to talk without speaking, knowing they are there looking at him in the same way that for Berger men look at women. In paintings discussed by Berger too the women rarely looked out to their audience but instead looked away or down (). Another difference between this photograph and the portrayal of women in European nude paintings is that women were exposed as submissive (Berger )wherein here the connotations are far from submissive; instead we get a sense of brazen assertiveness, a kind of ‘come and get me if you dare’ impression. There seems to be a fine line between this advertisement in fact, and soft pornography and the creator is inviting his spectators to a voyeuristic screening. While the body is displayed for its audience and to appeal to the sexuality of that audience, it still has much to do with the man’s own sexuality, unlike the same picture of a female displayed in the same way. There is no attempt to provide the spectator with a sense of ownership (as was the intent of female nudes) by minimizing the man’
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Recognizing Contract Risk and Opportunities Essay
Recognizing Contract Risk and Opportunities - Essay Example The reviewing officials, upon receipt of the request will review the performance evaluation and any supporting documentation and may meet with you and/or me, if deemed appropriate. With in 15 work days of receipt of the request, the receiving official will issue a written response to either uphold the performance, evaluation rating or direct that the evaluation be revised The one year contract between Span System and C-S is $6 million. This is C-S bigger e-CRM order in the pipeline, and the chances of Span System to getting the order lies in the contract performance. Leon Ther, the IT outsourcing director, is an influential personality, is one among the top negotiator of C-S. Span. After eight months of the project, problems started to set in. Spans deliverables have been behind schedule of the last couple of months. In the manner of quality, C-S had detected that the quality of the deliverables are unacceptable , or of low quality. Leon Ther, addressing his letter to Kevin Grant, he said that C-S can nit afford to have schedule slips due to its deadline for the release of a transaction software in the market. Leon Ther had no other alternative but to ask for the immediate transfer of all unfinished code and asserter rescission of the contract by C-S. Problems at both ends are now arising. The user and the system have now grown since the determination of the study in the planning stage, thus making it difficult for the accommodation of the agreed upon and cost and the timelines. Since the ordinary requirement changes had been agreed to in the contract, the actual change had been ordinary. Due to C-S change in its project management structure, the approval and review times had been affected. Neither of the two parties may cancel the agreement, it is because subsequent to more than 50% of the consideration having been tendered by the other. Since more than 505 of the project schedule had elapsed, C-s may not rescind the contract. Mere
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
RESEARCH ON YOUTH CULTURE MOST INVARIABLY TENDS TO ROMANTICISE OR OVER-POLITICISE INSTANCES OF YOUTHFUL RESISTANCE. DISCUSS WITH REFERENCE TO Thornton, S, C - Essay Example There is not one monolithic youth culture that defines all young people. Popular youth culture embraces a diversity of sub-cultures or â€Å"tribes†such as skaters, druggies, snobs, band geeks, Satanists, Jesus freaks, techno-goths, computer dweebs, blacks, Latinos and white trash. Groups distinguish themselves by dress, style, music, body modification practices, race, ethnicity, and language. (Hines, 1999) Thus a researcher, who intends to study the ethnic, racial, political, cultural, sociological or linguistic aspect of a subculture, often ends up in analysing one of the factors and tend to romanticise or over-politicise these aspects. Subcultures were one of the major fields of inquiry at the Birmingham Centre for Contemporary Cultural Studies in the 1970s, and this overview will take as its starting point Resistance Through Rituals, the BCCCS’s 1976 collection of working papers on the subject. In the introduction, the authors acknowledge their debt to the interactionist sociological approach to deviant behaviour, and especially to Howard Becker’s 1963 book Outsiders. Here, Becker’s theoretical work on art worlds and on deviance intersect in the classic study of freelance dance band musicians, whose â€Å"culture and way of life [were] sufficiently bizarre and unconventional for them to be labeled [sic] as outsiders by more conventional members of the community†(Outsiders 79). Becker builds an intricate ethnographic analysis around the values encoded in the concept of â€Å"hipness†(as opposed to â€Å"square†society) and the way such values are made to operate tactica lly within the subculture. This study, published in 1963, is part of the corpus referred to by Gelder and Thornton as the â€Å"Chicago school†whose themes (male urban opposition to ‘mainstream’ commercial and moral values) clearly prefigure the main preoccupations of the British cultural studies
Monday, October 14, 2019
The systems development life cycle Essay Example for Free
The systems development life cycle Essay THE SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT LIFE CYCLE A system has various stages of development called the system development life cycle. This cycle consists of four stages: Planning and investigation, analysis, design and implementation, follow up, and maintenance stages. Planning and investigation involves an investigation of an already created system, organizing a system study team and developing strategic plans for the rest of the study. The analysis portion of the life cycle consists of analyzing the company’s current system in order to determine the information needs, strengths, and weaknesses of the existing system. The design stage of the life cycle consists of the changes that eliminate or minimize the current systems flaws and weaknesses while increasing or preserving the strengths. Implementation, follow up and maintenance includes obtaining resources for the new systems as well as training new or existing employees to use it. Companies then conduct follow up studies to determine whether or not the new system is successful and to identify any new problems with it. Of course, businesses must maintain the system like correcting minor flaws and updating the system. There is not really a distinct way to determine when the stage is reached or even completed, which is why it is called a cycle because it is continuous. For example, follow up studies of a system should be a continuous process. Companies constantly reevaluate systems to make sure they work the way they should because if problems in the system re-surface or a new problem appears the life cycle starts over again starting with the system study. Also, since the system study is based off of already existing systems it is a never ending cycle so there is no real way to know when the cycle is completed or a certain stage reached. Often businesses will perform two or more stages of the life cycle simultaneously so multiple stages can be reached at once and the steps of the life cycle do not necessarily always happen in order. These stages of system development make up its life style, planning and investigation, analysis, design and implementation, follow up, and maintenance and are all necessary stages for a systems success.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck Essay -- farm, tractors, land own
The bright colors and nice shirts all grab your attention at the store, but how did the cotton, grain, or wheat in the products come to be? In Steinbeck’s The Grapes of Wrath, mechanization brings capitalism and other unintended consequences, leads to the decision for land owners of whether to run a business using greed or virtue, and separates the working class. Steinbeck starts The Grapes of Wrath by showing the Joad family who had just been removed from their farm. The Joads are one family of a monstrous number of families to be removed from their farms. They were raised on the land, some died on the land, and they were with approximately seven million families that lived on farms in the same day (â€Å"U.S. AGRICULTURAL POLICY,†10). The banks told the Farmers’ Association to lower the overhead of all agricultural products by employing possibly one or two men to take the place of sixteen other men. The owner of the land had the choice to both get rich and be extremely wealthy by profiting off the loss and pain of others or to become one who is taken advantage of and becoming hungry and poor. One of the main unintended consequences of employing one man to drive the tractor was a loss of contact to the land. The land owners became completely separated from their land. The people who farmed in the same way as the Joads lived for the land, and they lived because of the land. This relationship between farmer and land was destroyed due to the introduction of the tractor to the land. Land owners no longer knew when they needed to give the land a break, and for this reason many pieces of land became totally dust and truly became unformidable to any type of farming. This overuse of the land led to what we know as the Dust B... ...reed which totally annihilated the working class’s bond of unity. If the working class had united maybe they would not have been so very miserable for such a long time. Maybe the Dustbowl would have never happened. Works Cited â€Å"Article III.†The Harvest Gypsies: On the Road to the Grapes of Wrath. Charles Wollenberg, ed. Berkeley: Heyday Books, 1988. â€Å"Article IV.†The Harvest Gypsies: On the Road to the Grapes of Wrath. Charles Wollenberg, ed. Berkeley: Heyday Books, 1988. Harvey, John, John Crowley, and Jack Hayes. U.S. Government. Department of Agriculture. Face of Rural America. 1975. Steinbeck, John. The Grapes of Wrath. 1939. Eds. Peter Lisca with Kevin Hearle. New York: Viking,1997. Rasmussen, Wayne D.. "The Challenge of Change." Trans. Array U.S. Agriculture in a Global Economy. 1985. "U.S. AGRICULTURAL POLICY." The Reference Shelf. 38. New York: 1966.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Smoking Cigarettes Essay -- Argumentative Persuasive Example Essays
Smoking The first article for review is titled Self-efficacy, Health Locus of Control, and Smoking. This article studies how the participants confidence levels and health locus prior to entering treatment predicts results of the quitting program. The program is called "Fresh Start" and was conducted in Victoria, Australia. It consisted of three groups: (A) those who made an attempt (Stop for one day), (B) those who met criteria in A, and did not smoke for duration of program, (C) those who abstained for six months. Confidence was tested by questionnaires (post, during and at 6-month period). Health Locus is defined by how the participant attributed health outcomes (internal, external or by chance). The results of this experiment showed that those individuals across the three groups who had high levels of self-efficacy was related not to the number of attempts to quit, but the success of the attempts, while "the role of Health Locus of Control [was found to be] complex needing further investigation" (Stuart, Borland, & McMurray, 1994, p. 1). The second article for review is titled, Sensation Seeking, Nicotine Dependence, and Smoking Motivation in Female and Male Smokers. This study was conducted using a sample of French smokers (36 F, 60 M) and non-smokers (23 F, 45 M). The goal of the experiment was to study "the relationship between sensation seeking and smoking" (p. 221). The objectives of the study was (a) to see if smokers are higher in sensation seeking than their non-smoking counterparts, (b) to see if there are any gender forces in smoking and sensation seeking, and (c) to examine "in each sex, the nature of the relationship between sensation seeking and smoking" (p. 221). These three items were measured on four sub-scales, they are: 1) The Disinhibition subscale (DIS) - shows desire to be socially open, extroverted 2) The Thrill and Adventure Seeking subscale (TA... ...s, 19(3), (p. 219- 227). Pergaman Press Ltd., Oxford, England. Crittendens, K.S., Manfredi, C., Lacey, L., Warnecke, R., & Parsons, J. (1994). "Measuring Readiness and Motivation to Quit Smoking among Women in Public Health Clinics" in Addictive Behaviors, 19(5), (p. 497-507). Pergaman Press Ltd., Oxford, England. Garvey, A.J., Hitchcock, J.L., Heinold, J.W., Rosner, B. (1992). Addictive Behaviors, 17, (p. 367-377). Pergamon Press Ltd., Oxford, England. Grove, R.J. (1993). "Attributional Correlates of Cessation Self-Efficacy Among Smokers" in Addictive Behaviors, 18(3), (p. 311-320). Pergaman Press Ltd., Oxford, England. Parrott, A.C. (1993). "Cigarette Smoking: Effects Upon Self-Rated Stress and Arousal over the Day", in Addictive Behaviors, 18(4), (p. 389-395). Pergaman Press Ltd., Oxford, England. Stuart, K., Borland, R., McMurray, N. (1994). "Self-Efficacy, Health Locus of Control, and Smoking Cessation" in Addictive Behaviors, 19(1) (p. 1-12). Pergaman Press Ltd., Oxford, England.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Reveiw Questions and Critical Thinking Questions
1. What is a camera? A camara is a light-tight box that contains a light-sensitive material or device and a way of letting in a desired amount of light at particular times to create an image on the light-sensitive material.2. What is a convex lens? A convex lens is bend the light toward the center of the lens, since one or both sides of the glass curve out. It also takes the various rays of light and bends them toward the same point, which ultimately allows an image to form.3. What three components make up a film camera? Define each part. The three components are First is the mechanical element, which is the camera body and the parts associated with it the second one is the optical element, This is otherwise known as the camera lens. Finally, we have the chemical element, which is the film. These three different elements make up a film camera.4. What is a pentaprism? What job does it do in the camera? A pentaprism which is a five-sided mirror. The job of the pentaprism is to flip the light from the image so that the image appears right side up rather than shows the inverted image that first occurs.5. What are point and shoot cameras? How do they differ from SLR cameras? Point and shoot cameras are those that use an optical viewfinder, rather than having the semiautomatic mirror. The image the photographer sees through the viewfinder is not the exact same image that will be recorded. An SLR, or single lens reflex, camera has a semiautomatic movement of the mirror, which produces an exact image in the viewfinder, is different from the point and shoot cameras because the point and shoot cameras shows not the exact image that will be recorded, and the SLR show a exact image.6. What is JPEG? What considerations have to be kept in mind with JPEG? JPEG  is the default file format in many digital cameras on the market today. We need to consider JPEG has an important drawback to this space-saving advantageâ€â€it is compressed in a lossy manner, which means that some of the data is lost. The more the image is compressed (the smaller the size of the file), the more information from the image is lost.7. What is the difference between optical and digital zoom? Optical zoom works like a telephoto lens, the image quality remains the same as the image is magnified.Digital zoom crops the image and enlarges the cropped image to fill the frame of the camera. This means that the digital zoom generally results in a loss of quality in the image. They are different because Optical zoom remans the same as the image is magnificant, and digital zoom enlarge the cropped image to fill the frame of the camera.8. What are the steps you can take to create a pinhole camera? Have you tried to make one? First, you’ll want to cut the round oatmeal box (or other cardboard type tube or round container) in half, leaving the bottom of the container in place, so that you have two short round pieces or tubes.Place a piece of wax paper over one of the open ends of the round container and tape it in place. Once you have this done, put the oatmeal tube back together again so that the wax paper is in the middle of the tube. Wrap tape around the middle of the tube where the two pieces join together, making the tube as lightproof as possible. Finally, create a small pinhole in the bottom of the container. Now you’re ready to try out your pinhole camera. I’m going to try to make one.9. What are some of the differences between film and digital cameras? Which one do you prefer? Digital cameras digital cameras create files that are relatively large, digital images do not require processing for viewing, use an electronic image sensor to digitally record an image, Some digital cameras can also be used to create video in addition to still photographs. Digital cameras create photographs that are made up of pixels. Film cameras film must loaded into cameras and developed in light-tight conditions, this drives up the cost of d eveloping and printing film-based images, ilm negatives or final prints must be scanned prior to computer manipulation, some color prints can fade over time. I prefer digital camara.10. What are some advantages of being able to see an image right after you’ve taken it (such as with an instant camera or being able to review the image on a digital camera)? With a digital camera you can basically take as many photos as you like until you get the perfect image. If you don’t like the way your photo has turned out you can simply delete it and take it again. This can be done because you can view the photo seconds after you’ve taken it, is just perfect to have this camaras, and be able to see the image right after you’ve taken it.
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